Page 72 of The Returned

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“Take your explanation and stuff it. I hate you. And I hate that bitch…” It was the tears that finally broke me out of my stupor.

When I reached for her this time I persisted even though she fought me. “Stop it. I didn’t sleep with her and I had no intentions of marrying her.” Her look said she didn’t believe me, but it’s when she started pounding her fists into my chest that I knew words alone were not going to be enough.

She screamed invectives, cursed me and I think my whole damn family, among other things as she beat out her anger on my chest. I let her get it out of her system until she grew too tired to raise her fists and just pulled her in.

Her stubborn ass was not ready to be reasonable and we ended up struggling down to the floor where I had to wrap my arms and legs around her to keep her ass still.

“Stop now before you hurt yourself.” Her voice was hoarse from screaming when she squeaked out her last curse at my head. “I’ll never forgive you.” Her softly spoken promise was like a dagger to my heart and I hated myself more in that moment than at any time before.

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask her what the fuck she wanted from my life. But I’d pulled enough asshole stunts already and didn’t need to add that one to the mix.

So instead I sat there and held her while she cried like her heart was broken. I’m not sure which was worse. Her tears or her tantrum. She tried getting up once the tears dried up but I held on.

“Let go!”

“No never!” She stiffened up and refused to look at me until I gave in and let her escape my hold. She went back to dragging clothes off of hangers and throwing them into the other overnight bag she pulled from the shelf.

I didn’t fight her this time, but let her do her thing. There’s no way I was letting her leave, but fighting wasn’t going to solve shit. I watched her and held my silence until she turned for the door of the closet.

“You’re not going anywhere.” I got to my feet and blocked her, trying my best not to put hands on her. We’ve butted heads before but nothing like this shit storm. I could feel her pain like my own and once again cursed myself for being stupid.

“Let me go Cade, I don’t want to be here.” She pulled away and that was the last damn straw. She wasn’t even trying to be understanding. I snatched the bag and dropped it before tugging her around to face me.

“You were gone….” If looks could kill. Some shit had happened to my tongue in the last hour because I wasn’t getting any of this shit right. She tried to knee me in the balls and I snatched her little ass up and walked her back into the closest wall.

“I said calm the fuck down before you hurt yourself. I understand, you’re mad, you’re hurt, I fucked up. But you’re not even willing to give me a chance to explain this shit and that’s wrong.”

The teeth came out and into my shoulder. I forgot that that’s her go to. “Ouch, you little…” I shouldn’t have done it, didn’t even know I was going to. But the next thing I knew, my hand was between her legs and the sound of her panties tearing was loud as hell in the enclosed room.

She tried to scratch the shit out of me and I had a hard time keeping her from tearing me to shreds while I wrestled with my zipper. I finally got both her hands in one of mine over her head while keeping her legs open with my hips that were thrust between her thighs.

My dick was hard as fuck when I finally got him free. It took just a little bit of maneuvering to find her pussy, which was a little wetter than it should be with her lying ass. She was turned on by this!

I slammed my cock into her and bit into her neck in one move. She hissed and clamped down around my throbbing cock. “You done now? Hmm?”

She was still pissed, but now she was pinned to the wall by my cock with nowhere to go. “Now that I have your attention.” I fucked into her hard, easing out until just the tip of my cock was left inside her, before slamming home again.

“I never slept with her, was never even tempted. I was at a low point when I let myself get talked into getting married but I called the whole thing off before it went too far because it felt like I was betraying you.”

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