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She turned her head so she could take advantage of my position and brushed her sweet lips over mine. “You’re adorable, you know that?”

“Awww, I agree. He’s completely adorable,” a new voice teased with a snicker.

I stood and glared at Zack, the owner of the restaurant and the hotel it was located in. I’d known Zack Parker and his brother Becket—who owned half of the hotel but chose to work as a blackjack dealer at the Lennox—for a couple of years. When I mentioned to Becket that I was looking for a place to celebrate with my wife, he suggested The Crescent Moon and offered to call Zack and have him set up something special.

“Don’t you have somewhere else to be, Parker?” I groused.

His eyes darted over to a room with large glass windows that was reserved for private parties. A pretty girl with tan skin and long, curly black hair suddenly turned and looked out one of the windows. When she caught Zack’s intense stare, she blushed and whipped back to face the other direction.

When he finally tore his eyes away, he grinned at me and nodded. “As a matter of fact, I do. But I always like to check on my VIPs personally if I can.”

I cracked a begrudging smile, especially after Anna elbowed me in the side and whispered, “Don’t be a Neanderthal.”

“Everything is perfect. Thanks.” We shook hands, and he congratulated us before stalking over to the entrance to the party room.

I turned my attention to my wife, but she slapped my arm and mumbled, “Move! I don’t want to miss this.”

A sigh escaped as I did what she requested, stepping out of her line of sight so she could watch the drama unfold. No doubt so she could gossip to Becket’s wife, Lia, later.

Zack threw open the door and said something before making a beeline for the woman who’d captured his attention before. When he’d closed the distance between them, he grabbed her around the waist and tossed her over his shoulder in a fireman's hold. Then he pivoted on his heel and marched from the room, ignoring the protests coming from his captive. He spotted us watching the show and winked at Anna before traipsing to the back door and disappearing through it.

“What is it with the men around here and kidnapping?” Anna mused in an exasperated tone.

I scooted into the booth beside her and grinned. “Why mess with success?”

Anna rolled her eyes, but they twinkled with amusement. “One of these days it’s going to backfire,” she predicted.

“That’s their problem,” I responded with a shrug. “Let’s get back to celebrating my own felony that turned into a happily ever after.”

My arm snaked around her waist, and I hauled her over to snuggle her into my side. She melted into me and sighed. “You got lucky, Julian Storm.”

“Don’t I know it,” I agreed with absolute seriousness.

I lifted the champagne from the silver bucket and reluctantly released my wife to serve it. Before I could pour a glass, Anna stopped my actions with a hand on my arm.

“You’re going to have to ask the kitchen for some sparkling cider because we have something else to celebrate tonight.” She beamed at me.

It took a few seconds for her words to sink in, but when they did, I barely restrained myself from jumping to my feet and whooping with joy. “You’re pregnant?” I marveled as I placed my palm over her belly.

Anna nodded with a blinding smile.

“You’re right, sweetheart. We have so much more to celebrate,” I agreed, my voice almost reverent and filled with awe.

“Let’s start with you handing over those sweets, husband.” Her eyes were glued to the little plate, and she licked her lips. It had me thinking about how amazing her lips and tongue felt when she was feasting on my cock. She broke the spell and elicited a bark of laughter from me when she smacked my arm and glared. “Never stand between a pregnant woman and food, Julian.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I grinned as I retrieved the desserts and set them in front of her.

She lifted one to her lips but paused and gave me a cheeky smirk. “Don’t worry, you’ll get your dessert later.”

I laughed and cuddled her close, kissing the top of her head. “Damn, I love you,” I murmured with a brief hug.

Anna dropped her head back and gazed up at me, love shining in her emerald eyes. “You brought magic into my life, Julian Storm, but my love for you will never disappear.”



“Mommy! I neeeed you!”

Our five-year-old screamed the four words that guaranteed I'd come running. I halted to a sudden stop when I found him sitting on his knees on a chair at the kitchen table with a huge grin on his precious face and a twinkle in his green eyes. He looked so much like his daddy, it made my heart melt even more every time I looked at him. But he was also a handful—just like my husband.

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