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“Sounds like we’re going to a holodeck.”

She snorted. “You have geek in you?”

His eyebrows furrowed. “Gotta ask? Used to work for the FBI, remember?”

There was a rush of air as the door slid open. They were the last ones to enter the clinical-looking room. Everyone else stood around looking anxious. Or that might just be her suddenly jumping nerves. Yes, the procedure was much safer than in the past, but… She let her thoughts trail off. Dusty had made the choice. He said he wanted his memories. Every one.

Dusty skirted the chair in the middle of the room, kissed Momma on her silk-lined cheek. She told him, “It will be quick and painless. I promise.”

That did a lot to calm Gracie’s nerves. She said hi to everyone—Justice, Sandesh, and Victor. Momma had said she needed as many of the people who’d been there that day as possible.

Leland was here for support, though he’d been instructed to stay silent during the procedure.

Momma pointed to the chair. “Would you mind sitting down?”

Dusty eyed the chair in the middle of the room with obvious unease. She couldn’t blame him. It was a cross between a mad scientist’s and a dentist’s chair. A large arm connected to a helmet with wires and submerged sensors projected from the top of the seat. It was those sensors, that direct brain interface, that would, hopefully, awaken the hidden physiological data, helping restore Dusty’s memory of what had happened with Tony.

Dusty nodded but didn’t say a word. Not a good sign.

“It’s going to be fine,” she said as he reluctantly took his seat. She had to fight herself not to stop the whole thing when Leland began to strap him into the seat. She had to remind herself that he needed to be drugged and hooked up to the specialized equipment for this to work.

Instead of concentrating on the leather straps being tightened, she readied herself to take part in the drama. A replay of the last minutes in Mexico—with each of the people here playing a part, recalling what they could from that day. Momma even had sound effects set up. It was being run by one of Leland’s staff in internal security, who’d also be recording this session.

She dreaded reliving that day. This, in conjunction with the sensitive neuronal interface technology, should help unlock his memories.

If it worked, Dusty would be able to remember what had happened with Tony. If it worked, he’d be whole. If it worked, they’d hopefully be able to use that information to find Tony. And bring him home.

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