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Zach leaned back and looked at me. His eyes screamed he wanted me, but I wasn’t ready yet. I wasn’t sure when I would be ready and if he would even be the one. I had been saving myself for Luke. Since I could remember, I wanted my first time to be with him. “I’m starved. How about Saltgrass?”

I nodded my head. “That sounds good.” My phone beeped and I looked down to see I had a text from Alex.

Alex: Grace and I are in town.

Me: OMG! I want to see you!

I looked up at Zach and smiled bigger. “My two best friends from home are in town. Can I invite them and my brother to dinner with us?

Zach smiled. “Alex and … Grace?”

The fact that he remembered Alex and Grace’s names caused my stomach to jump. “Yes. Alex is dating my brother Will. Grace is Luke’s sister.”

Zach’s smile faded a bit. “Luke? Who’s Luke?”

I swallowed hard. I had failed to mention Luke to Zach. “I haven’t mentioned Luke to you before? Are you sure?” My heart began pounding. Why did I never mention Luke to Zach?

Zach shook his head. “Not that I can remember.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “He’s another friend, from home.” I let out a nervous chuckle. “My brother and Luke are roommates.”

Zach nodded his head. “Why don’t you invite them all for dinner?”

Smiling weakly, I began typing out a text to Alex.

Me: Are you free this evening?

Alex: Yep! Why what’s up?

Me: About to go to dinner at Saltgrass Steakhouse.

Alex: With who?

Me: A guy named Zach. We went out to a movie and will be heading to dinner soon.

Alex: A date. What about Luke?

Me: I can’t wait for someone who clearly doesn’t want the same thing I want. Besides, he’s been hooking up with that Abigail girl the last few months.

Alex: What about what he said to you?

Me: He was drunk. I’m done waiting. Want to meet us for dinner?

Alex: Okay. Will went back to his dorm to get some clothes, so he could stay with me at the hotel for the weekend. Can we meet you there in half an hour?

Me: Sure! We’re just talking at Starbucks. Make sure Grace knows!

Alex: Okay. See you soon, sweetie!

I set my phone down and tried to push Luke from my mind. I smiled sweetly at Zach. “Alex, Will, and Grace will be joining us at the Saltgrass.”

Zach’s smile made my heart melt. He was beyond sweet to me and treated me like I was his world. We’d only been dating for a few weeks, but I loved that he hadn’t pushed me into anything. He was taking it slow and that was what I needed.

Zach stood and reached his hand for mine. “May we stop by my dorm so I change first? I don’t want your brother meeting me for the first time and I’m in running shorts.”

I let out a nervous laugh. “He wouldn’t care, but yes, we can stop by your dorm.”

I sent Alex a text letting her know we might be a few minutes late since we had to stop at Zach’s dorm.

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