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Libby: With my life.

Me: Text my dad and say, Hey Pappy, what’s up?

/> Libby: Okay … why?

Me: I told him you were pregnant and we are calling him Pappy!

Libby: What? HAHA! OKAY doing it now!

Spinning around, my dad pointed to me. I slowly dropped my phone to my side. “Your mother and I taught you better. Always, always wrap your stick!” He pushed his hands through his hair as he let out a moan.

“I’m not going to be able to keep Josh from killing you. You know this, right?” He dropped his head back and looked up at the sky as he lifted his fist. “Why a boy? You did this to pay me back, didn’t you?”

I looked up and laughed. “Yep, it’s a blessing indeed.”

“You think this is funny? Luke, you’re going to start your life out struggling. And what about Libby?” His phone went off in his pocket and he pulled it out. The face he made caused me to smile bigger.

“What the fuck?” His head jerked up as his mouth dropped open.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. He started walking toward his truck shaking his head. He turned and looked at me. “Luke, you have to know that y’all are too young to be having a baby. I’m too young to be called Pappy, and Josh is going to kick your ass.” He turned and showed me the text from Libby.

Libby: Hey Pappy! How is your day going?”

God I love her. Libby always went along with my pranks. No matter what the outcome was, she was always in. One hundred percent.

“Dad, it’s a joke.”

He began running his hands through his hair. “Oh God, Josh is gonna kill me. He’s not only going to beat the shit out you, he’s gonna beat the shit out of me.”

I walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. “Dad, look at me. It’s a joke. Libby’s not pregnant; I’ve always wrapped the stick and always will.” I frowned and made a face. “Well, I guess I won’t always, but—”

Anger washed over my father’s face. “Luke Drew Johnson. I ought to kick your ass now for doing that to me.”

I laughed as he pushed me away. “Little bastard, you scared the hell out of me.” Placing his hand on his heart he looked up and mouthed, Thank you.

I SAT ON the porch of Gram’s house as I listened to my mother, Alex’s mom, Ellie, and Grams, talk about life. Listening to them always made my heart soar. I glanced over and looked at Grams. She was talking about Gramps. Grams and Gramps were Alex and Colt’s great-grandparents, but it felt like they were all of our grandparents. I can’t even begin to count the number of times we have all sought them each out for advice.

“Garrett intends on taking me to Florida. Why in the world would I want to go to Florida? That man is crazy if he thinks he is dragging me away from my garden for two whole weeks.”

I smiled as I glanced over to Alex. She was rocking away as she focused on the women surrounding us. She looked over to me and smiled as she shook her head.

“Grams, you’d have a lovely time in Florida,” my mother said with a sweet smile.

Grams shook her head. “Heather darling, have you ever been on a plane with Garrett?”

Smiling, my mother shook her head. “No, I can’t say I have, Emma.”

Ellie started giggling. “Emma, tell them about the time Garrett passed out on the plane.” Alex quickly turned and looked at her mother. “What? Gramps passed out on a plane?”

Grams slowly nodded her head and was about to say something when Gramps cleared his throat. I turned around to see, Gramps, Alex’s dad Gunner, my father, Luke, Will, and Colt all walking up from the main barn.

“Why good afternoon, gentlemen,” Grams said with a smile. “What a fine group of handsome men we have here. Isn’t that right, ladies?”

Smiling, I looked each of them over. Good lord. It should be sinful to have six good-looking men all standing together like this. Gramps held his own with his blue eyes and gray hair. Gunner was beyond breathtaking and Colt was a mini version of Gunner. Except Colt had that ever present five o’clock shadow that fit him perfectly. Will was the spitting image of my father, handsome as hell. He smiled as he looked adoringly at Alex. My father smiled and winked at my mother, causing me to turn and look at her. When her face flushed I looked away. Their love affair, as she called it, seemed more on fire than ever before. Will and I had walked in on them last night in the kitchen. Of course they were just kissing, but Will declared to have the image burned forever in his memory.

Glancing back, my eyes locked onto the most beautiful green eyes. My heart fluttered and it felt as if the energy in the air changed. Luke was staring at me with the most breathtaking smile I’d ever seen. In less than a week, we’d all be heading back to school and the idea of living in the same house, waking up every morning wrapped in his arms, thrilled me beyond belief.

“Libby? Hello? Libby, darling are you even listening to me?”

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