Page 9 of He Made Me Stay

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For my last day on Earth, he’s making it pretty spectacular.

Because of him, I’ll get to have meatloaf. I’ll have another evening hanging out with Dad as we discuss music. I’ll feel the twins moving in Mom’s stomach.

I want to thank him, but he’s leaving his seat to deposit the trash from our lunch. I’d learned a lot about his disease in a short time. It’s like he has so much to say and has to talk fast in order to be able to say it all.

Kit waits for me, his hand outstretched. I absolutely need his touch. Gratefully, I grasp onto his hand as he leads me to our next class. Since I know where we’re going, I guide him with hand gestures along the way. Students stare at us, intrigued by our handholding, but no one makes fun of us.

Everyone at Mountain Grand High knows I’m gay.

I’ve dated some guys over the years whom I have classes with.

Kit already announced to the class his sexuality.

I guess it’s not a surprise to our peers, though it’s a surprise to me how taken I am with Kit.

When we near our class, he sees one of the cheerleaders, Harloe, and waves. She gives me a confused look before waving back at him.

“Is your sister okay, Harloe?” he asks, stopping in front of her.

Her thick, mascara painted lashes flutter hard, a tiny frown tugging at the normally smiling cheerleader’s face. “She’s better. How did you know about my sister?”

“Stalker, remember?” her friend, Serena, whispers loudly. “Eric says he knows everything about everyone.”

Kit nods rapidly, answering the not-so-quiet friend, his hair moving wildly at the action. “I do,” he agrees. “I studied up on everyone the moment I knew we were moving here. Including you, Serena.”

I want to tell him he’s being creepy, but I know it won’t bother him. It’s in his nature. He disarms people.

Harloe smirks. “I bet you found all kinds of dirt on everyone.”

“Mostly good stuff,” he says. “Your sister idolizes you. I saw the picture you posted of the two of you jet skiing this summer.”

“That picture was…” Harloe’s eyes water. “It was before she went under.” Her bottom lip wobbles and she shoots me a devastated look. “She almost died.”

I feel the pain in her words. The horror and heartache. The relief. Sure, I lost my brother, but I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I’m thankful her sister survived the accident. I’d seen the post a week ago, the weekend before school started, and felt gutted for her.

“But you saved her. All those years lifeguarding helped, huh?” Kit says, pride in his voice.

Serena hugs her, nodding rapidly. “She did. My bestie is a hero.”

My head hangs. I wish I could have been a hero just once for Julian. I didn’t go to the senior prom, though, and he was pronounced dead on the scene.

Harloe gives me a quick, awkward hug that startles me. “So sorry about Julian,” she whispers. “I never got a chance to tell you at the funeral and I didn’t want to bring it up in case it made you sad.”

I meet her gaze, swallowing down the emotion. “I don’t want to forget about him. Talking about him makes me sad, but not talking about him makes me sadder.”

Understanding flickers in her eyes. “I’m, uh, here for you if you need to talk.”

“Thanks,” I murmur and mean it.

“What did you learn about me?” Serena asks Kit. “Anything good?”

“You finally nailed the back full twist. That video was awesome!” Kit exclaims, holding up his hand for her to high-five him.

She squeals and smacks his hand. “You know how hard that was? I literally had to do five hundred crunches a day in order to get my abdominal muscles ready. Harloe still can’t do one yet.”

The girls tease each other, but they’re both smiling.

Kit does this.

He’s an infection.

Or, maybe he’s a cure.JasperThe rest of our classes go by quickly. I feel like my last day is going by too fast. Like Kit awarded me an extra twenty-four hours, but they’re depleting in rapid speed. By the time the last bell rings, I’m eager to get him in my car, all to myself.

Everyone is drawn to him.

He’s strange and loud and talkative and nosy, but they all like it.

They like him.

A small part of me is jealous. Like he was mine first. Now that school’s over, I can get him in my car and bask in his light, not having to share any part of him.

On the way out the door, Kit notices the football team practicing on the field.

“Wait for me,” he instructs before walking over to the edge of the field. He waves someone over, and I soon realize it’s Eric Davidson.

Several football players playfully smack Eric’s helmet, urging him to go see what it is Kit has to say. A pang shoots through me realizing Julian would have been right there with them. Eric is awkward as he walks up to Kit, towering over the smaller guy. Thankfully, no waves of hostility can be felt this time. Kit gestures for Eric to dip his head. He whispers something to Eric that has Eric’s eyes widening. Then, Kit pats his shoulder and then waves. To my surprise, Eric waves back.

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