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Walking over toward Luke, I smiled. “The kind you’ll never get from me, Luke.”

I walked up to Will and held my hand out for his truck keys. I needed to get away from Luke. Being around him was more than I could take anymore.

Will was staring at me. “Wait. What did you just say?”

I let out a frustrated sigh. “Can I borrow your truck or not, Will?” Will pulled out his keys and handed them to me. One quick look at Luke showed that my comment about Jason and dessert made him mad.

Good. That’s what the asshole gets. Let him chew on that for a while.

AFTER LIBBY HAD left, I couldn’t push it out of my head what she had said. I wanted to track her down and beat the shit out of Jason. If that was who she was really with.

After everyone talked in the barn for a bit, we had all decided to head into town. We ended up at Pirates Miniature Golf where Colt and I got into an argument.

We had been bickering when I looked up and saw Libby walking by. I stopped talking and watched her walk by as she made her way over to the girls. Turning back around, I looked at Colt. “You

cheat, Colt.”

Colt’s mouth dropped open. “I do not, you asswipe. I got that hole in three swings. Lauren, did I not get that in three shots?”

I turned and looked at Lauren who smiled at me. “Hate to say it, Luke, but he got it in three swings.”

Shaking my head, I mumbled under my breath. “This night sucks.” I headed over to the counter. “I need a Coke.”

The few times I looked over at Libby, she seemed a million miles away. Grace would say something and cause Libby to smile. Then she would look at me and her smile would fade. I hated that I was the reason she was unhappy. I hated that I was the one who caused her to hurt. My phone went off and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Abigail: In serious need of a good fucking. When are you expected back?

Peeking over, I looked at Libby and decided not to text Abigail back. I looked up and Alex was looking at me. She tilted her head and mouthed, are you okay?

I nodded my head, but I knew by her expression she knew I was anything but okay.

Libby let out a scream and I jumped up. I quickly sat down when I saw she was smiling at Alex. “Y’all are coming to A&M next year?”

Alex nodded her head.

“What? So not fair!” Maegan shouted out.

Alex smiled bigger and said, “Yep, Grace and I are both transferring to A&M.”

Sitting down, Maegan pouted and said, “Ugh.”

Alex looked at her. “I thought you loved Baylor, Meg?”

Letting out a long sigh, Maegan said, “I do. It’s just … I miss y’all.”

As we all left Pirates Miniature Golf, I had the strangest feeling come over me. I peeked over and looked at Libby. My heart began to beat hard in my chest as the thought of losing Libby hit me like a brick wall.

IT HAD BEEN three months since Christmas break. I’d been doing nothing but working out, running, and studying in the library. Libby did her best to avoid me and I did my best to help her with that. Every time I saw her, I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her.

Abigail was constantly on my ass about getting together. The idea of sleeping with her didn’t even appeal to me anymore. I realized this morning that I couldn’t keep doing this. I needed to tell Libby the truth about what had happened that first week I came to college. The night I met Karen and we slept together. The night I tried to push all my feelings for Libby deep down inside for fear of losing her friendship. I wasn’t sure how Libby would react. She might tell me to go fuck myself or she might …

I shook my head and gathered up my books and put them in my backpack. I decided I would start off slow and ask her to a movie. I headed out of the library and made my way to Libby’s dorm. Glancing down at the clock, I knew she was finished with classes today and would most likely be there. I rounded the corner of Commons Halls, Libby’s building where her dorm room was and stopped dead in my tracks. Libby was leaning against the building and some asshole was kissing her. He pulled away and Libby placed her hand on the side of his face and smiled. His hand was resting on her hip as they both looked at each other and talked.

All the air in my lungs was gone in an instant and I couldn’t breathe. I stood there and watched the two of them. He leaned in and began kissing her neck as she dropped her head back against the building and closed her eyes. I balled my fists together. When I saw his hand move up from her hip and lightly move across her breasts, I wanted to pound his face into the ground. I was frozen where I stood. Unable to pull my eyes away from Libby in the arms of another man. I had finally decided to tell Libby the truth, but I was too late. I waited too long. As Libby laughed at something the asshole said, I slowly forced my feet to move. Turning, I walked away from the only girl I’d ever loved.

She’s moved on and was now with someone else. The bile rose up into my throat as I thought about another man touching Libby. How long had they been together? Who was this ass? She was looking at him like she wanted more. She wanted … him. I couldn’t get back to my dorm fast enough.

PUSHING OPEN THE door to my dorm, I attempted to pull air into my lungs. Images of that asshole touching Libby and kissing her flooded my mind. I slammed the door shut. I needed a drink.

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