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We stared at each other for a long moment, but as soon as I felt the awkwardness creeping in, I pivoted on my heel and started back to the girls. He didn’t let me go far, though. I’d barely taken a step when he curled a finger through one of my belt loops and tugged me back, spinning me around and hauling me against his chest. Then one of his arms wrapped around my lower back to anchor me there. “Not so fast, beautiful.”

That was all the warning I got before his lips crashed against mine, and his tongue swept inside. Where I’d been tentative with my exploration of his mouth, he was bold. It felt as though he was devouring me as his hand tangled in the back of my hair to tilt my head exactly where he wanted it to deepen the kiss. I whimpered into his mouth when he flattened his other palm against my back and ground his hips against me. His hard length was pressed against my belly, and I felt every single hot inch of him—and there were a lot of them.

“It’s okay, beautiful. I’ve got you,” he soothed in a deep murmur against my lips.

I was about to press my mouth against his again when I heard a whistle and a masculine voice yelled, “Get a room!”

My cheeks heated with a deep blush, and my mystery man twisted around to glare at someone over his shoulder. While he was distracted, I jerked out of his hold and mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

His focus returned to me as I stumbled away, getting just far enough out of his reach that his hand missed when he reached out for me. Feeling an overwhelming mixture of desire, confusion, and embarrassment, I was willing to risk the chance of breaking my neck as I raced into the hotel. The girls rushed after me, crowding around after we made it into the lobby.

“Holy crap, Amelia!” Maria cried, her eyes wide in shock as she stared at me. “When I dared you to kiss a guy, I didn’t expect it to turn into a full-on make-out session on the sidewalk. What was that?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered before pressing my fingers against my slightly swollen lips. I’d never experienced anything like it before, but spotting my mystery man through the glass doors of the hotel, I felt a twinge of regret that our moment was over. It was too bad that what happened in Vegas stayed here because I doubted I’d ever have the chance to experience anything like that kiss again. Especially since I’d probably never see him again.



Stunned, I stood there like a fucking idiot while the woman of my dreams disappeared inside the Lennox Hotel and Casino. My tongue darted out to run along my bottom lip, hoping to find her taste lingering. I’d never been knocked so off-balance before.

The whole situation must have been orchestrated by fate because under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have been there. I’d just pulled out of the parking garage to head home from my hotel, which was directly next to the Lennox, when I received a call from my security manager. So I’d driven to the front of the hotel and left my car with the valet so I could run in. I was on my way back to my car when my eyes had locked onto the most beautiful brown eyes I’d ever seen. Her long, curly black hair floated around her in the slight breeze, and her silky-looking sparkly top showed off smooth, tan skin. I was about to charge through the crowd to get to her when I realized she was headed straight for me.

Her touch flooded my body with warmth, and beyond the electricity and blazing lust, I felt an overwhelming sense of contentment. Kissing her was like coming home, and I knew this beauty was meant to be mine.

But before I could act on my newfound clarity, she was gone, stumbling into the hotel with a group of tipsy girls. After my stupor cleared, I considered running after her, but I was afraid to scare her. Instead, I’d use my connections to learn as much as I could about her and make a plan.

The valet had my car idling in front of the hotel, so I jumped inside and started for home. A lot of hotel owners lived on-site, but when Becket and I inherited our trust funds and The Artemis at twenty-one, I decided that I didn’t want to raise her at the hotel, so I bought a house fifteen minutes from the Strip. I kept the penthouse apartment in case I needed to grab a nap or crash after a late night. Although now that Delia was seventeen and about to leave for college, I’d been considering moving into the penthouse permanently. That idea blew away the moment my lips touched my mystery woman.

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