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Bella watched him in numb silence. What had she expected? That she could fill that gap inside her with a moment of passion? Had she thought it would be something more? She was useless at relationships. All relationships.

Bella thought she wanted to be on her own and then she saw him finish dressing and realised that she really didn’t.

‘Where are you going?’ She blurted out the question before she could stop herself and he lifted his head and looked at her. For a moment they just stared at each other and then he reached for his dagger and secured it in his belt.

There was something about the cold, hard set of his profile that made her stomach quake and suddenly her insides were a mass of insecurity.

‘Did I do something wrong?’ The moment the words left her lips she wanted to drag them back in, but it was too late and she cringed as she listened to herself.

Talk about needy.

Without answering, he strode towards the opening of the tent and Bella felt the tears burn her eyes. ‘Don’t you dare just walk out on me,’ she flung at him, and he turned then—this man with whom she’d shared the ultimate intimacy—and gave her a look that froze her blood.

‘That was—’ he inhaled deeply ‘—a mistake.’

‘Finally we agree on something.’ Trying to keep her dignity, Bella reached for the thin sheet and covered herself. ‘It was your fault.’

Something flared in his eyes. ‘You could have refused me.’

‘How? You weren’t exactly taking no for an answer.’

His head jerked back as if she’d slapped him. ‘If you’d said no, I would have stopped.’

Bella’s face turned scarlet. Was she supposed to confess that she hadn’t been able to think, let alone speak? Was she supposed to confess that she hadn’t wanted to say no?

‘You’re the Sheikh,’ she said flippantly. ‘I didn’t think I was allowed to say no to you.’

‘Since when has that stopped you?’ His mouth tightened. ‘It will not happen again.’

Bella’s ego crumbled into the dust. So much for feeling sexy and wanted. So much for thinking they’d shared something special.

‘That’s fine by me,’ she snapped but she was talking to the thick, oppressive air in the tent because he’d walked out, leaving her alone.


‘I’VE never had a one-night stand, Amira.’ Bella leant her forehead against the mare’s sleek warm coat and rubbed her hand gently over her back. ‘The newspapers print all those fictitious stories about me because it sells their papers and I play up to it, but if they knew how little experience I’ve had, they’d die of shock. I’m nothing like your master, who must have had quite a lot of experience if his virtuoso performance was anything to go by.’

The horse whickered softly, turned her head and nudged her gently.

‘I can’t take you for a ride,’ Bella said humbly, warmed by the animal’s response to her. ‘Remember what happened last time? I almost killed you and I’m not risking that again. I don’t care about me, but you’re really special.’ She kissed the horse and then tensed as she heard the sound of hooves from behind her. Wary, she turned and saw the Sheikh, and her tummy clenched.

Even on the horse, he looked spectacular—sleek, handsome and totally in control.

Reining in the stallion he sat still, looking at her, his hands steadying the powerful horse. Remembering how those hands had felt on her body, Bella felt an unwelcome rush of heat.

‘Nice ride, Your Highness?’ She’d pulled on her tunic again, but now she was regretting having cut it so short. For once, she wished she was covered up. Determined not to let him see how uncomfortable she felt, she made a fuss of the horse, aware that he was watching her.

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