Page 53 of The Hook Up (Game On 1)
“This party is going to be so much fun. I remember the men from last year and the room could not be filled with any more eye candy,” Jazz fanned herself off.
“Sounds like fun,” Michelle giggled. “V, do you want us to ride back to Jack’s with you?”
“No, it’s okay, I’ll go straight there. I’ll see you tonight.”
Vanessa got into her Uber but decided that she wanted to stop off at her apartment first. She wanted to grab her black pumps for tonight because they would go perfect with her dress.
She stopped outside her door and stared at the vase of roses that were sitting on the floor. She felt the blood rush to her feet. She looked around to see if anyone was in the hall with her. When she didn’t see anybody, she grabbed the vase, and quickly went inside.
She picked the small card that was tucked away in the bundle of roses and she couldn’t help but feel nauseous as she read it.
Dear Vanessa,
Why can’t you see that I am completely in love with you? I wanted to give you something that showcased my love and signify how much I care. Look forward to seeing you.
Love always.
“Asshole!” She took the vase, chucked it into the trash, and kicked the garbage can in frustration. She was getting tired of this jerk’s mind games, that was for sure. But she didn’t want to be there alone anymore. So, she grabbed her shoes and headed back to Jack’s penthouse.
* * *
People were scattered everywhere inside Jack’s place. Some were moving the furniture around to make more room, which didn’t seem necessary for how giant his penthouse was. People bustling past, florists making sure the flowers were in the perfect spot, and the DJ was setting up in the corner. Vanessa saw Jack talking to the bartender, who was also setting up his bar and alcohol. As soon as he spotted her, Jack made his way in her direction.
A wave of warmth hit inside her but she didn’t see him this morning or since they slept together last night. She wondered if it was going to be awkward.
“Hey,” Jack stopped in front of her but left space.
“Hey,” she looked away from him to the busy people. “You sure do have a lot of people here setting up.” She swung her focus back to him and his face was tense and serious.
“Did you go back to your apartment?” He asked as he eyed her shoes that she was carrying, completely ignoring her statement.
“Oh, yeah… I wanted to grab these for tonight.” She held up her shoes.
“Vanessa,” he took a step forward, reminding her of how she felt last night with him being so close. How his arms felt around her, or how he felt inside of her. “Did anyone go with you?”
“No, Jack, it was fine, I was only there for like ten minutes tops.” He studied her. Vanessa was like an open book that Jack read so well. He was so good at it that he could tell something was wrong because she sounded nervous.
“Did something happen?”
“No Jack, nothing happened.”
“How many times do I have to tell you Vanessa, don’t go there or anywhere by yourself.” When she heard him say Vanessa, she felt disappointed because she wanted him to call her babe like he did last night. She looked down to the floor and Jack tilted her chin up to him.
“I just want to make sure that you are safe.”
“I know you do but I’m not completely as helpless as you think I am Jack.”
“Oh, I know that,” he smirked.
He started to run his hand down her arm, but quickly stopped himself and stepped back. So that was how it was going to be now, she thought.
“So, you’re not going to touch me now, is that how it’s going to be?” She glared at him. “You got what you wanted last night, right Jack?”
He let out a breath then ran a hand through his hair. “Vanessa…” Sorrow filled his eyes, along with regret. “Last night…”
“Yeah, I know, last night didn’t mean anything and you never want it to happen again. Cool, got it.” Same old song that she heard before. Vanessa headed straight for her bedroom, grabbed everything she needed for tonight, and headed back toward the door. Jack stood there with a blank look on his stupidly handsome face.
“Where are you going?” He grabbed her arm and spun her around.
“I’m going to get ready at Michelle’s. So, if you would so kindly let go of me.”
He looked at where his hand was holding on and he quickly released her. “Can you at least take my driver, he’ll take you.”
“Pass, I can manage on my own. Goodbye Jack.”