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I heard someone say Luke’s name as I raised my head and saw a guy walking toward us. He looked to be about our age and had dark-brown hair, almost black. He held out his hand to shake Luke’s. Reaching out, Luke shook his hand while he kept his grip on mine. I swallowed hard as he let go of it as he talked to the guy.

Luke smiled warmly and said, “Manny, thanks so much for doing this for us.”

Manny looked over at me, smiled and then turned back to Luke. “I always said I owed you one, I just never thought you’d be asking for something like this.”

Luke chuckled and nodded his head. “Manny, this is Libby. Libby, this is Manny. We met last year at A&M. Manny’s dad is the best friend of the owner of Franklin’s. He’s also the general manager here.”

Reaching out my hand, I shook Manny’s. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Manny slapped his hands together. “I hear the brisket here is your favorite.” I laughed as I nodded my head. “Well you’re in luck.” He motioned with his hands for us to sit. Turning, I followed Luke to a table as he pulled out the seat and pushed it in for me as I sat.

As Luke sat, he and Manny talked about football and how well A&M was doing. I smiled at a young girl who walked over to our table and sat down two plates and silverware. She peeked over at Luke and smiled. She couldn’t have been more than sixteen. Her dark-brown hair and deep-brown eyes led me to believe she was related to Manny. They looked almost alike.

“Libby? Lib, are you listening?”

I looked over to Luke. “I’m sorry, I was … um … thinking of something,” I said as I felt my face heat up.

Luke looked at me and tilted his head as if he wanted to say something but didn’t. He was about to talk when the same young girl brought out all the food. My stomach growled as I inhaled a deep breath.

“Okay, well let me leave y’all be so you can eat and talk,” Manny said as he began to take a few steps back. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up since my mouth was full with brisket.

Luke made a sandwich and took a huge bite and then let out a moan. I giggled as I swallowed and said, “I know, right? It’s heaven. How did you do all of this? Why did you do all of this?”

Luke’s eyes filled with what appeared to be sadness before he masked it over with that damn smile of his. “I can’t do something for one of my best friends? I knew how much you loved this place and Manny owed me a favor. They were closed today, but he talked his dad into opening up for us.” Luke winked at me and laughed. “Plus they are catering a huge party at the capitol, so ...”

I laughed and shook my head. “In other words, you lucked out on timing.”

He took another bite and nodded his head. “I did.” Smiling, Luke asked, “How are you liking A&M, Lib?”

I let out a small breath. “I’m enjoying it. It’s different that’s for sure. It’s harder, but not as hard as I thought it would be. I mainly miss the girls. Colt, too, of course. I wish Alex and Grace were going to A&M.” Luke’s eyes caught mine and we stared at each other as if trying to read one another’s mind. Luke looked away and cleared his throat. He stood and looked at me. “Peach cobbler? I bet I can rustle some up.”

Smiling weakly, I wanted to ask him why he was pushing me away. Looking down, I thought about that day last summer when Luke had told me he loved me. My stomach dropped like it does every time I think of that day.

I WALKED INTO the clubhouse and began looking around for Alex’s change of clothes. Luke stumbled in behind me talking about some stupid song that was on the radio he liked.

I had to tune everything out. My body was craving Luke’s touch more than ever. His smell, his laugh, even his slurred speech was driving me crazy with lust.

I closed my eyes and thought about the kiss that changed everything between Luke and me. The summer before he left for college he decided to kiss me. Then he just left me without so much as a good-bye. Confused and hurt.

“Lib were is … some pants. I’m soaking wet for some reason.”

Rolling my eyes, I walked over to the duffle bag that Will had left here. I reached in, grabbed a T-shirt and pants. I turned and walked to Luke.


I shoved the clothes into his stomach, causing him to stumble back.

“Shit! Luke! Why are you drinking so much lately? You can’t even stand up straight.”

Luke grabbed me and attempted to stand up. He laughed and mumbled something about me being the reason.


He looked at me and smiled. “Nothing, baby.”

My stomach clenched at him calling me b


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