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“Oh, not him.” Delia pointed at a framed picture on the fireplace mantel in the living room. “My uncle proposed to my aunt the same weekend they met and didn’t waste any time giving me cousins.”

“I guess love at first sight does happen sometimes,” I conceded. “But it doesn’t mean that’s what’s going to happen with your dad and me since it’s not the usual for couples.”

“Around here it is. You’ve got my aunt and uncle.” Delia lifted up her hand and started ticking off her fingers. “And then there’s a bunch of my dad’s friends who’ve gotten married super-fast, too. Drew and Autumn, Griffith and Belle, Maddox and Ariel, Will and Aurora, Knox and Addilyn, Julian and Anna. The list is long, and there are plenty of babies to go around...except none of them are my little sisters”—she grinned mischievously and winked—“yet.”

I would’ve asked about all the fairy-tale princess names, except I was too busy trying to wrap my brain around all the examples of love at first sight she was able to rattle off from the top of her head. I was starting to think Delia really did want me to marry her dad and give her siblings...and it might be crazy, but I was hoping her dad was on board with the plan, too.



I opened my eyes and frowned when I saw that I was alone in bed. My whole body froze in fear when I thought about the possibility that Amelia had run out on me. Then I saw her clothes still scattered on the floor and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

“Amelia?” I called, wondering if she might be in the en suite bathroom. “Beautiful?” There was no answer, so I hopped out of bed and grabbed a pair of sweatpants from my closet. After yanking them on, I went in search of Amelia. When I opened the bedroom door, the smell of coffee hit me, and my stomach growled. A smile lifted the corners of my mouth, and I followed the delicious scent that would lead me to my woman.

My steps slowed outside the kitchen when I heard two female voices. I assumed Delia was home, and I felt nervous all of a sudden. I wasn’t worried about them getting along; they were both sweet and loving. My concern stemmed from the fear that meeting Delia so soon would spook Amelia even though she’d said that my having a teenage daughter didn’t bother her.

Soft laughter floated out of the kitchen, and the smile that had disappeared stretched wide across my face again. There was no sound more beautiful than the laughter of my daughter and soon-to-be wife. Well...almost nothing. Amelia’s cries of passion when she climaxed were my favorite too.

With a spring in my step, I entered the kitchen and almost ran right into Delia. She gave me a quick hug and whispered, “Good job, Dad. I really like her.” Warmth flooded my body, a sweet feeling of pure love and happiness. The same one I always got when my daughter was happy. I squeezed her back briefly before letting her go. She began moving again but patted my shoulder as she walked past. “Now get to work on that baby sister I’ve always wanted,” she instructed in her normal volume. Then she was gone, and I was left with a wide-eyed, obviously shocked beauty and laughter bubbling up my throat.

I scanned her from head to toe, and something primitive inside me roared with possession and satisfaction at the sight of my woman in my clothes. With a devilish grin, I closed the distance between us in a few strides and wrapped my arms around Amelia. “You heard the boss, beautiful,” I stated matter-of-factly. “We need to get to work on knocking you up.” I kissed the tip of her nose before running my lips along her jawline, making her shiver. “I think we are off to a pretty good start after last night,” I whispered before nibbling the lobe of her ear. My cock was already rock hard, but it throbbed with barely restrained hunger. Who would have guessed that an earlobe could be so fucking sexy? Not that it really surprised me too much. There wasn’t an inch of Amelia’s body that didn’t fill me with desire.

Amelia had melted into me, and a little moan escaped her lips, but after another moment, she stiffened. I raised my head to meet her gaze and almost got lost in her gorgeous brown eyes. Her brows were furrowed, and her mouth pinched as she stared at me with uncertainty.

“How can you be talking about kids already? We just met!” she exclaimed. I didn’t have the chance to answer before she continued, “This is crazy. I’m going home tomorrow.”

My expression darkened, and my hold on her tightened. “You are home,” I growled. Amelia’s eyes squinted at me in confusion, and she opened her mouth, but I silenced her with a deep kiss. When I finally let her up for air, I narrowed my eyes, warning her not to argue with me. She clamped her mouth shut but gave me a cute little glare. “As I said before, beautiful. From the moment your lips touched mine, I knew you were it for me, and I don’t want to waste time pretending otherwise. Who gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks? What matters is what we feel. Only you and me. And no matter how hard you try to fight it, I know you feel what’s between us.”

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