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Luke began kissing around my stomach and slowly moved up. The moment his lips took my nipple and he bit down, my orgasm ripped through my body. I arched my back and began calling out his name as my hips gyrated and my body quivered.

Once my orgasm died out, Luke let off my nipple and looked at me. I was gasping for air. “Wow. Just—wow,” I panted out as Luke smiled.

“Your body is so receptive of me, Libby.” I nodded my head. I didn’t want this evening to end. Ever.

“I was made for you, Luke.”

His lips slammed against mine as he kissed me with everything he had. Our tongues danced and explored as our hands moved over each other’s bodies. “Please, please don’t make me beg for you. I need to feel you inside me, Luke. I need to have you. I need you to make me yours.”

Sitting up, Luke grabbed a condom and ripped it open with his teeth. I smiled as I felt my core pulsing with greed as my eyes fell to his dick. I watched as he slipped the condom down his long thick shaft. His veins bulging as want and need pulsed through them.

He settled between my legs as he brought his lips back to mine. “Slow, Libby. I want to feel every inch of your pussy.”

“Oh, God,” I was shocked by how much I loved to hear Luke talk to me so raw. Could I do the same? Could I be so wanton as to express what I was thinking? “Luke—”

The tip of his dick pushed slightly into me. I wrapped my leg around his calves and attempted to pull him in further.

“Slow, Libby,” he whispered against my neck.

Panting, I whispered back, “More. Luke, please give me more.”

I closed my eyes as he pushed in a little deeper. My body was building again. Pushing in more I moaned as my body accommodated his size. Moving my leg up further, I pulled him in more. I inhaled a breath and decided to let my desire out. I wanted this moment to be like I dreamed of while lying in bed. “I need you to fill me deep, Luke. Now!”

Groaning, he pushed in hard and fast as I arched my back to him. “Yes!” I hissed between my teeth. Luke stilled as he filled my entire body. It burned like hell, but felt so amazing. I wrapped my legs around him as my fingertips moved lightly up and down his back.

“Libby. I’ve waited forever for this moment,” he whispered as he lifted his head. Tears filled his eyes and my heart was forever lost to the only man I’ve ever loved.

Reaching up, I wiped a tear from his face. “Make love to me, Luke.”

Luke gently pressed his lips to mine as he tenderly moved in and out of my body. Whispering the sweetest words against my lips as he made love to me for the first time. My body began to shudder as the buildup was almost to the max. Pulling my lips from his I whispered, “I’m going to come.”

One hard push in and I was off the ledge, as was Luke. We whispered our names against our kiss-swollen lips as we came at the same time. I would never experience a moment like this again. Nothing before and nothing after would ever compare.

LUKE AND I lay tangled up in each other as I moved my index finger lazily up and down his arm. His rhythmic breathing was calming. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sleep soundly again unless he is wrapped in my arms. I could hear the sound of the waves as they crashed on the shore. Luke had made love to me three times, and with each time my orgasms grew more intense. He did as he said he was going to do—made me his, over, and over, and over again.

For me this was my first time. It was just as I dreamed it would be. With Zach, it had been awkward. Nothing about it felt good. He pulled out of me and finished himself off, even though he wore a condom. Nothing about that evening felt right.

Everything about tonight felt right. Smiling, I bit down on my lip. I wondered how long it would be before Luke moved past the romantic lovemaking and we got to explore each other more. Butterflies took off in my stomach as I thought about Luke doing naughty things to me.

“What are you thinking about, Lib?” His voice was low and tired sounding. And sexy as hell. ”Your heart is pounding in your chest and your body temperature just got hotter.”

I was shocked at how in tune he was with my body. “I’m thinking of—more.”

Luke chortled. “I don’t think I can. I’m exhausted, baby.”

Smiling I shook my head. “I didn’t mean more sex now; I’m talking about wanting more.”

He lifted his head and looked at me. His eyes danced with delight. “More as in?”

Chewing on my bottom lip, I reached deep inside and found my courage. I’ve waited too long to be with him, there was no way I wasn’t going to be honest and up front with him. “More, fun. Bedroom fun.”

He narrowed his eyes and asked, “Explain further.” I rolled my eyes. He knew what I was getting at, but he wanted me to say it. Fine. I wanted to play the wanton role, so here I go.

“I want to do other things. I mean, I loved … loved what happened between us tonight and I want more of that. Lots more.” Luke smiled that breathtaking smile of his. Green eyes lighting up at the mere thought of making love to me again.

“I just …” I looked away.

Luke used his index finger and pulled my chin, causing me to look back into his eyes. “Keep talking, Libby.”

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