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With an air of bored cool that reflected his total lack of interest in the people gawping at them, Sebastien threaded his fingers through hers and led her on to the dance floor, retaining his possessive grip on her as they moved together.

The music pounded and pulsed and Alesia closed her eyes and discovered for the first time in her life that she just loved to dance. She loved the silken brush of her hair as it swished from side to side, loved the sinuous sway of her body as she moved her hips and arms to the addictive rhythm of the music. In fact she loved it all.

She danced to record after record, her body seduced by the hectic rhythm of the music and the relative anonymity of the crowded dance floor.

Finally the music slowed and Sebastien hauled her against him in a characteristically possessive gesture which should have annoyed her but for some reason made her already wide smile widen even further.

He was easily the best-looking guy in the room and all the women were staring at him. And she was willing to bet that they would have been staring even if he hadn’t been rich and famous and useful for selling newspapers to a public hungry for a diet of celebrity gossip. Sebastien Fiorukis was a man who would stand out in the densest crowd. It was like parking a sleek Ferrari in a bicycle shed. He just looked expensive and he had an air of power and command that would always draw women like moths to a bright flame.

But for tonight he was with her, she thought, gleeful as a child as she intercepted the envious glances cast in her direction.

Trying to see him as a stranger would, her eyes skimmed over his glossy dark hair and slid to the hint of bronzed skin visible at the neck of his shirt. He looked every inch the multi-millionaire that he was. Vibrant, driven and successful at everything he touched. A man who didn’t know the meaning of the word failure. He was part of her new costume and every bit as glamorous and sophisticated as the shoes and the designer outfit.

They danced until her feet ached and her throat was parched and finally she agreed to his suggestion that they break for a drink.

Responding to an impulse that she didn’t understand, she wound her arms around him and gave him a spontaneous hug before they left the dance floor. ‘Oh, Sebastien, thank you.’ Breathless and laughing, her eyes shone as she looked up at him. ‘This is fantastic and I’m having the best time—’ She felt him stiffen and watched as stunned dark eyes swept her flushed cheeks.

‘You’re behaving as though you’ve never been to a nightclub before.’

‘I haven’t. I mean, not one like this,’ she corrected herself quickly, wincing at her own mistake. Aware that he was studying her with a curious expression on his face, she tilted her head questioningly, still breathless from wild dancing, her eyes shining with an excitement that she couldn’t even begin to conceal.

She knew she should be playing it cool, looking bored and indifferent as if she spent her life in places like this, but she just couldn’t. There was too much adrenalin flowing through her veins, too much excitement—

In fact, she wanted the evening never to end—

‘What?’ She tried to slow her breathing. ‘You’re staring at me because I’ve got a red face, aren’t you?’

His eyes narrowed. ‘I’m staring at you because I’ve never seen you smile before.’

‘Well, I’m having a nice time.’ Forgetting to be guarded, she glanced back at the dance floor regretfully. ‘Do you think we could—’

‘No,’ Sebastian drawled immediately, taking her hand and leading her to a vacant table with a prime view of the dance floor. ‘We definitely couldn’t. I’m a man in need of a drink.’

Alesia registered that her shoes were digging into her feet and plopped gratefully on to one of the chairs, wondering why this table was free when the rest of the club was heaving with people. She felt tired and just ridiculously happy. She was uncovering a whole new side to herself that she’d never even known existed. She’d always assumed that she wasn’t like other girls. That she didn’t enjoy partying, clothes or other ‘girly’ pursuits. But now she realized that she’d never actually been given a chance to experience those things. And the truth was she loved them. For the first time in her life she could be self-indulgent and just enjoy herself.

She was just wondering at exactly what point she dared suggest venturing back on the dance floor when the crowds pressing in on their table parted.

‘Sebastien! You came!’ A tall, slender woman wearing an indecently low-cut black dress shimmered up to their table, her glossy mouth curved into a predatory smile. ‘I’m so pleased.’

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