Page 65 of About Tomorrow

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“Didn’t think he was going to leave,” Chet said, looking unsure on what to do.

“Did he drive here?” Maegan asked sounding horrified.

“Fuck, I hope not,” Chet said and stood up as Griff started making his way toward us.

Griff stumbled twice and bumped into people that he then stopped to apologize to and point at our table before continuing on. I had to do something, but I didn’t know what to do. I moved to the edge of the booth, in case I needed to stand up and get Griff out of the bar.

“What a coincidence,” he slurred loudly when he reached us.

“You’re drunk, Griff. We need to take you back to the apartment,” Chet said, standing up and putting a hand on his chest to keep him from falling into the table.

“I’m fine! Here to party. Ain’t that why you’re here, Sailor?”

I looked at Chet unsure if I should even speak. He rolled his eyes at Griff and tried to turn him around. “If I don’t get you out of here, you are going to regret it in the morning,” Chet told him. “Trust me.”

Griff jerked away from Chet and almost fell on top of me. He caught himself on the back of the booth, but he was leaning over me and laughing as he steadied himself. “Hello Sailor,” he said grinning. “Are you here to see your boyfriend play?” he asked then leaned down closer to me. “Guess you realized you had to come with him to keep him from fucking someone else.”

I opened my mouth to tell him to shut up when he was jerked away. Creed had the back of Griff’s shirt in his fist and the fury on Creed’s face scared me.

“He’s drunk!” I said, as I hurried to get out of the booth and stop this. “He doesn’t mean anything he’s saying, Creed.”

“She’s right. He’s had a fifth of Jim Bean this afternoon,” Chet said, sounding as worried as I was.

“There are some right and wrong answers here,” Griff slurred, still grinning while Creed held him up. “I have indeed drunk a fifth of Jim, but I do know what I’m saying.”

“Shut up, Griff!” Chet said, moving toward Creed. “Give him to me. I will take him to the apartment.”

“The apartment!” Griff shouted. “I don’t want to go to the apartment. Tell me Creed, did you start fucking my girlfriend at the apartment or did y’all wait until you were in Portsmouth?”

“I don’t give a fuck if you’re drunk. If you say one more word about Sailor, I will beat your face in,” Creed warned in a low voice, loud enough for us to hear.

Griff cackled like an idiot. “You took my girl. What more can you do to me? Tell me, Sailor, is the sex that good?”

Creed threw him then and Griff went face forward into the wall.

I screamed, and Chet cursed loudly.

“Creed! Stop!” I begged, as Griff got his bearings and turned around to look at Creed. He wasn’t smiling anymore.

“What happens when you get bored with her? When the sex gets old and you want something new?” Griff taunted him and I reached out to grab Griff before he got any closer to Creed.

I wasn’t fast enough. Creed’s fist connected with Griff’s face and he went down again.

“CREED!” I screamed in horror, just as the bouncer arrived to take Creed’s arms and restrain him. I fell to my knees and checked to make sure Griff was breathing because he was unconscious.

“Do I need to call an ambulance?” a waitress asked, standing over us.

I shook my head. “I don’t know,” I told her honestly.

Chet was beside me then and I was thankful for his medical knowledge. My heart was pounding from fear.

“His pulse is steady,” Chet said and glanced at me.

“That’s good, right?” I asked, twisting my hands in my lap nervously.

He nodded. “Yeah. He’s probably going to have a concussion from the way he hit his head when he fell. As long as I watch him tonight and check his vitals regularly, I think he’s okay to go home.”

“I’m going with you,” I said, needing to help somehow.

Chet frowned and glanced back at the door where the bouncer had taken Creed. “I don’t know if Creed will be okay with that.”

“I don’t care what Creed is okay with. You can’t stay up all night and watch him. We can take turns.”

Chet sighed then nodded his head. “You’re right. I’ve drank too much to stay awake all night.”

“I can help too,” Maegan offered, and I remembered she was here. Glancing at the rest of the bar, I realized people were all standing around watching us.

Jazz’s eyes met mine and she was glaring at me. I’d messed up their night. They were out a guitar player. I didn’t have time to worry about the band or anyone else for that matter. I had to help get Griff out of here and deal with Creed. What in the world had he been thinking? It was obvious Griff was drunk. Besides that, I’d told him several times.

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