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“No, no, no. Luke I need you to listen to me. I had my own surprise for you. I was waiting to tell you at the falls, but then you surprised me when you asked me to marry you.”

Luke eyes opened and looked into my eyes. “Luke, you can’t leave me. You can’t because we’re going to have a baby.”

Luke smiled weakly. “God, I wanted that so bad with you, Libby.”

Placing my hands on his face I looked into his eyes. “Luke, listen to me. Look into my eyes and hear what I’m saying. We’re having a baby. I’m pregnant, Luke. I found out the day before we left for the camping trip. We’re having a baby in about eight months. So you can’t leave me alone. You can’t do this to me. I need you! We need you. The baby and I, we both need you.”

Luke’s face lit up. “A baby? We’re having a baby? How?”

I giggled as my teeth began to chatter. “Well, if you really need me to explain.”

He smiled bigger. “No, I mean I thought you were on the pill?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I am. I never miss a pill and I take them every day at the same time. I guess your swimmers were bound and determined.”

The color in Luke’s face instantly looked better. He sat up a little more. “I can’t believe we’re having a baby. Your dad is going to break my other leg.”

I laughed as I pressed my lips against Luke’s. He’s back. Thank you, God. Thank you!

I heard voices. Pulling my lips from Luke’s I turned my head to listen. “Over here! I see them, Luke! Help’s coming!”

Carefully moving Luke’s head from my lap, I jumped up. I started yelling out, “Here! Please help us! Over here!”

Two men came running up. They were both dressed in state park uniforms. I couldn’t really see what they looked like since it was so dark out. They stopped and looked at me, but I pointed to Luke. “Please, he broke his leg and hit his head. He’s lost a lot of blood. We need to get him out right away.”

The one guy was carrying a medical case and looked back at the other guy. “Tell them we need StarFlight, stat!”

MY HEAD WAS resting on Luke’s bed. I had only left his side twice—when the nurses forced me to get my knee cleaned up and when they had brought him into surgery for his leg. My knee had been cut but not enough for stitches. It was for sure banged up pretty good, but thankfully nothing was broken.

The sound of Luke breathing calmed me. They had brought him back from the recovery room about an hour ago. His surgery on his leg went well, but the doctor said he would be weak from all the blood he lost.

A chill ran through my entire body. One of the nurses had let me borrow her sweatshirt. I felt like I couldn’t get warm. Because I had been hurt as well, I rode in the helicopter with Luke. The hospital hadn’t been able to get a hold of my parents or Luke’s until about two hours ago. They were driving up from the coast and should be here soon.

Lifting my head, I looked at my engagement ring. Smiling, I leaned back in the chair. The door opened and a young lady walked in.

“Ms. Hayes?”

I nodded my head. She walked up to me and extended her hand. She sat down and faced me. “I’m Doctor Colin. We got some results back from one of your tests.”

I looked at her badge. She was an OB doctor. Smiling I nodded my head. “I’m about four weeks pregnant.”

Her face relaxed. “Okay, I wasn’t sure if you knew. You hadn’t mentioned being pregnant when they were checking you all out.”

Looking down, I felt guilty for forgetting. I felt her hand on my knee. “You had to have just found out. Don’t feel guilty. You had other things on your mind.”

Chewing on my lip, I sniffed. “What kind of mother forgets she’s pregnant?”

“The kind who just went through a very terrifying situation.”

Nodding my head, I looked at Luke. “I guess so.” Looking back to the doctor, I had a moment of panic. “I don’t want anyone in our family knowing yet. I’m not that far along.”

She nodded. “Of course not. There would be no reason for anyone to tell them.” Her eyes were kind. I took a good look at her. She had blonde, short hair. It was cut just below her chin. Her light-brown eyes were beautiful and you could tell she had a kind heart.

Standing, she shook her head slightly. “Please get some rest, Libby. You’re taking care of a little one now. Eat something and get some sleep.”

Nodding my head, I replied, “I promise I will as soon as our parents get here. I don’t want to leave him alone.”

She smiled sweetly at me.

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