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Officer Garrett’s smile was forced as he took in our joined hands. “I guess we owe you congratulations then.”

“Yes, congratulations,” Michelle reluctantly added. Our gazes locked, and I could see her disappointment. To Angel, she said, “When can we expect her?”

“Tomorrow.” He must have sensed my confusion because he started to rub the back of my palm soothingly. He didn’t want me to ask questions right now.

We didn’t hang around after that. I think I was as eager to go as they were for us to leave. The goodbyes were stale with the exception of Tabitha, who gave me her cell number. I was too embarrassed to explain that I didn’t have a phone. Angel, however, stepped in and told her to call the estate and ask for me when I just stood there awkwardly. All the while, Michelle and Officer Garrett looked on, unconvinced that we were a fated love match.Chapter NineteenANGELI USHERED MIAN away as quickly as possible without it being obvious. Coming here and asking for Garrett’s help had been risky, but for Mian, it was worth it. She didn’t know it and never would, but I’d probably sell the last piece of my soul if she asked.

“Why would you let Anna stay with them if they hate you?” I smiled when she wasn’t looking as she climbed into the SUV. Sometimes, I forget how innocent she really is. To her, there was a clear line between love and hate. To her, our emotions were the only factor and were never what we could gain from doing what we wouldn’t ordinarily.

“They don’t hate me, Mian. They’re afraid of me. They’re afraid of the danger I could bring to their doorstep if they’re involved with me.” My men had used the other vehicles to block the driveway, keeping anyone from getting in or out without my say so.

“Again… why would you ask this of them and why would they agree?”

“It wasn’t easy, especially if threatening them was off the table, but they consider themselves good people who won’t stand by and let a young girl fall into my web. They’re already kicking themselves for being too late to save you,” I added dryly.

“They don’t know me.”

“It doesn’t matter. I won’t lie and say my family hasn’t chewed up and spit out more lives than I can count. My aunt was always a patron of good, and it shamed her to be a Knight. We aren’t good people.”

“I gathered that,” she agreed caustically.

I eyed her as she huddled as far away from me as possible and felt the malicious need to provoke her until she became unhinged. That was our foreplay. “You fell in love with me anyway.”

“I fell,” she confessed, “and then I rose again. I’m over it, Angel. I’m over you.”

“Because I hurt you.” It wasn’t a question. We both know I did, but maybe it wasn’t the reason why. She loved me even when I made it hurt.

I felt the distance between us like a weight on my chest, so I slid across the bench and pulled her into my lap. For once, she didn’t fight me. We were battle-worn enemies still fighting the need to love each other.

“I won’t hurt you, Sprite. Never again.” My hand cupping her face slid down over the milky skin of her throat and rested over her heart. I haven’t felt this vulnerable since the first time I laid eyes on her nine years ago. “Do you believe me?”

Her breasts rose under my palm when she sucked in air, and when she released it, I held my breath. “No.”

Burying my face in her neck so she couldn’t see what she did to me, I whispered, “How can I convince you?” Her shiver when my breath touched her skin tempted me to touch her in other places. My hand left her breast and found her thigh. I was ready to part them and bring her the pleasure her body sought when she stopped me with her hand and shattered my world.

“You choose me.”

I lifted my head and met her gaze. The storm in the jade was silent. Everything I’ve done to her, I did for my family, and if the day came when I’d have to choose, it’d be them.

It would have to be them.* * *Mian disappeared upstairs the moment we returned to the estate. The ride back had been silent after she gave her ultimatum. My silence had been answer enough, and when she’d climbed off my lap, I let her, needing the distance myself.

I made my way to the kitchen, figuring that would be where I’d find Lucas and Z, but instead, I found Anna.

She sat crossed legged in the breakfast nook my grandfather preferred when he ate, gazing out the window. In front of her was a ceramic bowl full of Rocky Road, Mian’s favorite, and the spoon dangling from her fingers while ice cream dripped from the end.

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