Page 3 of Bombshell

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“Oh, my God,” she replied, not quite in a whisper.

Her breathing was becoming more strained, probably from holding the deep knee bend for so long, but that didn’t stop her eager hand from measuring and squeezing his ever growing length. The more she touched him, the bigger he got, and with each pulse of growth, his jeans become uncomfortable as he watched her eyes bulge. If she was excited now, he wondered how she’d react when she could see it free of his jeans.

Probably the way most of his potential lovers reacted. “Hell, no, I don’t think so, and you’re way too big to fit.”

Merrick caught movement out of the corner of his eye. He was in a public place. Maybe he shouldn’t be doing this? He stiffened and pulled his hips away from the girl as she squeezed and pressed and pulled at his cock through his now unbearably tight jeans.

“Relax,” Tina whispered, “No one’s watching.”

Merrick wanted to believe her. His cock wanted him to believe her. His cock wanted him to lighten up, live a little, and give the girl a chance. But he was still nervous. He leaned forward to grab his drink. Beer at lips, he peered over the rim of the glass trying to see if he was giving a free show. She was right, it appeared, and no one was paying any attention to them.

“See, told you so,” she said.

Sweat broke out on his forehead as she continued to rub him down. She seemed to notice his discomfort inside his jeans. Calmly, she used her free hand to reach for his jacket which hung over the back of his chair. He got the hint and grabbed it, and used it to cover both his lap and her hand.

For a moment, Merrick thought that this might work, the idea of public sex sending even more blood to his growing cock. He lifted his hips and reached between his legs, adjusting his cock. While his hands were down there, he tried to unbutton the top button of his jeans, but she shoved his hand away.

Merrick shrugged and picked up his beer, scanning for possible onlookers as he took a few more drinks. Beside him, her breathing was getting louder. Her one-track mind hadn’t faltered, however, despite the physical strain. One hand continued to work his length while the other attempted to remove the next button.

He’d never tried the public sex thing before, but he was starting to understand the attraction. Just the possibility of getting caught seemed to arouse the shit out of him. His cock throbbed as every drop of blood in his body rushed to the scene of the crime. But, when the second button finally popped free and he felt her cold fingers graze the skin at the top of his boxers, his logical law abiding brain finally took over. Stop, you idiot, you could go to jail for this.

He clamped his fingers around her wrist even as it her hand threatened to disappear into this pants. She shot him a surprised, disappointed look.

“I’m sorry, Tina, not here, not now.”

She shrugged and pulled her hand out of his pants. The jacket almost fell to the floor but Merrick caught it in time. His cock twitched in agony and called him a traitor, but the rest of Merrick’s mind and body let out a sigh of relief. He’d dodged a bullet.

He helped Tina stand up, and watched her tugged her skirt back down her legs. She picked up her tray and held it high in the air. She bent down again, from the waist until her lips grazed his ear. “Don’t forget to call me, big boy. You’ve got my number.” She nodded in the direction of the note, still lying on the floor then left. As his cock deflated and his heart beat returned to normal, he wondered if Tina performed that service for all of her male customers. If she did, he could see that increasing her tip money.

While he ate his food, the phone rang. “What?” Merrick said.

“Nice to talk to you too, bro.”

“I’m busy, what do you want?” Merrick said.

“Where the hell are you, and for the love of next quarter’s profits, why did you fire our headliner?”

“I’m taking

a few days off at the fishing cabin.”

“You didn’t answer my second question,” Tony said.

“I don’t want to talk about that. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Merrick hung up and powered off his phone. He didn’t want any distractions and he wasn’t in the mood to explain himself. If he was going to focus on anything – it would be to track down Tina and make plans for the weekend. He remembered the note which was still on the floor, so he reached down and picked it up. He put it next to his cell phone, thinking to add the contact number now before he lost it, but then remembered that he wanted to keep his phone off. He didn’t want to even see Tony’s pissed off texts.

He picked up his beer and drank the last drop as he read the note. He wanted to make sure it was legible, before he stuffed it in his pocket. The number was legible, but it wasn’t her name or phone number that made him spray his beer all over his cell phone. It was the last part of the note – a little extra something.

I have a twin sister.

A million erotic visions danced instantly in Merrick’s mind. Holy crap. Despite his affliction, he’d been with a fair share of beautiful women, the recently fired Calista being one of them. And some of them were even into the odd kinky thing, but he’d never been invited to participate in a threesome.

This weekend was getting better and better, he thought as he wiped the Misty Falls Lager off his iPhone. He stared at the note again, just to make sure he read it correctly. He stood up to get a better look around the bar, as he tried to spot his missing server. If that girl really had a twin sister, he wanted to set up their trysts before he left. Maybe even for later tonight.

He spotted her coming out of the kitchen, but her back was to him as she served her table. He sat back down and tried to be patient. I should call Joann and Charlie. He pondered the wisdom of that. He’d hired the couple to look after his cabin, but he’d failed to tell them that he was coming. He could call them and ask them to spruce the place up, maybe bring over some food and wine, and put flowers out and chocolates on the bed. He checked his watch. Pretty late. Almost ten o’clock. Joann and Charlie were in their late fifties. How would they react to getting an unexpected last-minute request – from a boss who hadn’t bothered to let them know he was coming? What if they were asleep already? Could he really expect them to drop everything to help him prepare his cabin for a night of debauchery?

Why not? You’re the boss. That’s what Tony would say. But, while Merrick considered himself a strong leader, he wasn’t an asshole. He was considerate of all people, especially his employees. His mama didn’t raise a jerk.

An ear-shattering feedback loop caused everyone in the room to cover their ears and groan, Merrick no exception. He looked up and saw that a man had come on stage. He wore a starched white shirt and sequined red vest. He wrangled the microphone out of the stand. The horrific noise faded and the man tried again. “Testing, testing.”

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