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“You are so damn sexy.” Caleb kisses my neck and nips my tender flesh.

Moaning, I tilt my head to the side so he can kiss me more. “What are you doing in here?”

His hands slide up my stomach to my breasts. “I kept thinking of you getting undressed in here. It about killed me. I can’t tell you how much I’ve wanted this.” He squeezes my breast and slips his hand inside the cup of my bra. When his thumb traces over my nipple, I gasp. Holy hell, I want him so bad.

Goosebumps fan out over my skin, and I shiver. “Why did you have to start this when we have no time?”

He bites my lobe and chuckles in my ear. “Oh, we have time. Not much, but just enough.”

I suck in a breath. “Enough for what?”

“For me to touch you. That is, if it’s what you want.”

“Yes,” I breathe, probably sounding a little too desperate. I can’t help it. It’s something I’ve wanted for a long time now.

Caleb turns me to face him, and he picks me up in his arms, setting me on my desk in just my bra and underwear. Luckily, I chose a sexy, matching set to put on this morning. Caleb’s gaze roams over my body, and he responds just the way I hoped it would. He maneuvers himself between my legs, his arousal pressing up against me in just the right spot. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he pushes into me.

He kisses me hard and squeezes my ass in his firm grip. “I’d give anything to make love to you right now.”

I moan into his mouth. “So would I.”

“Lay back for me, Bree.”

There are only a few papers on my desk, so I swipe them to the side and lay back, still spread wide for him. He leans over me and trails his lips down my neck to the mounds of my breasts, sliding my bra to the side so he can taste me. Gasping, I close my eyes and fist my hands in his hair.

“Oh my God, Caleb.”

He groans deep in his chest and slides a hand down my stomach, slowly making his way between my legs. The second he pushes a finger inside of me, I arch off the desk, which only gives him more access to my breasts. He tortures me with his tongue and fingers, driving me over the edge. I can feel my orgasm build, and it doesn’t take long to explode within me.

Caleb stares down at me with a satisfied grin on his face. “How did that feel?”

I feel like I’m out of breath. “Amazing. I just hate I can’t return the favor.”

He winks. “We’ll have more time soon. Right now, you have to go.” My body is so relaxed I don’t even think I can move. Grinning, Caleb helps me to my feet. “Do I need to help you get dressed?”

Clutching my chest, I shake my head. I’m ten seconds away from ripping off his clothes. Then again, I don’t want our first time making love being on my desk. “I’m good,” I say, pushing him away playfully. “I suggest you get out of here before I do something crazy.”

He waggles his brows. “Maybe I should stay then.”

“Out,” I laugh. He walks out the door, and I can hear him laughing. I put on my costume and check myself in my bathroom mirror to make sure I look okay. My cheeks are a little red, but that’s because I just had an orgasmic experience for the first time in forever. Taking a deep breath, I walk out of my office, and Caleb is waiting by the door, his face lighting up when he sees me.

“You really are sexy in that costume.” He’s still hard by the looks of things. “I need to think of something else, and you’re not helping.”

I nod toward the door. “It’s freezing outside. That should help.”

We walk out, and I lock the gallery door behind us. Caleb sucks in a breath and hisses. “Yep. It helped. It’s cold as shit out here. I don’t know how you and Santa don’t freeze.”

We start on our way toward the town square. “It’s only for a couple of hours, and it’s our last night. Trust me. I’ll be ready for a warm blanket and some hot cocoa tonight.” It’s crazy how fast the month has flown by. In three days, it’ll be Christmas.

Caleb drapes his arm over my shoulders. “I promise I’ll have both waiting for you when you get to my house.”

“Sounds perfect to me.”

When we get to the town square, Jody is already sitting on the sleigh, dressed in my grandfather’s Santa suit. He waves at us, and we wave back. “Have fun tonight.”

I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks. “Oh, I already did. It was nice.”
