Page 30 of The Daughter In Law

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He held my hand throughout the whole plane ride, which I stayed awake for this time. “Look this would be good for pin.” He was flipping through the inflight magazine and there was a picture of a carousel.

“Do you really think we’re having a girl?” He looked spooked.

“I don’t know but there’re ways to find out.”

“Do you wanna do that?”

He seemed so excited at the idea, how could I say no? I guess when he thought we were for sure having a boy he was willing to wait and be semi surprised. Now with a daughter on the horizon he wasn’t taking any chances.

“If you promise not to freak out for the rest of the pregnancy if it is a girl.” He was turning green again.

“I won’t freak out, it’s just, damn, a girl? I have enough trouble leaving you home when I have to go, I can’t imagine leaving my little girl behind.” Aww he’s so cute. He got a kiss for that.

“What’s that for?”

“Because you’re so cute and I love you to bits.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Oh yeah.” I love this, just us being so free with not a care in the world. Now if I could just Shanghai Mengele and her part humanoid offspring I’d be good as gold.

Chapter 15

I actually broke out in a sweat when we made the turn off for home. He sensed my nervousness because he took my hand and squeezed it before kissing my fingers.

“Calm down baby nothing’s gonna happen.” There was something new about the gate and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until I saw the little post thing there with a man sitting inside. Oh shit he’d hired security, no wonder he’d been so sure nothing was wrong.

“Hey Gibb anything?”

“No sir it’s been quiet since the last time we spoke sir, nothing to report.”

“Excellent, why don’t you come on up to the house in a little bit and I’ll introduce you to my wife.”

“Sure sir.” I craned my neck to see what all he had done in the week we’d been away.

“When did you arrange all this?”

“A few days after the break-in.”

“Is he like, permanent?”

“He’ll be here as long as he needs to be.”

And that’s all he’d say on the subject. I wasn’t too worried about walking into a trap after that and was finally able to relax and enjoy being back home in my own house.

Two days later I was out shopping for, just stuff. I like to shop, that little flirt in New York had only whetted my appetite and now I’d caught the bug. There were so many cute little things for kids that I was hard pressed not to buy out the stores. Damien said he was gonna get started on the nursery as soon as we found out what we were having, he wanted to color coordinate I guess. He was a little calmer now about the whole baby girl thing or at least he was pretending to be, but I noticed he’s been reading up about it a lot since we got back. I wasn’t quite sure what he thought the difference was going to be between raising a girl or a boy, except for the obvious; but the way he was acting you’d think she was a different species. I know one thing, if she was anything like me, that list of don’ts he has is in for a rude awakening. Southern boy! He has no clue.

By the third store I went into I noticed the same guy following me around. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but he didn’t look like the type to wear La Perla so I got spooked. My first thought was that crackpot had hired someone to off me, but it was broad daylight. Maybe he was here to snatch me? I dipped into the changing room and peeped out to see what he was doing. He was trying to be inconspicuous but he had a direct view to where I was. What to do what to do? I can’t call the captain, that number’s for emergencies only. He has to hand in his phone or turn it off or something while he’s doing army stuff I think.

I decided to alert the sales clerk and get help. Maybe she could call the cops or something. Then I just got pissed the fuck off. This was too much even for the ass. Besides we were in a roomful of people if I were going to confront him now would be the best time. I walked out of the room unexpectedly and he tried to veer off and pretend like he hadn’t been staring holes in the direction I’d just come from.

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