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"Then say it. Beg me to spank your ass."

Depraved motherfucker. "No." He rubbed my hot ass where he'd already landed a couple blows but that wasn't enough. I needed to feel the hard callused flat of his hand stinging my ass. "Beg." I shook my head as much as I could with his hand buried in my hair pulling it from the roots. The dick never stopped moving and I was about to get the shakes.

"Please Dami..."

"Please what?"


"Say it."


He rained hell down on my ass, both cheeks. I started cumming from the first one and didn't stop. Not even when I felt him throbbing inside me, signaling his own release. Cum, pussy juice, everything was leaking down my thigh and I sounded like a half drowned donkey as I screeched and howled. He capped it off by pulling my head back and feeding me his tongue.

If my bitch in flaw ever knew the kind of sex she inspires she'd never come back to my house again. Hey that's not a bad idea, maybe I should tell her, you know, let it slip. That thought gave me the warm and fuzzies, which didn't last too long.

"You ever say some shit like that to me again I'll tear a strip off your ass. I'll only let you get away with so much Vanessa. Know your fucking place."

I was up and off the bed scrounging around on the floor for my sweats and tee. "Are you threatening me Damien Spencer?"

"Damn straight I am. You're my wife, if you need your ass beat for doing stupid shit I will oblige you."

"Why you..."

"Watch it, I'm in no mood for any more of your shit." He pointed his finger at me like I was one of his soldiers getting a dressing down. I did my temper tantrum dance as mom likes to call it. Hopping from one foot to the next while I foamed at the mouth too upset to form words.

"You asshole jerk, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I hate you and I hate your stupid mother."

I was mad enough to spit nails.

"For the love of fuck Vanessa, do you know what I do for a living? Do you have any idea of the stress I'm under? I spend my days thinking up ways and maneuvers to keep people alive. You and the other three hundred million or so that are here in this country. Do you think I have time to deal with your petty squabbles?"

"They're not petty..."

"Yes they are, you're both adults, you should be able to settle your differences. Instead there's always some fuckery going on with you two here lately and I’m sick of it."

"She makes my life a living hell."

"I seriously doubt that."

"See you're always sticking up for her."

"VANESSA, for fuck's sake I'm not choosing sides. Listen, when mom's wrong I tell her just as I tell you when you're wrong. Your problem is that you want me to choose sides and there are no sides. You're my wife she's my mom. I love you both, but I can't spend my life refereeing between you two, I'm not gonna do it."

I stormed around the room opening and closing drawers as I gathered my shit to get the hell outta dodge. He doesn't get it he'll never get it.

I felt arms go around me and pull me back towards the bed where he dropped us both. Then I felt his body shaking. "Are you laughing at me?"

"You're just so fucking hot when you're mad baby. Hot and adorably cute."

"Don't touch me, I don't wanna be touched by you right now." I couldn't hold the tears at bay this time. I'd lost she'd won; and it hurt so bad. I didn't just cry either; these were loud, wracking, chest concaving bawls. That's all the shit I'd been holding in for over a year now.

"Hey what're you doing? Vanessa look at me."

I tried hiding my face in his chest when he rolled me over in his arms.

"Baby...what...please don't cry baby please." He hugged me tight enough to crack ribs as he apologized. I wonder what he was apologizing for since he didn't see anything wrong with anything. "Come on baby is it really that bad?"

I didn't answer any of his questions, just purged myself through tears as he tried his best to soothe me. When my crying jag was over the room was deathly quiet. I wasn't talking; he wasn't talking.

"Tell me everything."

Chapter 4

"No, I'm through. You have no idea what it means to be a husband. You just showed up for the party and to stick a ring on my finger that says you own me so that no one else can have me. After that you buried your head in the sand and went about life as usual. You have no idea what it's been like. My parents treat you like a prince while your mom treats me like shit. You moved me half way around the country. No friends no family and no support system..."

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