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She managed a weak smile. "I'm okay."

She didn't look okay. The officer had led her halfway down the hall when I heard a clatter and turned to see her doubled over, emptying her stomach onto the linoleum tiles.

"Oh, God," she said. "I can't believe I did that." Her voice came out thick, words slurred.

"Partying a little early today, were you?" Medina said.

"Wh-what?" Jaime struggled to look up at her, eyes refusing to focus.

I tried to get to Jaime, but Medina yanked me back. "Your friend is fine. She just needs to lay off the booze." She called to the young officer, "She's one of those Hollywood types. Probably spent the night on Bourbon Street."

"What?" I said. "No, we--"

"Should I send the mug shot to the tabloids?" the young officer asked with a grin.

"No, that's exactly what these people want. There's no such thing as bad publicity. I'll handle the processing. Just stick her in the drunk tank."

"Is that the charge then? Public drunkenness? For both of them?"

Medina nodded. I opened my mouth, but her look made me shut it.

She pushed me into the next open doorway and shut the door behind us as the other officer led Jaime to the cells.

"What the hell is going on?" I said, spinning on Medina. "First you question me about a bombing. Then you arrest me for it. Now you've switched to public drunkenness?"

"Would you rather the bomb charge?"

"There is no bomb charge. You--"

"There still might be."

She cuffed me to a chair, then sat across from me and took out her cell phone. After a minute, I realized the beeps I heard weren't from texting or e-mailing--she was playing a game.

I yanked on the chair. "You aren't processing me."

"Do you want me to?"

Part of me wanted to insist she charge me, just to see if she would, so I could confirm what I suspected was happening. But the rest of me said that was a very stupid idea.

So I seethed and writhed inside while she played her game.

"I want to make a phone call," I finally said.

"You did."

"That wasn't my official call. You're holding me, so I'm entitled to--"


're entitled to a call if I charge you."

I closed my eyes and concentrated. Find the core of stillness, then focus all my energy on casting--

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Medina said.

"Do what?"

"Whatever you're doing."

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