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in the hell are you wearing?” he says through clenched teeth. My heart flutters at him getting all worked up. I’m bringing this out in him.

I see him ball his fists at his side, and I bite my lip to keep from letting a giggle slip free. I look down at my top and the cut-off denim skirt I’m in, and shrug. The movement catches his eyes as my breasts give a little jiggle, and he takes a step forward.

“Just thought I’d come have dinner with my family tonight. I heard some of the crew was going to join us. You coming, Daddy?”

I throw the words over my shoulder as I turn and walk in the house. Normally Ty’s guys don’t all eat together, but MJ said she was doing a big meal for all of them. This is going to be like holding a match over a bucket of gasoline, but I’m tired of waiting on my love life to begin. I’m kicking this shit into overdrive.

I feel his heat behind me as I walk in the house and head straight to the kitchen. From the low growls, he doesn’t seem to approve of my outfit choice, and it makes me smile. One point for Dolly.

Mary-Jane is in the kitchen, and I start helping her right away, mostly to avoid Brandon’s gaze, but I still feel it on me the whole time. As much as this is about him, I don’t want him to know that. If he wants me, he’s going to have to come for me, because I will not be chasing him down anymore.

“If Brandon doesn’t murder you for that outfit, your brother is going to,” MJ whispers to me as we take the food out back to the long picnic table.

“Ty, I can handle,” I say, looking nervously around me. I’ve lost sight of Brandon, and I don’t want him to hear me. “Baby-daddy, on the other hand, he’s an unknown quantity.” He seems more worked up than I thought he would get, but maybe the other night sent him over the edge.

“He’s liable to pop out an eyeball with the way he’s looking at you tonight. I hope you know what you’re doing, Dolly,” MJ says and winks at me. If anyone knows what a jealous man is like, it’s MJ. It took a while before Ty even let his men near their house. I know I have that streak in me, too. I just didn't think feeling all kinds of territorial was something Brandon would have done, but it looks like I might be wrong, and something about his jealousy is doing all kinds of wonderful things to me.

My skirt is loose at my hips, and it shows off an inch or so of my belly as I reach around the table to set plates. I have to bend over a lot to reach the other side, and my boobs are all over the place. I’m starting to think the top was a mistake when I turn, catching sight of Brandon. He’s standing in the shadows off to the side. His cheeks are flushed red, and he looks to be breathing hard, but otherwise he’s a statue, his eyes never leaving me.

Soon the crew shows up, and a few of them come and say hello. Most of them I know by name, having been around them for years now. One of the older guys comes up to give me a hug, but suddenly Brandon is in front of me, asking him a question about some sort of grain seed he thinks they should start using. He’s clearly making sure the man doesn’t get anywhere near me.

After that, Brandon isn’t more than an inch or two away from me. Every move I make, he’s stuck to my side, but never touching me. Everyone else seems to know to stay away from me. None of the men will meet my eyes anymore. Brandon might as well pee a circle around me, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. A part of me loves his jealousy and that he doesn’t want anyone near me, because hell, I don’t want any women near him either, but another part of me is getting mad. He doesn’t want to be with me, but he isn’t going to let me be with anyone? Not that I even want to be with someone. The thought of another man does nothing for me. In fact, it makes my heart ache just thinking it, but he doesn’t get to pull that crap.

Ty brings me out a beer, and he shares a look with Brandon. I take a drink and look between them, not understanding what’s happening. I know something is going on between them and it has something to do with me. I can feel it. I’m about to ask, when MJ comes out and announces it’s time to eat.

I go to take a seat at the other side of the table, wanting to get away from Brandon for a moment, but he grabs my elbow and steers me to the opposite end, away from the crew and next to MJ and Ty.

“Sit,” he says, and there’s an edge to his voice. Like if I don’t, there are going to be consequences.

“I think you’ve mistaken me for your horse,” I say, jerking my arm out of his grip and eyeing him. I walk to the other side of the table, but he’s by my side instantly, giving me no space.

It was a mistake to push him. His expression is full of fury. I can almost taste the anger rolling off him as he takes a step closer to me. I decide to try another tactic.

Softening my voice, I lean towards him so when I speak, only he can hear it. “You know, with all this attitude you’re giving me tonight, I’d say you’re either really hungry or really horny.”

