Page 181 of Lilac

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Loren nodded and then looked over his shoulder.

We were no longer alone.

Jericho, also eating another cookie and staring at his phone, wandered over to the other twin bed and sat on the edge. Houston’s grandmother had referred to this bedroom as Loren and Rich’s when she gave me the tour, so I knew they must have shared it at one point while Houston had his own.

“Where’s Houston?” I asked when I was reminded that one of the trio was missing.

“Took his grandmother to the store for groceries,” Rich answered as he continued with whatever held his attention on his phone. “We’re staying for dinner.”

I simply nodded since I had no problem with that. Besides, I was sure it was Laine Morrow’s idea and not up for debate. Immediately upon hearing that we were without supervision, a switch in Loren’s mind seemed to flip as he turned frisky.

“What are you doing?” Stupid question since I already knew. His hand was now under my dress and pulling my thong down.

“I’ve been thinking about eating your pussy since we left Dublin,” Loren told me. His lips brushed my jawline before reaching my ear. “Can I?”

“We can’t,” I whined as I caught his wrist just before my panties could clear my thighs. He could break my hold if he wanted to, but he wouldn’t. “Not here.” I had to draw the line somewhere, and getting laid in Houston’s grandmother’s house seemed to be the perfect spot.

“Why?” He chuckled. “You think we haven’t brought girls here before?” I didn’t respond when I pushed him off of me. “What?” the idiot questioned with a genuinely bewildered look. “What did I say?”

“I don’t care about the girls you’ve fucked, so word of advice,” I snapped as I sat up, “don’t mention them to me.”

Loren scrubbed his hand down his movie-star face before meeting my gaze. “I’m not thinking straight, baby, but can you blame me? It’s been three months.”


That’s right.

I haven’t allowed them to do more than kiss me since Berlin. For Jericho, it’s been longer. Five months to be exact.

I felt the truth of that throbbing between my legs, but I feigned indifference when I shrugged. “Big deal. I went six years without sex.” I let my voice soften to a teasing note and hoped they heard the threat underneath. “Remember?”

“That was before we fucked you,” Rich reminded me. I turned my head in time to see that his attention was no longer on his phone. He was watching me while a threat of his own rose in his eyes.

“Your point?”

Rich smiled like a predator warning off his prey. “You won’t last six more days, much less six years.

“Is that a dare?” As soon as the words left my lips, I remembered a forgotten detail, an unfulfilled promise that I intended for them to keep. Turning to Loren, who was now lying on his elbow, I studied him. “There is a solution if you’re feeling so hard up.”

He perked a brow as he looked up at me.

“You said you’re not particular about gender. I said no other women. The three of you made it extremely clear that this was a closed relationship when all I did was tell Xavier that blue was his color.” Loren was still staring at me, giving me no indication that he was catching my drift. Huffing, I decided to spell it out for him. “We never made rules on what you do with each other.”

I could dare Loren since he lost that race in Vancouver, but something told me I wouldn’t have to. Loren and Rich had already crossed that line when they kissed. It happened so naturally, I had to wonder if it wasn’t their first time.

I watched Loren’s lips slowly spread before his attention shot over to Rich.

“Is it me, or was this her plan all along?” He shifted his gaze back to me before Rich could answer. “You didn’t have to deprive us of your pussy to get what you want, baby fawn. Even if we hadn’t fucked before, right here, in this very bed you’re sitting on,” he said, dropping more than one bomb without preamble, only pointed pauses, “we still would have given you high doses of whatever the fuck you want. Houston, too, though it’s not his thing.”

Rising from the bed, Loren took my chin between his fingers once he was on his feet and tilted my head back.

“He already threatened to top me if I don’t behave. Did you know that?” he teased.

I shook my head.

“I’m almost excited to see him try if it gets you as wet as I’m sure you are right now.”

Loren was right.

I was ruining my panties with each word he spoke.

“Rich, get over here,” he ordered without looking away from me.

I couldn’t see him with Loren’s body blocking my view, but I heard the sheets on the twin bed rustle and his soft footsteps on the wooden floor. A moment later, Jericho stood next to Loren while they both towered over me.

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