Page 87 of The Returned

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She nodded and I knew she was fighting back tears as we pulled the new pajamas on our kids and cuddled them into our chests.

I knew she was trying to be brave, but I also knew there was no way she was going to get through the night with them in another room. I knew that because I knew I couldn’t do it either.

“I’ll bring one of the cribs into our room just the same.” From the smile she gave me I knew that was what she wanted as well.

Once we got them settled in the one crib it was obvious that they were accustomed to sleeping together the way they wrapped their limbs around each other as they settled down for the night.

We must’ve stood there for a good half hour, neither of us saying anything, just taking in the sight of our children asleep in our home, safe. The events of the day was finally catching up to me and I understood for the first time standing there, just how lucky I am as a man. I’d lost so much, and had come close to giving up all hope a time or two. Now look at my life. It was unreal.

I looked at her through new eyes now. She wasn’t the lost little orphan I’d taken as my bride anymore, but a strong, self-assured woman who’d fought her way back from hell. Such strength, damn!

“You’re dead on your feet babe.” When she rubbed her lower back and winced I took over the task for her. “Why don’t I run you a bath baby?”

“Umm, that sounds good!”

We both laughed when neither of us moved away from the crib, both too excited I guess. “Give me ten minutes then come find me in the bathroom.” I kissed her head and left her standing there.

By the time she walked in I had the tub filled with scented water. “Come ‘ere baby.” I helped her get undressed before shedding my own clothes and stepping into the tub, bringing her with me.

We sat in silence with her seated on my lap as I washed her from head to toe. I was ready when the tension finally broke and she broke down. I held on as her body shook with big heart breaking sobs.

I talked to her through the anguish as she poured out the pain in her heart. The one thing I expected but never heard was an accusation. I realized I’d been blaming myself for not seeing Mindy for what she was, and expecting her to blame me as well, but she didn’t.

“I’m sorry. I brought you into my life to make it better. Who knew that I’d be the one to introduce you to someone who’d do this to you.” It was hard to fathom that I’d been so blind.

Still not wanting to give her anymore of us, I hurried to change the subject. Tomorrow will be time enough to talk about her demented ass. Tonight was for me and my wife.

“It’s not your fault. You’re not responsible for her actions. She chose to do all this on her own and has no one else to blame.” I was pleased that she chose to see things that way, but that didn’t negate the guilt I felt.

I reheated the water twice before lifting her out of the tub. My movements were slow, steady, purposeful, as I dried her off and wrapped her in my robe that was left hanging behind the bathroom door.

“You’ve had one hell of a day sweetheart.” I pulled her in and wrapped my arms around her. I wanted her; there was no denying that fact since my dick was on hard and poking her in the middle.

But right now I just wanted to be close to her. I needed to feel the softness of her skin up against mine, hear the beating of her heart. She felt so small, so delicate. Too soft to have gone through what she had.

She stood still and let me take care of her, even lifting her arms for me to carry her back to our bed. Our children were asleep in the safety of their crib a few feet away from our bed.

I laid her back against the sheets and spread her legs open after removing the robe. Precum was already dripping off the end of my cock as I climbed onto the bed between her spread thighs.

Her eyes followed as I ran my fingers up her thighs to the apex where her pussy was already glistening with her juices. I bent down and inhaled deep, taking her scent into my lungs.

My need was strong, the need to slam my cock deep and fuck until there was nothing left in me, but I reined it in. I pulled back and kept my movements slow, my touch soft and gentle. She just laid there her legs open, watching me.

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