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Lifting me up, Colt carried me over to his truck. Slowly setting me down, he pushed me against the tailgate. Running his hand through my hair, he took a handful and gently pulled back until my neck was exposed to him. Moving his lips across my sensitive skin, Colt spoke in a low sexy voice. “Tell me you’re mine, Lauren.”

My insides were melting, and not like they were melting the day Colt mentioned Velcro baby hair bows. They were melting in a completely new way. Pulling harder on my hair, I moaned as Colt spoke again. “Tell me . . . you’re mine, Lauren.”

Closing my eyes, I attempted to speak. My heart raced, my hands began to sweat and I found myself holding my breath. Finally gaining some composure, I whispered, “Yours. I’m yours, Colt. I’ve always been yours.”

Pressing his lips against mine, Colt kissed me like he had never kissed me before. I was lost in a euphoria that had my body feeling like it was lifting off the ground. The cool night breeze was blowing and it was as if every exposed area of my skin tingled. Before I knew it, I was in the bed of Colt’s truck, on the quilt, as he quickly undressed me. A shiver ran across my skin as Colt asked, “Are you cold, sweetheart?”

Shaking my head, I placed my hand on my chest. My heart was slamming against my hand as I swallowed hard. “I won’t be for long.”

Colt began to kiss me, on the bottom of my foot, slowly working his way up my leg, one painfully slow kiss after another. When he reached the inside of my upper thigh, I attempted to push his head between my legs. Wanting him to taste my desire, I lifted my hips to him.

“Lauren, baby. Do you need something from me?” Colt asked as his fingers slipped into my body. Pulling out a long deep hiss between my lips, I jerked my hips, craving more of his touch.

“Yes, more,” I panted.

And more is exactly what Colt gave me. He took me to heaven with his mouth not once, but twice. Feeling him over my body, I opened my eyes and saw nothing but a sea of blue staring at me. “I want to feel you, Lauren. No barriers, just you and me.”

Nodding my head I knew it would be okay. Neither of us had ever been with anyone else, and Libby made sure to tell me to get on stronger birth control pills as soon as she found out Colt and I had been together.

“Please, Colt, please make love to me. I need you.”

“Lauren, are you sure?”

The concern on his face only made me realize how much I’d wanted this. How much I had desired this connection between the two of us.

“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life, Colt.”

Spreading myself open to Colt, he slowly pushed into me. Once he was all the way in, he didn’t move. Wrapping my legs around him, we both moaned.

“Does it feel different?” I asked.

Lifting his head, Colt placed his hands on the side of my face. “It feels like heaven.”

Smiling, I whispered, “It does for me too.”

Colt slowly pulled out as I watched his eyes roll to the back of his head before he shut them. “Lauren—”

Pushing back in I felt my orgasm building. Colt was moving slow. Too slow. “Colt, for the love of all things, go faster! Please go faster!”

Shaking his head, he kissed my lips as he talked. “Can’t. Feels. Too. Good.”

Bucking my hips, I whined. “I know! It would feel better if you just moved faster.”

Ugh, I sounded like a little whore, but I didn’t care. Colt began to pick up speed and I didn’t think it was possible, but it felt even more amazing. Something was happening between us and I had no words to describe it. My body trembled as I watched Colt’s face. My orgasm was growing faster and I was about to come, but I couldn’t pull my eyes from his face. Snapping his eyes open, Colt pierced my eyes with his. I gasped as I saw nothing but love in his eyes.

Oh. My. Glitter. Screw the glitter, this is no time for glitter! Holy fucking shit. This was going to be big.

My orgasm hit me as I called out Colt’s name. He kept his hands on the sides of my face, pinning me so that I was looking directly at him as I came. “Oh God. Colt!” My body trembled as I called out his name into the darkness as one of the most intense orgasms rolled through my body.

“Lauren, look at me,” Colt panted. Opening my eyes, Colt’s face gazed upon me with adoration. He slowed down as he moved gently inside of me.

Grabbing onto his arms, our eyes were lost in each other. “Lauren,” Colt said as he pulled out and pushed in hard, pouring himself into me.

“I love you, sweetheart. Oh God, I love you so much.” Pressing his lips to mine, I felt our connection change. It grew stronger. Deeper.

This moment would forever be etched in my memory. The moment Colt and I became one . . . at our spot.

SITTING ON THE tailgate of my truck, I stared out over the pasture. Feeling a bump on my shoulder, I turned and looked at my father as he gave me a smile, letting me know he knew exactly how I was feeling.
