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“Please,” she begged softly.

I withdrew my finger and grabbed my cock, lining it up with her sex. Then I drove in deep, seating myself fully with one thrust. “Fuck!” I shouted as I slapped a hand onto the wall near her head. “I can’t hold back, beautiful,” I warned her with a ragged breath.

“Don’t, Zack. I need you,” she whimpered.

“Kiss me, baby,” I growled. Our lips met, and our souls merged as I lost all control. My hips pumped fast and hard. I would have been concerned about being too rough if she hadn’t thrown back her head and cried out, asking for more.

I drove her up and over the edge, gritting my teeth and using all of my strength to follow right after her. Before she even had a chance to come down from that high, I was pushing her toward another. “You’re going to marry me, right?” I suddenly blurted out.

“Yes!” Amelia shouted as she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me soundly. Shudders started wracking her body, and after a minute, she tore her mouth from mine and screamed yes for a whole different reason.

With her answer ringing in my ears and my heart, I came so hard I could have sworn I saw stars. We rode out our climaxes together, and when I finally began to recover, I swept her into my arms and carried her back to our bedroom. I set her on her feet before stripping us out of the rest of our clothes. We crawled naked into bed, and I wrapped myself around her, feeling completely content.

“Um, Zack?” Amelia asked after a few minutes.

“Yeah, beautiful?”

“Did you just ask me to marry you during sex?”

“You bet your pretty little ass I did.”

Suddenly, Amelia pulled away and sat up, dodging me when I growled and reached for her. She put her hands on her curvy hips, and I was momentarily distracted by her tits bouncing with her sharp breaths.

“Are you going to ask me when I’m not delirious from multiple orgasms? It seems a little underhanded.”

I lifted my gaze to meet her eyes and raised a single eyebrow. “I never claimed to fight fair, beautiful. And when it comes to you, Amelia, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make you mine forever.”

She visibly melted a little but grumbled, “It’s not like I’d say no if you asked me now.”

I shrugged. “That might be true, but you already said yes, so why take that chance?”

Amelia fought a smile but lost the fight, and her mouth curved up as her eyes danced with humor. “You could have at least waited until you had a ring,” she teased.

I rolled over to face my nightstand and opened the drawer and grabbed a little white box. Then I pushed it shut and returned to my previous position. I flipped up the top of the box and showed her its contents. “Like this?” I asked with a lopsided grin.

Amelia gasped and covered her mouth with her hands as she stared at the antique, five-carat, marquee diamond set in a simple platinum band. “How could you possibly…?” she mumbled.

“It belonged to my father’s mother,” I told her as I removed the ring from the bed of velvet and grabbed her hand away from her mouth to slip it on her finger. “The night you first kissed me, I took it out of the safe in my home office and stuck it in this drawer. Somehow, I knew I would be needing it very soon.”

Amelia’s face was lit with joy, and she fell on top of me, fusing our mouths. The kiss led to another round of lovemaking, but this time, I took her soft and slow, showing her how precious she was to me. “I love you,” I rasped as I collapsed onto the bed beside her, still breathing hard.

She curled up into my side and threw an arm and leg over me. “I love you, too,” she sighed happily. “Who would have thought that a silly dare would lead me to the man of my dreams?”

“Man of your dreams, huh?” I repeated cockily.

She laughed and patted my stomach. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

I quickly rolled us over so she was sprawled underneath me and slid my still hard cock into her hot pussy. “Oh, it’s definitely gone straight to my head, beautiful.”



“You did a great job. Congratulations, Mommy and Daddy.”

I smiled up at the nurse who’d assisted me through my labor and delivery. “Thank you.”

“Are you ready for visitors? Or should I tell them to wait a little longer and give you some alone time with the baby?” she asked as she set a pitcher of water on the table next to my bed.

“Please let Delia know she can come back,” I instructed, tilting my head up to smile at Zack. “She’s waited a long time to meet this little one.”

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