He leans down so our noses are only an inch apart, and I know everyone is watching us. His breath hits my lips, and God help me and my hormones, because I want to grab a hold of him. My plan is definitely not working. Brandon is way more intense than I thought he would be. Gone is the mellow facade he once had, and the real him is bleeding through.

“Oh, it’s both, little lamb. And as soon as you’re fed, you’re going to get what you’ve been begging for.”

He grabs my elbow again and takes me back to my original spot and tells me to sit. This time I do what he says, feeling the throb between my legs agree with him.

Holy shit, did he mean what he said? My stomach quivers, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to eat now. Suddenly I want this whole dinner to be over so I can find out exactly what he means. I had no idea him bossing me around like that would turn me on. I should be pissed, telling him I’m going to shove my boot up his ass, but all I feel is need. Need so thick and overwhelming I don’t know what to do with it, so I just sit there trying to get myself back in control.

Everyone takes their seats and starts passing around the bowls, family-style. When something comes my way, Brandon takes it and serves me. Before I can say anything, my plate is piled high with food and everyone is digging in.

I feel Brandon’s rough, warm hand slide on my thigh as he leans over, putting his lips to my ear.

“Eat your dinner, lamb. You’re going to need your strength.”

My legs shake and my breath catches as I look over at MJ and my brother, checking if they heard anything. MJ is in Ty’s lap and they’re both feeding each other, lost to what’s happening around them.

Brandon leans back and takes a bite of his food, but his hand lingers on my thigh. I pick up my fork and scoop up some potatoes just as his hand begins to trail upward to the hem of my skirt. I look up, not moving a centimeter as his fingers trace the inside of my thigh and he squeezes me there, pulling toward him and opening me up.

I look over to him, and he’s having a conversation like the earth didn’t just stop moving and his hand isn’t opening my legs for him. He looks completely relaxed as he eats his dinner one-handed and talks to one of Ty’s farm hands about how the winter is going to be a rough one this year.

Is this my punishment for teasing him with my outfit? And why does the thought of him punishing me for being a brat make the tingling between my legs even worse? I take a breath and try to not lot let my mind race as I start to eat and pretend that nothing is going on under the table. Nothing at all. Nothing besides my body practically combusting at his touch.

He pauses his hand, and I spread my legs, tucking my chin to hide my blush. I cannot believe I’m doing this. He waits and then looks over at me and nods to my food.

“Eat,” he says and then goes back to his conversation.

I take a bite, and he pets the inside of my leg approvingly. I take another bite, and he slides his hand up a little more. I stop to take a drink of my beer, and his rough fingertips move even higher.

I swallow my gasp when two of his fingers touch my naked pussy, and he freezes. I don’t think he expected me to be commando, and I kind of like that I shocked him. He

snaps his gaze to mine, and with all the sass I can muster, I wink at him, feeling like I just gained a small victory.

“Something wrong with your dinner?” I ask, low enough so only he can hear me.

“Not a thing, little lamb. Just getting started.”

With his words, he spreads my wet folds easily and rubs my clit. I have to bite down on my lip to keep from moaning as he slides his now-slick fingers through my wetness. There’s no way for me to hide how turned on I am, and I’m almost embarrassed by how wet my pussy is. I didn't even know I could get this wet, but even my thighs are soaked with my arousal for him.

Being this close to him, I can smell his scent of leather, and I want to climb onto his lap and rub against him. Instead, I reach down to where his hand is, and place my hand on top of his. I don’t want him to stop touching me. I never want him to stop.

He pets me slowly as he eats, and I try to follow his lead. I pretend to act casual, like nothing is happening. It’s just a simple touch, but so fucking perfect that I’m actually climbing towards an orgasm. I can already tell it’s going to be bigger and stronger than anything I’ve given myself, and I don’t know how I’m going to control it. I don’t think I’ll be able to stay quiet if I cum.

As if Brandon knows exactly what I’m thinking, he stills his fingers, then pets my pussy softly, before taking his hand away.

I want to growl with frustration, but cumming with him for the first time isn’t something I want to experience in public. I look up and see him discreetly bring his fingers to his mouth and lick them before taking a sip of his beer. He looks over at me, and I watch his Adam’s apple move as he swallows. I lick my lips thinking of how I want to taste him there, and everywhere, before my eyes go back to his. They’re so dark, and there’s a hunger there. An underlying current of desire that he might not be able to control for much longer.
