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She swerved her car into the parking lot and sat for a moment to admire the tall, brick building. A swell of pride rose in Kelly that her friend had done so well for herself. From what Raina had told her the last time they spoke, the B&B was doing better than she had hoped.

Kelly glanced at the time. It was quarter past six, probably dinner was being served now. It was far better if she went straight up to the apartment, rather than interrupt Raina’s work. She walked in carrying a small bag.

“Hi Rita,” Kelly said, walking into the reception and smiling at the red and blue haired girl.

“Kelly! How’re you?” Rita said smiling at her.

“Great, I know Raina’s busy, so I’ll just go on up, if that’s OK.”

“Sure, the kids will be happy to see you.”

“Thanks,” Kelly said and stepped up the stairs behind the reception desk.

She knocked slightly on the apartment door before pushing it open.

“Anybody home?” Kelly called out.

“Yes, we’re in the dining room. Is that you, Aunt Kelly?”

Kelly smiled at Crystal’s voice. It had been too long since she’d seen them.

She dropped her bag on the floor and walked past the living area to the dining room. When the kids saw her, they yelled and rushed over, wrapping their arms around her. Oh, Raina was blessed to have the children in her life, Kelly thought as the three bodies snuggled against her. Just then she became aware of another presence and when she looked up, she saw a brown haired woman walking in from the kitchen.

“Hi, I’m Susan from next door. I’m watching the kids for a few hours. I take it you’re a family friend?” she said, eyeing Kelly closely.

“Yes, she’s our friend!” Jeremiah exclaimed. “Kelly, I want to show you the new soccer ball I just got!”

“I am.” Kelly replied to Susan. “My name’s Kelly and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” To Jeremiah she added, “I can’t wait to see it, sweetie.”

“It’s nice to meet you too. I’ve heard Raina mention your name.”

The women chatted a little as Jeremiah ran to get his ball and the girls returned to their homework. Realizing she might be in the way, Kelly decided to return downstairs and see if she could lend a hand.

The dining room was buzzing with conversation and Raina was moving among the diners, making conversation. Sometimes she threw her head back and laughed at something a patron said. Kelly just watched and admired her friend’s easy manner with clients.

Raina caught Kelly’s eyes when she noticed her friend watching her, and rushed to her side.

“I thought you said six, it’s going on seven now,” Raina complained, while embracing her.

“I was upstairs and I met your new babysitter,” Kelly said.

“I use her services most days after school. Even though I’m downstairs, the kids were spending too much time alone with no one to supervise them,” Raina explained.

“She seems nice.”

“She is, and the kids love her. Now come and sit down, tell me all. Are you hungry?” Kelly’s eye fell on the steaming vegetables and mashed potatoes with chunks of steak.

“Yes please, that looks amazing,” she said and sat down while Raina went to the kitchen and returned with a plate full of food.

“Are you serious? How many people are eating that?” Kelly eyed the overloaded plate Raina set in front of her skeptically.

“You need some meat on those bones,” Raina said. For herself, she went and came back with a cup of coffee. Kelly raised an eyebrow.

“Are you not eating?”

“With the smell of food around me all day, I feel full by evening,” Raina said with a shrug. Kelly looked at her friend closely and detected a hint of sadness in her brown eyes. She suddenly noticed how much thinner her friend had gotten, and how much more tired she looked.

“What is it Raina? I thought everything was going well here?”
