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Holy shit.

I was pretty sure my life was about to end. Josh was leaning against the doorframe of Libby’s room. He looked at Libby and then me. His body was tense, even though he tried to appear as if he was standing there casually. “What are y’all up to?”

Libby snapped her head over to me and I looked at her as I swallowed the lump in my throat. My stomach instantly felt as if it was in knots. “Um, just watching the stars like we used to when we were little,” I said as Libby nodded her head. I felt the beads of sweat starting to form on my forehead. How long had he been there? Did he hear us? Did he know I just made love to his daughter, on his roof?

Looking away, I frowned. That didn’t even sound right.

Josh took in a deep breath and blew it out. “Okay, so you were watching stars. What are y’all doing now?”

“Daddy, why are you up here?” Libby asked.

“I woke up and couldn’t sleep. I was heading up to my office when I heard a noise from your bedroom. I opened the door to see you sneaking back in your window.”

Libby and I both let out the breath we were holding. He hadn’t been there that long. Libby let out a nervous laugh as Josh looked over at her. “We were actually going to go for a drive.”

Now, it was Josh’s turn to laugh. I cleared my throat and looked at Josh. “Josh, um, Mr. Hayes, um—” I pushed my hand nervously through my hair. What did I call him now?

He tilted his head and gave me a smile. He knew I was nervous and he was enjoying this a little too much.

“Sir, I’m not sure what to call you anymore,” I said.

“Josh is fine, Luke.”

Nodding my head, I asked, “May I please speak with you in private sir, um, Josh, sir?”

Libby smiled and looked away.

Josh chuckled and he motioned for me to head on out of the room. I began walking out, but quickly turned and kissed Libby on the lips fast. “In case I don’t make it back alive.”

She giggled and slapped me on the chest. “Stop it!”

I made my way out of Libby’s bedroom and followed Josh to his office. The moment we walked in, I was transported back to when I was younger and Will and I used to play in here. I smiled at the memories.

“I would think if I just got caught by my girlfriend’s daddy sneaking into her bedroom window, I wouldn’t be smiling while standing in his office,” Josh said with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“I was thinking about being younger and Will and I playing in here. We loved to be in here. The smell of your wood desk was my favorite thing.”

Josh’s face relaxed and he smiled as he sat behind his desk. I sat and pulled deep down inside for my courage.

“I’m not really sure where to start with this, so I’ll just come right out with it.” Josh leaned back in his chair. Bastard looked intimating as hell.

“I love, Libby, sir. I love her with all of my heart and I’ve loved her for as long as I can remember. She’s my best friend. I want to give her the world, Josh.” I stopped talking and took a deep breath. “I’d like to ask for your permission to marry, Libby.”

Josh sat there for a few moments and just stared at me. “Do you know how much I love that girl?”

I nodded my head. “I can only imagine, sir.”

Josh closed his eyes and smiled, as if remembering something. “I’ll never forget the first time I held Libby in my arms. I thought her mother stole my heart.” He shook his head and opened his eyes. Tears filled them and my heart dropped to my stomach. “Libby stole my heart the instant she looked into my eyes. I made a vow that day, Luke. I vowed to protect her forever. Oh, I knew someday a guy would come along and she would steal his heart like she did mine.”

I smiled and nodded my head.

“I dreaded that day to be honest. She was my girl. My little girl and she deserved so much. No guy in my eyes would ever live up to what I thought she deserved.” He smiled at me as I moved about in my seat. “Then I saw the way you looked at her one day. The way you look at her, follow her as she moves about the room. I see how much you love her. You both grew up together. The two of you got in more trouble together than I think all the kids combined.”

I laughed as I shook my head. “She is a good partner when it comes to pranks.”

Josh tossed he head back and laughed. “You don’t have to plead your case with me, Luke. I already think of you as a son. I’d be honored to have you as my son-in-law.” I was pretty sure the smile on my face was a big goofy-ass grin. I stood and reached my hand out to Josh. He stood up and shook my hand. “I just have one request.”

I nodded my head and held my breath as I waited to hear his request. “Yes, anything.”

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