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‘You have no need to explain yourself to me and no need to feel embarrassed.’ His eyes darkened. ‘These last few days have been a terrible strain for you. The threat of marriage to Hassan, whom you clearly fear and loathe, escaping from the palace, losing your sister in the desert and then being picked up by my men. Marriage to a stranger, a near drowning, and then living with a husband with whom you’ve barely shared a conversation but are expected to undress for.’

Layla tried to smile. ‘When you put it like that, it’s no wonder I’m a little wound up.’

‘A little?’

‘A lot. I’d be a lot better if there was news of Yasmin.’

His hand dropped from her face. ‘So far there is none, but that does not mean you should worry. Salem is renowned for not communicating.’

Remembering the dark, forbidding profile of the man she’d seen only briefly on that first night, Layla found that of little comfort. ‘What if he can’t find her?’ She blurted the words out, seeking reassurance.

‘If anyone can find her it will be Salem.’ Raz hesitated, as if he were deciding how much to tell her. ‘He has a special set of skills.’

‘But what if Hassan has already tracked her down? What if he has her right now?’

‘Then Salem will find both of them and you can safely feel sorry for Hassan.’

Layla hesitated, because to make an accusation unsupported by solid evidence felt wrong. ‘I have nothing but instinct on which to base this suspicion, but I think Hassan may have played a part in the death of my father.’

His expression didn’t change. ‘I’m sure you’re right.’

The relief that came from having someone to discuss it with was overwhelming. ‘You suspect it too?’

‘Of course. The moment I heard about the Sheikh’s sudden illness it was the first thing that came to mind. We have no proof, but we believe it was Hassan who ordered someone to tamper with the brakes of my car two years ago. I don’t believe it was his intention to kill or injure my wife, because that would have brought him no political benefit. There is little doubt I was the intended victim, but sadly she chose that day to borrow my car.’

His voice was thickened with a mix of regret, guilt and anger, his pain so powerful she felt it as if it were her own.

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I do not hold you in any way responsible. But it is true that Hassan would do anything for power. He and your father were cut from the same cloth.’

She knew that, but it was the first time she’d heard anyone else say it. ‘If he finds my sister—’

‘I would trust my brother with my life and we must now trust him with your sister’s life.’ He turned to look at her, the lines of his handsome face set and serious. ‘When did you last eat?’

‘I’m not hungry.’

‘You’ve barely eaten in the whole time we’ve been together.’

‘I’ve eaten.’

‘We may be in the dark for much of the time, but that does not make me blind.’ His tone was dry. He hesitated. ‘Zahra is keen for me to take her riding today. I know your experience with horses to date has been less than encouraging, but if you would like to learn to ride it would give me pleasure to teach you.’

The thought of spending yet more time on a horse horrified her, but she could tell he was reaching out to her and didn’t want to do anything that could be considered a rebuff. ‘Teaching a beginner would drive you mad.’

‘I have been teaching Zahra since she was able to sit unsupported. Believe me when I say that nothing you throw at me can be more of a challenge than putting an overexcited toddler on a horse.’

‘You taught her to ride that young?’

‘It is the best age. She has grown up around horses, as I did. It wouldn’t surprise me if she chooses to make that her career in some way in the future.’


‘You see her having a career?’

‘Of course. And I can’t see it being diplomacy, because my daughter is as outspoken as your sister.’

That fact clearly amused him, and Layla thought about the times she’d had to haul Yasmin away from a situation before her comments created havoc.

‘You’re proud of your daughter.’


The contrast between his love for his daughter and her own barren childhood was so vividly accentuated that the breath caught in her throat. Wondering what was wrong with her that she could envy a child, Layla stepped away from him.

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