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Swallowing hard, I asked, “After you just did that?” I wasn’t too sure how I felt about Colt kissing me after oral sex.

His smile lifted on the left side as Colt stole more of my heart. His blue eyes pierced mine as if he was looking into my soul.

“I won’t if you don’t want me to, baby.”

Did I want him to? It was kind of gross thinking about it, but I put his dick in my mouth and I knew he would have kissed me afterward. Chewing on my lip I realized I was way overthinking this.

“Kiss me, Colt.”

Pressing his lips to mine, I opened my mouth to him. Colt moaned when our tongues began to dance with each other. Not being able to describe the taste in my mouth, I let myself get lost in his kiss and decided I liked this. It felt as if it brought us closer together.

I could feel Colt’s dick pressing against me, and I began to grind my hips against him. I knew he didn’t have a condom on, and we would need to be careful. “Colt, you feel so good, oh God. It feels so good.” I’d always imagined it would be magical being with Colt. But this . . . this was beyond anything I could have imagined.

He was rubbing against my clit and it didn’t take long before I was moaning into Colt’s mouth as another orgasm raced through my body. Pulling my mouth from Colt’s, I panted out, “More. Colt, I want more of you. Please.”

Running his nose lightly across my jawline, Colt let out a soft low moan. “Baby, the more orgasms you have, the more relaxed you’ll be.”

“Colt, please.”

Pulling back, Colt gazed into my eyes. I wasn’t sure, but something had changed between us, and I knew we would never go back to the way things were. Gone were the days of fighting and pushing each other away. Something in Colt’s eyes caused me to tear up. Placing his hand on the side of my face, Colt lightly brushed his thumb across my skin. “Lauren, I want you to know something before we do this.”

Nodding my head, I barely spoke above a whisper. “Okay.”

“I saved myself for you, because I knew the first time I made love to a woman, it was going to be with the woman I loved more than the air I breathed. My heart wants no other woman but you, Lauren.”

Wow. I’ve died and gone to heaven. I have officially been swept off my feet. I’ve. Been. Swooned.

A single tear slipped from my eye as Colt’s eyes followed it. Reaching down, his lips gently kissed my cheek. “I love you, Lauren Reynolds. Please, will you be mine?”

Wrapping my arms around Colt, I cried harder. Colt moved and sat on the bed as he pulled me into his lap and held me. When I was finally able to form words, I spoke. “Colt, you’ve made every one of my dreams come true today. I love you, too, and I want nothing more than to be forever yours.”

Colt’s eyes lit up and I swore they sparkled like diamonds. He laid me down gently and kissed my lips before turning and reaching for his wallet and pulled out a condom. Standing over me, he never took his eyes from mine. Oh how I’ve longed for Colt to make love to me. Although I was scared as hell, I was excited, curious, and full of questions that I needed him to answer for me, not only with his mouth, but with his body as well.

Wetting my lips, I watched as Colt rolled the condom on. Instinctively, I opened my legs as Colt moved back onto the bed. He slipped his fingers inside of me and slowly pushed in and pulled out. “Fuck,” he hissed through his teeth. “You’re so wet, Lauren.”

Hearing those words fall from Colt’s lips did something to me. I wanted to hear Colt talk to me like that more.

Moving over me, Colt leaned in and kissed me again. When he bit down on my lower lip, I lifted my hips and felt his dick pushing against me.

I was finally going to be with Colt. No more waking up in the middle of the night with my hands down my panties as I dreamt of his touch. He was finally taking what was his all along.

Kissing along my neck, Colt moved his lips to my ear and nibbled on my earlobe as he spoke in the most seductive voice I’d ever heard.

“I’m going to make love to you now, sweetheart. Please promise me you’ll tell me if I hurt you.”

The moment I had been dreaming of was finally here. I felt as if I was already on cloud nine and my mind was in a whirlwind.

Would it hurt? Would it feel good? Colt was thick . . . and long . . . and thick. Oh fuck. It’s gonna hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. Squeezing my eyes shut, I attempted to quiet the voices in my head as Colt continued to build me up with his kisses and the touch of his hands on my breasts. If he pulled and twisted my nipple once more, I was going to scream out in ultimate pleasure.

“Lauren . . . promise me.”

Gasping for air, I quickly said, “I prom

ise! Colt, I promise. Please, I can’t wait a second more. Do it now!” I knew I sounded desperate, but I didn’t care. I’d waited too long for this and I wanted it now.

Colt chuckled and said, “My impatient girl. You always were bossy, Lauren.”

Positioning himself at my entrance, Colt pushed in some and I sucked in a breath of air.
