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I walked closer to observe whatever it was that he’d called me here to see. The feed showed one of the small rooms they used as cells, where they put people to dry out, interrogate, or wait for the police. A man was hunched over in a chair, his arms crossed, though one hand absently rubbed his jaw. When he lifted his head, and I saw the pout that no real man would ever have on his face, I grinned.

“Is that Dirk?” I asked with a smirk.

“Yup,” Knox confirmed.

I faced him and lifted my brows. “While I appreciate the entertainment of seeing his ass in a cell, this was why you had me come down here and send my woman off to spend time with a man other women drool over?”

Knox shook his head as he stood. “No. I brought you here because that little shit tried to bribe one of my security guards for information about Anna. Particularly security footage and her home address. Asshole should’ve known I don’t employ people who aren’t one hundred percent loyal to me.”

I saw red, and my whole body erupted in flames, boiling my blood.

“My next call is to Detective Myers, but I may have lost his number for a while if you’d like to bump into my detainee.”

I cracked my knuckles and gave him a chin lift, too furious to say anything. Knox tapped a few keys on his keyboard, and the monitor filled with static. Then he walked around his desk and started for the door with me close on his heels. He walked three doors down and looked at the female guard stationed there. With a tilt of his head, she pivoted and disappeared around a corner. Knox pressed his thumb on the touchpad, and the lock clicked as it disengaged.

He stood to the side of the door and inspected his nails as he drawled in a bored tone, “Camera will be down for ten minutes. To be fair, he’s not restrained. Just don’t kill him.” Then he opened the door and gestured for me to enter.

The door reopened ten minutes later, and I shoved the unconscious movie star out of my way as I walked to the exit. Knox glanced down and raised a brow. “He’s breathing,” I growled. After a second, I added, “Barely. Pretty sure his nose is broken.”

“He’d been drinking, so I’m assuming he slipped and fell?” Knox asked conversationally as he handed me a wet cloth to clean up my raw knuckles. I wasn’t sure how I was going to explain that to Anna...

I strolled out of the room and waited for Knox to secure the door before radioing for the guard to return to her post. “Poor guy fell hard enough to crack a couple of ribs and possibly bruise some other parts.” More than likely he was going to be dealing with blue balls for a couple of weeks too. Literally.

We reached Knox’s office, and he returned to his desk and sat in his chair. His lips curled at the corners, which was his version of a smile unless he was looking at his wife. “What do you know, I found the good detective’s phone number.”

“Thanks,” I murmured.

“For what?” he asked, his tone implying genuine curiosity.

“Nothing.” I shrugged, stifling a smile.

“Then what the fuck are you doing in my office, Storm?” he growled.

“I have no fucking clue. See you tomorrow.”

As I stepped into the hall, he added, “Twenty-four hours.”

I halted and twisted my head to meet blue eyes filled with warning. “You want me to text you a picture as soon as it’s done?” My voice was dripping with sarcasm, and by the narrowing of his eyes, it was obviously not appreciated.

“As a matter of fact—”

“Bite me, Dawson,” I interrupted, rolling my eyes.

“Not even if you bought me dinner and got me tanked,” he returned with a snort.

“Puh-lease,” I smirked. “If Addilyn weren’t in the picture, I could have you if I wanted you.”

“Good grief, put away your dicks and just admit that you’d both be chasing my husband’s tail.”

Our startled gazes flew to the door to find Belle and Anna standing there with shaking shoulders as they fought not to laugh.

Knox started to argue, but my focus was solely on my woman. She smiled at me, and I didn’t care about anything but getting her home and naked.

I held out my hand. “Let’s go home.”

Anna beamed at me and placed her palm in mine.



Between being carried out of my office, losing my virginity, and seeing Dirk, my emotions had been all over the place today, but one thing had remained the same—my love for Julian. I wasn’t sure how my feelings for him had grown so strong in such a short time, but there was no denying that they had. Not after hearing him turn that class A jerk’s offer down flat. Eavesdropping on their conversation had laid my fears to rest, and I was finally able to embrace what was happening between us.

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