Page 107 of Hunger Awakened

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Bast nodded, hastily reviewing every step in his head. The last one he skipped for now, not knowing how he wanted to tackle it. He slid off the bed. “Remove your clothing,” he ordered.

Swinging her legs off the bed as well, she replied, “I thought you were turning me into a vampire.”

“There are some very enjoyable aspects to being turned. You’ll see.” An unrepentant grin followed.

Alice giggled while rolling her eyes.

When she lifted the shirt to reveal a flat, bare belly, Bast was immediately distracted from what he was about to do. Difficult to take his attention away from the woman who revealed a purple bra, all covered in lace and frilly things. The cut-out pattern teased him with blush-colored hints of her nipple, but no matter how long he lingered, they didn’t divulge the full secret. She leaned forward to push down the jeans from her hips, which made her breasts spill into the cups of all that purple, filling them completely. Standing upright disintegrated the effect, but the view of her stepping out of pooled denim stretched to her full height, hips and breasts covered in pretty lace was heart-stopping.

Christ, yes.

She reached behind her and a moment later, the bra no longer fit her in a snug hold. Instead, the material gaped before fluttering to the ground altogether. Rounded breasts, nipples already tightening, incited a rush of blood through Bast’s veins. By the time her fingers hooked into the straps of lace on her hips and pushed them down long legs, his cock had swollen to almost full mast. Licking his lips barely helped the dearth of moisture on them as his gaze swept over her nudity, taking in every exquisite inch of skin, including the down-covered juncture between her thighs.

“On the bed,” he whispered, throat drying.

He forced himself to remember that she was sick and had been hospitalized only hours earlier. His lust would have to wait. Still...

When she seemed comfortable, Bast crawled over her. Elevated on his forearms, he kept his weight from smothering her but reveled in the bounce of heat between their bodies. There was so much trust held in her deep blue eyes, it was almost enough to make him change his mind. To not subject her to what might be a mistake.

But no. The mistake would have been to not spend eternity together when it was possible. So Bast kissed her. It would be the last kiss she experienced as a human. One that gave her a final chance to cling to her old life and reject him.

Alice’s fingers pushed into his hair, her other hand lighting on his jaw to hold him in place as she returned the kiss. Their tongues stroked and tangled, their passion rising. She breathed heavily into his mouth, her body arching beneath his, touching breast to breast. Her teeth nipped at his bottom lip and the sharp pain aroused him that much more. As she spread those creamy thighs, inviting him to thrust into the warmth of her pussy, he almost came undone.

Instead he focused. Hands stroking over her body, inciting her reaction to him. He wanted this to be something special for her. A time she treasured and remembered forever as being worth every second of hurt he would inflict on her.

His mouth moved from her lips, spreading kisses over her chin and then down her throat. The jumping pulse beneath her skin raced a little harder, a little faster as his mouth approached. He could smell the scent of her readiness and it inflamed him with the same eagerness her blood did. Incisors aching in painful anticipation lengthened even further.

She tensed a split second before his teeth punctured her jugular.

So very, very sweet.

The taste of her blood so precious and delicious, Bast opened his mouth and pulled harder. Alice moaned, twisting beneath him, rubbing against his swollen cock. He rocked his pelvis against her, brushing against her clit. Always pulling more of her precious gift into his throat. Tasting her. Loving her. Alice shuddered, crying out as an orgasm left her trembling beneath him.

Quickly, Bast pulled away from his source and bit into his own wrist. Before Alice could protest or even figure out his intent, he pushed the new wound onto her mouth. He sunk his teeth into her again as quickly as he’d left. She bucked, seating him further in the cradle of her thighs, but then almost immediately she relaxed. He waited for perhaps too long, but there, felt the swipe of her tongue over the puncture. A few more seconds passed before a little pressure from her mouth tightened over his wrist.

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