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“A little.”

“But you liked it.” That was obvious in the way she responded to my touch. My ultimate goal was for her to find pleasure—and only pleasure—with her future sexual partners. I tried not to think about whether one of those future partners would be me.

“When it comes to impact play,” I said, pinching another pinked-up welt, “you need to remember the things we talked about earlier. About what you do if your partner is pushing your boundaries. About your power of consent.”

She turned to me with a sardonic tilt of her lips. “You’ve told me about that, like, a hundred times by now. Maybe a thousand.”

I narrowed my eyes at her flippant tone. “Maybe so. But it’s important. Especially for you.”

“I know that, and I appreciate your consent speeches, but I liked pretty much everything you did to me today. Sir,” she added, finally noticing my darkening gaze.

“The ‘Sir’ at the end doesn’t negate all the snark that came before it.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Are you really sorry?”

“I’m just saying, we’ve been over consent a bunch of times.”

I grabbed a handful of her hair and tilted her head back. “What about respecting your dominant? Have we been over that a bunch of times?” My gaze strayed down to her tightening nipples. “I’m willing to concede you’re still learning about the concept of submission, but you’re fully aware you were being mouthy just now.” I put a hand on her shoulder. “Down.”

She sank to her knees, her back stiff as a ramrod.

“Let’s put that mouth to better use,” I said. “I’ll punish you for the attitude later.”

In some sense, I loved the attitude. More attitude meant more assertiveness meant more presence in her experience. More presence meant more control and hopefully more comfort in sexual encounters. I still got to punish her for being mouthy. Rules were rules.

“Open,” I said. “I’m going to tell you exactly what to do and I want you to do it. No mouth.”

“I can’t use my mouth?”

“You know what I mean. Watch the smartass remarks, little girl. Bratting is not part of our dynamic.”


“Acting like a brat,” I said. “Like you’re doing right now.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

I didn’t think she was that sorry. I guided the tip of my cock to her lips. “Suck me, sassypants.”

She started with the head, licking skillful circles around the bulging crown. She was still turned on from our trip to the play room, because she was caressing and exploring me with more spirit than usual. My muscles tightened, my groin drawing up in pleasure. “Open wider,” I sighed after a few minutes. “Lick me like I’m your favorite flavor of lollipop.”

She started to speak but I stopped her.

“If you tell me you don’t eat lollipops, it’s twenty with the strap right here on the floor.”

She grinned against my cock, gazing up at me. I took her face in my hand and shoved my dick into her pretty little mouth. While she did a fair job of sucking my length, she had to do a lot of the work with her hands. I gave distracted instructions—Faster! Slower! Squeeze the base of my cock! Meanwhile, I allowed myself to daydream about how I’d punish her for her earlier sassiness. She’d already been whapped with a bunch of implements. I thought I’d spank her with my hand to change things up a little, really wring her out and send her home sore.

“Okay,” I sighed. “Try to take me deeper. I know it’s hard. Open your throat and take me deep in your mouth.” God bless her, she tried. Gagged and teared up a little. I was so thankful that blowjobs weren’t a trigger for her. They were the only things keeping me sane during these sessions. “Okay, baby, keep trying. Get it wet. Make it hot.”

I was pretty good at this coaching thing, considering most of the women I fucked around with were already vastly experienced. There was something sweet, almost wistful, about developing Ashleigh’s oral skills. When I thought about her using them on anyone else, though, I felt a pang of jealousy deep in my gut.

“Jesus Christ, Ash.” I sat back on the bed, pulling her with me. She looked up at me, my throbbing cock in her hand.

“Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s great. You’re just making my legs shaky. That’s a good thing.”

I put a hand on the side of her head, guiding her, murmuring instructions and encouragements. I wanted to jab my cock all the way to the back of her throat, but hard force was still a trigger for her. I twisted my fingers in her soft black hair instead, picturing it crisscrossed with spurts of my semen. Gross? Yeah, but that’s the kind of stuff perverts like me thought about in the middle of a blowjob. She sucked my length in and out, using her tongue and lips as far as she could, and her hands on the rest. I shuddered, my body going tense with peaking arousal.

