Page 14 of PS. You're Mine
"You didn't tell the police you were hurt?"
"I wanted them to go faster. If I told them, they might have had to take me to the hospital first and then all the hours of interrogations. I wanted to get out of there—get to Jason."
"Well, you're not getting out of it. This is still going to take a bit of time – the nurse just gave us an update – so we're going down to the emergency room to get your arm looked at."
I look up at Carlos and see the determination on his face. He's not going to take no for an answer. Carlos can be really laid-back or really stubborn. I tell Althea and the other members of Jason's team, who are waiting for news where I'm going. The staff in the ER take a look. This time, I'm going to get a cast otherwise they might have to operate. I don't care what they do, as long as it's fast.
Every thirty minutes, I send Carlos to get an update. The third time, when they're almost done with me, he comes in with a smile.
"Jason's out of surgery. Prognosis is good."
My heart leaps in my chest, and now I'm desperate for the doctor to stop fussing with my arm.
"I need to go, doc."
He just nods and finishes my cast. To me it seems like it takes forever, but it's just fifteen minutes. When I get upstairs, they tell me Althea is in with Jason. I nod and sit down in the waiting area. It doesn't take long for her to come out and tell me he wants to see me. I bolt out of my chair and go inside.
Jason is pale, and his eyes are closed, but I see his breathing is normal now. I go to the side of his bed and put my hand on his. He slowly opens his eyes and we just look at one another for the longest time.
"Are you okay?" He whispers.
"I am, baby."
I pull up a chair beside his bed and sit with him. They'll have to drag me away from his side if they don't want me here anymore. I'm not leaving the man I love.
Chapter 10
I spent an entire week in the hospital. They wouldn't let me leave because someone told them I would go right back to work if they did. I don't know if it was my employers or Cassie but they were right. Now that I'm discharged I've got to get up to date with what is happening at the club. I've also got to talk to Cassie.
Her family came to see me often during my stay at the hospital, but yesterday, the entire group filled my private room and told me in clear and concise words that I was to stay away from Cassandra Dalton. I completely agree with them. I think Cassie needs to figure out what she wants to do in her life and then go live it.
I feel my phone vibrate, and I check it. Cassie has sent me a message.
Cassie: Where are you? I want to see for myself you're ready to go back to work
Me: I'm at my house
Cassie: So send me the address
I hesitate for a minute. I don't know if I want Cassie here with me. Things might get complicated, but I can't just ask her to meet at some random public place to tell her we're over. So I give in, send her my location, and start pacing in my living room. A part of me wishes I could make a life together with Cassie. I can see her here in my space, raising a family together.
Messages from work come in, but it's nothing I can't take care of from here. So I open my laptop and start sending emails and doing all the boring admin work that I have to catch up on. Before I know it, Cassie is knocking on my door. I know what I have to do, but I'm reluctant to break her heart. I open the door and let her in. I don't look her in the eyes, coward that I am.
"This place is great. A little austere, but it suits you. Hope you don't mind me making changes."
She turns to me, smiling. She grabs my hand and looks up at me, waiting for a kiss. I give her a chaste kiss on the lips and pull her toward the sofa. We sit down, and she's immediately pulling on my t-shirt.
"What are you doing?"
"I want to check on your wound. See how it's healing."
"Maybe later, okay?"
"Sure.” She reads my face. “What's going on? I thought you'd be more psyched about being let free. Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm glad. And yes, I’m okay. But I need to talk to you about something."