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‘The meeting seemed to go well.’ She couldn’t say any of the things she wanted to say so she talked about work. ‘It’s the first time I’ve met Cristiano in person, although I’ve talked to him on the phone a lot. He’s not as scary as his reputation.’

‘He liked you.’ There was an edge to his tone that she didn’t understand and she picked up her wrap and then turned, smiling, making sure that nothing of what she was feeling inside showed on the outside.

‘I’m ready if you are.’

From the moment they set foot out of the hotel it was clear that this was going to be a party like no other. Flames shot into the air from torches, and what appeared to be a million tiny lights lit the paths that wound through the grounds towards a spectacular marquee large enough to accommodate hundreds of people. Emma felt a rush of excitement because she’d never, ever in her life been to an event like this one.

‘It’s incredible,’ she breathed and Lucas glanced down at her, registering her delight with a frown that made her wonder what she’d done to annoy him.

‘Avery Scott is very good at her job.’

‘Good? I’m not good, I’m brilliant.’ A sultry female voice came from behind them and Emma watched as Lucas’s mouth curved into a smile. And that smile made Emma catch her breath. To describe him as handsome would be to do him an injustice, she thought, watching as a passing waitress dressed as a mermaid slid a tall, slender-stemmed glass into his hand.

‘Avery—’ he leaned forward and kissed the cool blonde on both cheeks ‘—you’ve surpassed yourself. It’s spectacular. Thank you.’

‘My pleasure. May you both have an absolutely brilliant and unforgettable time and don’t forget to tell your friends, as long as they’re rich and can afford me.’ Avery extracted herself from Lucas without smudging her lipstick and winked at Emma. ‘I am loving that dress. Lucas, what do you think? Am I a genius or am I just incredibly good at what I do?’

Lucas gave her a speculative look. ‘Be careful.’

Avery chose to ignore the warning. ‘She is nothing like your usual type. Hang onto her.’ She gave him a friendly punch on the arm and Lucas gave a slight frown.

‘She’s the best PA I’ve ever had so I certainly intend to.’

Avery was scanning the crowd, looking for problems. ‘That wasn’t what I meant, and you know it, you utterly infuriating man. Now go and enjoy the party.’

‘Emma doesn’t like parties.’

‘Emma doesn’t go to parties,’ Avery said gently, ‘which isn’t the same thing at all. She’s going to totally love this one because I organised it and it’s going to be perfect.’

Emma never found out how Lucas would have responded to that because at that moment there was a clacking sound in the sky and Lucas glanced over his shoulder towards the beach where a helicopter was landing. ‘Looks as if the Prince has arrived.’

The change in Avery was instantaneous. All the fizz and bubble went out of her, like a glass of champagne that had been left sitting overnight on a table. ‘If you’ll excuse me, duty calls. I expect I’ll see you both later. Have fun.’ Without looking in the direction of the helicopter, she walked away on heels that should have made it impossible to balance. Emma, who could guess how bad she was probably feeling, wondered if she should follow.

‘She and Mal have history,’ Lucas drawled, ‘but don’t mention it now because here he comes and it isn’t a good idea to talk about Mal’s past relationships. Unless Cristiano and I are teasing him in private, of course. Smile. He’s royalty.’

The next few minutes were a blur of introductions.

Emma found the Prince seriously intimidating. Surrounded by heavyweight security, he dominated his surroundings, which probably wasn’t surprising given his status. What was surprising was the fact that he didn’t dominate Lucas. The two men stood side by side, equal in height, stature but also achievement.

They talked easily, as old friends and peers, and as she listened, Emma realised that it was Lucas she was listening to, not the Prince. It was Lucas she was looking at. She hungered to feel that beautiful mouth on hers, to feel those hands on her, to dig her fingers into the luxuriant blue-black hair.

In despair, she looked away. She was completely obsessed about a man she couldn’t have.

Was this how Avery felt all the time?

Emma sneaked a glance at the Prince, still in conversation with Lucas, and wondered if the feeling was one-sided. Was Avery also in love with a man who couldn’t love her back? There was no sign of an inner struggle on that bronzed, handsome face. No hint that tonight might be as difficult for him as it was for her.

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