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I let out a laugh as I leaned back. My smile faded instantly. It was as if I felt her before I saw her. Turning, I saw Libby standing there. I pushed my chair back and stood. “Lib, what’s up?”

I watched as her eyes traveled down my body and I instantly adjusted my somewhat hard dick. She looked back up and all I saw was hurt. Again. Libby slowly looked to Abigail. Abigail smiled a fake-ass smile as she leaned back in her chair and began playing with her braid. I peeked over at Libby as she smiled weakly at Abigail before turning back to me.

Libby stood up a little taller and cleared her throat. “My car won’t start and I can’t get a hold of Will. I wouldn’t normally bug you about this, but I saw you and well …” Looking back at Abigail, Libby’s voice cracked. “If I’m interrupting something though.” Abigail started to say yes, but I cut her off.

“No, Abigail and I were just catching up.”

Libby turned and glared at me. “I heard.”

My heart slammed in my chest and my hands starting sweating. Fuck. I didn’t want Libby to overhear me talking to Abigail like that. Abigail cleared her throat and asked, “So you’re the hot roommate’s sister, huh?”

Libby’s head snapped back over to look at Abigail. “Yes, Will is my brother. Do you know him?”

Abigail laughed and shook her head. “No. I don’t know him that well. I’ve only seen him a few times.”

I reached down and scooped up my books and smiled at Abigail. “I’ll catch up with you later, Abigail.”

Abigail placed her finger in her mouth and giggled. “Sounds good, handsome.”

Smirking at Abigail, I glanced to look at Libby who rolled her eyes. Libby turned and walked to the exit. I followed her through the library and out the door. “Where are you parked, Lib?”


Great. She’s pissed.

“Let me drive you there, Lib.”

She held up her hand and waved it. “Just meet me there. I’ll text Will to let him know you’re helping me.”

I stopped walking and watched her quickly walk away. Turning, I headed to my truck. I pulled out my phone and hit Grace’s phone number.

“Hello, big brother. What’s cooking?”

“Explain women to me, Grace.”

Grace busted out laughing. “Do you have a few days?”

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously. Y’all love to fuck with men, don’t you?”

“No more than men love to fuck with the emotions of women. Take for instance when a guy kisses this girl in a full on passionate kiss and then tells her it was a mistake. As Uncle Matt would say, assmole move right there.”

Letting out a sigh, I pulled out onto the road. “I take it you talked to Libby?”

“Possibly. What in the hell is wrong with you? Pull your head out of your ass and get your shit together. You’re hurting her, Luke.”

Closing my eyes, I quickly opened them again, fighting to hold back the tears that were threatening to build. “I don’t mean too, Grace.” My voice cracked as I talked so I cleared it.

I ran my hand through my hair. I needed to leave Libby alone. I needed to let her move on and find someone else. Someone who will guard her heart and not hurt her. Not fall into bed with the first girl who makes him forget.

I heard Grace let out a breath and sigh. “I know you don’t, Luke. But you have to see how doing this to Libby is confusing her. She’s not going to wait forever. Libby is beautiful and sooner or later someone is going to catch her eye and she is going to move on, Luke. Without you I’m afraid.”

“Luke? Are you listening to me?”

Nodding my head, I whispered, “Yeah, I heard you.” I pulled into the guest parking outside of Libby’s building. I looked around and saw her car. “I’ve got to run, baby sister. I love you. I can’t wait to see you.”

“Same here. Hey, Luke?”

I put my truck in park and opened the door. Jumping out, I began making my way over to Libby’s car. “Yeah?”

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