I took her hand and made her caress my balls, staring down at my fingers over hers. The visual was as powerful as the sensation. “Ash,” I managed to groan through the haze in my brain. “I’m going to come soon, and I want you to swallow every fucking drop— Oh God.” I grasped for control as her hot mouth worked up and down my length. “I’m coming. Jesus. Holy…Christ.”

She wasn’t an enthusiastic swallower, but since she hated the smell of cum, she’d decided a while back that swallowing was the easiest way to make it go away. I always rewarded her afterward with a hard, deep kiss. God, I’d needed that nut. I melted down onto the carpet beside her and laid my head in her lap.

“You’re good at blowjobs,” I said with a sigh.

She touched my hair, stroking her fingers through my tangles. “With other guys, when the sex thing wouldn’t work, blowjobs were something I could handle. It was something I could do so they wouldn’t have to go home all hot and bothered.”

“You know, it wasn’t your responsibility to finish them off if you weren’t feeling it. I was hard as a fucking diamond that first night when you…” I paused. We hadn’t talked about that encounter in a while. “Anyway, I didn’t expect anything from you.”

She brushed back my hair with a frighteningly familiar tenderness. “That’s because you’re a good guy. I’m glad I met you. I—I’m feeling so much better these days. I’m so different from the person I was that night.”

We gazed at each other, so connected. So close. Too close.

I sat up abruptly and moved to kneel in front of her. “Okay, it’s your turn to come now. Lie back and open your legs.” I frowned at her when she didn’t immediately obey. “Did you not hear me? Or do you want more punishment than you’re already getting? I know you’re into the hurty stuff, my budding masochist, but don’t bite off more than you can chew.”

She inched her legs apart a tiny bit and I pushed them open the rest of the way. “Don’t be self-conscious. You’re beautiful.” I braced my knees inside hers so her legs couldn’t close the slightest bit. “I think it’s time to work on letting go a little, and overcoming those inhibitions. So, you’re going to touch yourself and make yourself come while I watch you and hold your legs apart.”

She gawked at me. “You’re going to stare down at me while I jack off?”

“Yes. Until you come.” It was delicious, bracing her legs

open while she fought to clinch them closed.

“What if I can’t come with you watching me?”

“Then you don’t close your legs. Which is fine. I can hold them open for days if I have to. My work schedule is pretty flexible. I don’t know about yours.”

“I can always just leave,” she pointed out.

“I’m glad you remember.” I pushed her legs even wider and she gave up her fruitless attempts at out-muscling me. She was strong for her size but she was no match for a six-and-a-half-foot man. “Go ahead and start,” I said. “Don’t be self-conscious. I masturbate all the time.” Especially since I met you. “And you might as well make yourself feel as good as you can for as long as possible, because once you finish, it’s punishment time.”

Her lips twisted into a pout. “Now I really can’t do it. Not if I’m thinking about that.”

I laughed at that huge lie. “While you touch your hot little pussy, I want you to imagine me pulling you over my lap and punishing your ass cheeks while you kick your legs and try to get away. Because that’s what’s going to happen. I’ll even let you close your eyes to imagine it better. Now, start.”

She paused and then slid her fingers into the crease of her pussy. Her pert little nipples were hard, but they’d been hard for a while now. She touched and stroked herself, shyly at first. She made little pants and sighs but I could see her lingering self-consciousness. She always had trouble reaching that letting-go point, the point when her body overrode the fears and constraints of her mind. After several minutes I ran my hands up and down her thighs.

“Okay. Stop. Freeze. Wait…” I got up and went to the dresser and got some clamps out of a top drawer. I adjusted them down from scream level to ooh-baby-make-me-hurt level. I returned to Ashleigh. “Let’s put these on before you go any further. I want you to come with them on.”

“What if I can’t?”

I sighed heavily. “Do we have to go through this again?” I leaned over and pinched her nipples, preparing the sensitive tips for the bite of the clamp. I don’t think she realized that this was her main panic position, that I was over her, on top of her, my dick half hard. I applied the first clamp and she made a little keening sound that made me three-quarters hard. By the time I’d attached the other one I was looming over her with a full-on erection. I sat back and braced her legs open again. “Do it. Come for me. Come for me because it hurts and it makes you feel good. Come because you’re ready for me to spank your tight little ass and make you cry.”
