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17) Do you want kids? Yes. Three or four.

18) Someone who would help bury a body? Deck.

19) What is the best sound in the world? Children laughing.

20) Will you marry me? YES.“ROCKET”

The goat, Rocket, is based on the true story of Montague, a beautiful Alpine goat with a difficult beginning that ended up living on my horse farm.

Like Rocket, Montague refused to stay out in the field with the horses and consistently jumped fences or opened latches in order to hang out with the dog near the house.

But one day Montague jumped the gate and his front leg got caught between the top rails. His leg was wedged in so badly, we had to remove the rails off first in order to free him.

Luckily, Montague didn’t lose his leg, but he broke it and had to wear a cast for six weeks. As soon as it was off, he was back to jumping fences.

Montague ended up more like a dog than a goat and freely roamed the property. He slept on the front porch most of the time and if anyone drove up the driveway, he bleated, the dog barked, and they both ran to check out who was arriving. And, yes, like Rocket, he jumped on hoods of cars and dared you to kick him off.

Oh, and Montague’s favorite treat was potato chips.
