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‘OK,’ he said at last, raking an impatient hand over his scalp. ‘Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? What do you want me to say, Pa? Just tell me what you want to hear and I’ll say it. That way I think we’ll save a hell of a lot of time.’

Leo’s mouth tightened. ‘There’s no need for this, Demetri. I asked you a simple question.’

‘Yeah, right.’

‘And I must assume from your reluctance to give me a simple answer that my concerns are justified.’

‘No. No, they’re not.’ Demetri spoke heatedly. ‘I admit, I haven’t given Ariadne the attention she deserves in recent weeks, but as soon as the divorce is finalised, I’ll be free to make up for it. You’ll see.’

His father didn’t look convinced. ‘So seeing Jane again didn’t make any difference to your feelings for Ariadne?’


Leo sighed. ‘Why don’t I believe you?’

‘Pa, how ever I feel—and I’m not saying I feel anything—Jane isn’t interested in me. You know that.’ He hesitated and, when his father’s expression didn’t change, he said doggedly, ‘OK. There’s a physical attraction between us. There always has been. But she’s never going to forgive me for what she thinks I did to Ianthe. And nothing’s going to alter that, so—’

‘You could tell her the truth.’

‘You think she’d believe me? She never has before.’

‘That’s because you’ve always kept something back.’

‘Yes, and if she’d loved me she’d have believed me, whatever I said.’

‘Oh, Demetri, don’t be such a prig! How would you have felt if you’d discovered Jane was expecting a child and another man maintained he was the father?’

Demetri looked down into his glass. ‘I hope I’d have given her the benefit of the doubt.’

‘How gallant!’ Leo was scornful. ‘Demetri, I know you. You’d have kicked her out and then you’d have torn the other man apart.’

Demetri grunted. ‘That’s some opinion you have of me, Pa.’ He paused. ‘So what are you saying? That I shouldn’t divorce Jane, after all?’He frowned. ‘I thought you were fond ofAriadne.’

‘I am fond of Ariadne.’ His father was impatient. ‘And when you were younger, I used to think she’d make you a good wife.’ He shrugged. ‘But it never happened. ‘You met Jane, and I knew from the moment I saw you two together that she was the one love of your life.’

Demetri’s jaw hardened. ‘That was pretty fanciful, wasn’t it? We didn’t even like one another when we first met.’

‘You may not have liked one another, but you certainly struck sparks off one another,’ remarked Leo reflectively. ‘You were so sure when you walked into the gallery that she was only stringing me a line.’


Demetri didn’t want to remember how it had been, but he couldn’t help the memories from flooding back. Finding his father discussing art with a girl who didn’t look old enough to have left school, let alone be the possessor of an arts degree, had infuriated him.

Though he’d soon realised that his fury was directed towards his father as much as anyone else. Had he been jealous? He supposed he had. He’d certainly resented the fact that the old man had apparently found himself such a young and sexy companion. And when Leo had suggested that she deliver the delicate bronze he’d chosen to his hotel herself, Demetri had swiftly intervened.

He’d offered to collect the sculpture instead. There was no need for Ms Lang to put herself out, he’d said. He’d be passing the gallery again before he left England and he’d be happy to attend to the delivery personally.

Of course, she’d protested that it was no trouble, no trouble at all, and Demetri had been sure that that old harridan, Olga Ivanovitch, had been listening to their conversation and had had her own opinion of why he should want to cut his father out.

But, in the event, it was his father who’d made the decision. Smiling a little smugly, he’d agreed that that was probably the best solution, and consequently, a few days later, Demetri had called at the gallery to collect the purchase…

The gallery had appeared to be on the point of closing, he remembered. Long canvas shades had been drawn down and, when he’d opened the door, he’d half suspected the place was deserted. But then Jane had appeared from the office at the back of the showroom, and his pheromones had kicked into overdrive.

‘I’m afraid we’re closed—’ she was beginning, when she recognised him. ‘Oh, it’s you!’
