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“I fucking hate you, Luke Johnson. Payback is a bitch.”

“RUN, COLT!” LIBBY yelled out next to me. Smiling, I watched Colt run it in for another touchdown. I wasn’t sure why Bruce was hesitating to throw the ball to Colt, but he was. The A&M coach had called a time out and talked to both of them on the sidelines. I had a feeling it was because of Lauren. She had broken up with Bruce after spring break last year. Not really giving anyone a real reason other than he was too high maintenance. They had started dating again two weeks ago. It was right about the same time Colt came over to the house one night drunk out of his mind.

Libby kissed me on the cheek and then Alex did as I leaned over and high fived Will.

Libby’s breath was on my neck and my pants felt two sizes too small. “Do you feel okay?” she asked in my ear. Shaking my head, I pouted.

“I’m exhausted,” I said.

This semester was starting to take its toll on me with my heavy workload. Libby was due in two weeks and she tossed and turned all night, which kept me up.

Frowning she leaned over and yelled to Alex. “Hey, we’re heading out. I’m feeling really tired.”

Alex nodded. “Get some rest.”

“I will. See y’all later.” Turning to me, Libby smiled and winked. I could take her in my arms right now and kiss the living day lights out of her I was so happy. Smiling, I grabbed Libby’s hand as we made our way out of the stadium and back to the house.

My head no sooner hit the pillow and I was out. I felt Libby pull the covers over me as she leaned down and kissed my lips. “I’m sleeping in Grace’s room. I love you, baby.”

Pulling the covers up to my chin, I mumbled that I loved her back and drifted off to sleep again.

BRUSHING MY HANDS down my face I swung my feet to the side of the bed and forced myself out of bed. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was almost noon. “Shit, I must have needed that sleep.”

I slowly stood and started to make my way to the bathroom when the bedroom door flew open.

Will came running and skid to a stop right before he knocked me over. “Dude! You weren’t answering your phone.”

Laughing, I turned away from him. “Because I was sleeping.”

“Luke, Libby’s in labor. She’s at the hospital.”

I stopped walking and let Will’s words sink in. Turning around, I whispered, “What?”

“Labor. Baby. No one could get a hold of you.” Will reached over and threw me a pair of jeans that were over the chair. “Come on and get dressed. You need the bag and we need to hurry. She was starting to push.”

I stood there, stunned. “She’s not due for another two weeks. We were at the doctor’s yesterday.”

Will shrugged. “Well the baby decided to make a grand entrance. Where is the bag? Libby said she needed her focus doll or something like that.”

I pushed my hands through my hair and quickly began putting on my jeans. My foot got caught and I began hopping. “Fuck. The bag. Where did Libby put the bag?”

Will spun around and looked at me. “You mean you don’t know where the bag is?”

“Dude, I didn’t even know she had a fucking bag!” I shouted as I finally lost my balance and fell to the floor.

Scrambling to get up, I saw Will bent over laughing his ass off. “Funny. Real funny dickhead, but you wait for the day Alex has a baby. I’m missing the birth of my child!”

I ran into the bathroom and rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash and pulled a T-shirt over my head. “I’m almost ready!”

I yelled out in pain as stubbed my toe on the scale that was for some odd reason sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor. “What the fuck? Son-of-a-bitch that hurt like a mother!”

I rushed out hopping on my other foot. Will was now sitting on my bed, still laughing. I glared at him. “I hope you have twins.” He stopped laughing and stood up and pointed at me.

“Don’t say that.”

I smirked as I pulled my boots on. “What? Don’t say twins?” I wiggled my fingers toward him. “Twins, twins, twins. I hereby wish for you to have twins. And I hope they’re girls.”

Will shook his head. “That’s fucked up, Luke.”

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