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Angel didn’t take his eyes off of us, so I waited for him to make his next move. I was confused when he pulled his hands away. “If you want more, show him. He can’t resist you if you command it.” I felt him wrap his hands around my waist and lift me from his lap.

What did he want from me?

I wanted Angel, but our past wouldn’t allow me to speak the words.

Angel sat so still behind his father’s desk, but I could sense the struggle within him to hold back and win this round. Years ago, my age kept a barrier between us, but now that I was of age, there was nothing but his restraint keeping him contained.

I could return the favor, push his boundaries until they collapsed, and push him away like he did to me. Z promised I controlled how far this would go, and for some reason, I believed him.

“Remember, Mian… you’re in control,” Z reminded as if on cue.

My hands moved to my open jeans and pushed them down my legs. I had to force my gaze away from Angel to step out of my jeans. It would be a definite mood killer if I were to fall on my face.

I stood up and forced my hands to hang by my sides. I was completely naked since, once again, I wasn’t given a pair of panties.

“Damn, princess. I’ve missed you naked for us.” I watched Angel for a reaction. His jaw ticked but other than that? Nothing.

God, why won’t you say something?

“Come here,” Z commanded. I didn’t move. I couldn’t. I wanted to scream. It should be Angel touching me. It should be him showing me that sex isn’t something you take, it’s something you give. Instead, he was determined to resist me.

For a moment, I was desperate enough to believe he’d read my mind and knew I intended to leave him high and dry the moment he gave in.

Maybe he just knows you well enough.

I ignored the voice and made the decision to try harder. I didn’t doubt Angel’s desire, but he obviously questioned mine. I turned my back on Angel and climbed gracefully onto Z’s lap. I moved to wrap my arms around his neck, willing to give this my all, when he suddenly lifted me up and turned me, so my back was against his chest once more.


I wanted to provoke his possessive nature by shutting him out, but Z had other plans. I hadn’t realized his intent when he slid his palms over my knees until he cupped them underneath to lift and spread my legs apart enough to qualify as obscene. I was spread open like an offering and Angel had a front row seat.

My heart hammered against my chest. I felt trapped. If I panicked, it would scare them both off, and I’d never get this chance to make Angel lose control again. Angel’s gaze lowered, but I couldn’t stop watching him. If I had, I would have missed the first slip of his control. It was so fleeting that, had I blinked, I would have missed it.

I would have moved in for the kill, but Z’s hands on my thighs destroyed the little control I had. He may not have been Angel, but I wasn’t oblivious to his touch either. “Don’t let him fool you, princess.” His hands caressed my skin as he moved closer to my center. “He would have fucked you a long time ago if he thought you could handle him.”

“I can handle him,” I gasped. Z’s fingers skimming my pussy erased reason from my mind.

“Then what do you say we kick this up a notch?” Z whispered. It was too late when I realized what was happening. At some point, while he was driving me crazy to torture his best friend, he’d released his cock. When I felt the hard length of Z’s cock slide between my legs, an electric shock ran through me. With his hands on my hips, he lifted and lowered me, moving my sex along the length of his cock all the while Angel watched. I was spread open like an offering.

His voice was thick with barely restrained lust when Angel finally spoke. “I know what you’re doing.”

“But is it working?” Z whispered to me. I cried out when he lifted me again. This time, he shifted his hips and positioned his cock at my entrance. Angel’s eyes blackened. “That’s it,” Z encouraged. “He’s almost ready.” He lowered me and at the same time, lifted his hips from the couch. The head of his cock pushed inside and when the sensation proved too much, I screamed as my orgasm unexpectedly rocked through me.

“Goddamn it!” Angel roared and surged to his feet. His chair toppled over when he charged for us. I expected Z to pull away, but I had the feeling he was still trying to push Angel’s buttons. “You won’t break me before I break you,” he said as he slid to his knees. Z lifted me, breaking our meager connection, and sat me in his lap. His cock was now hidden as it pressed hot against my spine.

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