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My heart dropped to my stomach. “Huh?”

Nodding her head, she turned and slipped the key into the door and turned around to look at me as she pushed her back into the door and slowly opened it. “Yep, I think we should wait until after we get married.”

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I quickly said, “Then let’s go get married right now.”

Laughing, she pushed the door opened and walked into the room. Throwing her hands up to her mouth she let out a gasp.

“Colt! Oh my glitter, this is amazing. Beautiful. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”

As we walked into the foyer, there was a half bathroom to our left. Straight ahead led us right into the grand living room which featured a bar to the left, straight in front of us was a dining table that sat four and a little more to the right, was the living room. A sofa, three recliners and one of the biggest flat-screen televisions I’d ever seen finished off the room. The windows overlooked Vegas and I couldn’t believe all the light coming into the room from the other buildings.

Lauren quickly made her way into the bedroom where she let out another gasp and then laughed as she jumped onto the king-size bed. “Oh it’s so comfortable,” she said as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

“Not funny, coming from the girl who just told me she wanted to wait until after we were married to have sex.”

Biting on her lower lip, she batted her eyelashes at me, jumped up and skipped into the bathroom. “Oh, Colt! You have to see this.”

When I walked into the bathroom, I was stunned by how huge it was. And beautiful. “Holy shit,” I whispered. The giant jet tub had me thinking of all kinds of naughty things I wanted to do with Lauren in there. Adjusting my growing dick, I turned to the shower. Lauren was standing inside it. “It has two shower heads!” she said as she scrunched up her nose. Licking my lips, I smiled. “I know what to do with one of them.”

Lauren’s eyes turned darker. “Don’t tease, Colt Mathews.”

“Oh baby, I’m not teasing. Strip out of those clothes and I’ll show you how serious I am right now.”

Walking up to me, Lauren placed her hands on my chest. “Tomorrow at three you said, right?”

Nodding my head slowly, I bent down and kissed Lauren’s neck. Running my tongue along her neck and up to her ear, I whispered into her ear. “I have a surprise for you, sweetheart.”


breathing picked up as I watched her chest rise and fall with each breath. Closing her eyes, she moaned lightly. “Does it involve kissing?”

Smiling against her ear, I whispered, “I hope so.”

Swallowing hard, she asked. “Will we be naked?”

Attempting to hold back my laughter I said, “If we were it might be a bit embarrassing.”

Turning, Lauren peeked up at me. Those beautiful blue eyes held mine as she said, “We won’t be alone for this surprise?”

Spinning her around so she faced me, I cupped my hands to the sides of her face. My heart was racing as I stared into Lauren’s bright eyes. Closing my eyes to savor the moment, I whispered her name. “Lauren. I love you so much.”

Opening my eyes, I was met by her beautiful smile. My knees felt weak as I looked at the woman I would soon be making my wife.

“I love you too, Colt. So very much.”

“Are you tired?”

Shaking her head, she sucked her lower lip between her teeth. “No.”

Gently placing my lips to hers, I spoke softly. “Good, because I want to take you somewhere.”


Guiding Lauren back out into the living room, I had her sit down at the bar. “Want something to drink?”

Shaking her head, she took a seat on the bar stool. Turning, I grabbed my suitcase and Lauren’s and brought them both into the bedroom. Setting mine down on the luggage rack, I opened it up and pulled the ring box out and pushed it into my pocket. The gondolas were now closed but somehow my future father-in-law had arranged for one once we got here. I couldn’t very well marry Lauren tomorrow without asking her properly and giving her an engagement ring. Picking up the phone in the bedroom, I hit zero for the hotel operator.

“Hello, front desk.”
