Page 15 of Lilac

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Great. Just…great.

Gripping my guitar, I pushed through the curtain without a second thought. This was the hand dealt me, so I’d just have to bluff my way through. If I allowed myself to stop and think…my heart skipped a beat before falling and crashing into the pit of my stomach. No, I couldn’t allow that.


Without thinking, I spun on my fabulously wicked heels to find Loren poking his gorgeously infuriating head through the curtain. “Make it good,” he threatened. His gaze seemed endless as he held me with it. “We’ll be watching every second.”

True to his word, I could see Houston and Jericho flanking him through the small opening above his head. I offered him a smile that suspiciously felt real. Like the flip of a switch, I was anxious to get out there.

“Eat your heart out, dick bag.”That ass. My God, that ass.

I couldn’t remember a time I’d beheld something so…perky. I could feel Houston and Rich behind me, straining to get a peek. Now that Braxton wasn’t looking, they didn’t bother with pretending. They were interested, and so was I.

Like an only child, I hogged the view. I never liked sharing anyway.

This new toy of ours was fucking magnificent.

Exciting, sexy…a menace.

She was the only thing my mind and dick could agree on in a long time. I wasn’t too excited about that, though. I didn’t need Braxton Fawn in my head—just in my bed.

I was so wrapped up in the curve of her ass in those skintight jeans that it took me a second longer than my bandmates to notice the boos and jeers.

“Do you think we should have sent her out there?” Jericho asked, always the first to backtrack. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t commit to being an asshole, though he tried, bless his heart.

“No one made her go out there,” Houston remarked. Unlike Rich, being an asshole came naturally to him. “She’s the one who decided she had something to prove.”

As if she could.

We would never accept her, which made us even bigger dicks for making her think that we would. If she wanted this gig, she must roll with the punches, and because we always got our way, there would be many.

Houston damn sure would make sure of it, and Jericho didn’t have a mind of his own. He was a follower and would do whatever Houston said. As for my reasons…well, life had gotten boring. This was my chance to have a little fun.

While a decent size, the stage still swallowed her up whole as she stood in the center of the blinding lights. I couldn’t wait to see how she’d fare with even bigger crowds. I was patiently waiting for her to tuck tail and run when she opened that beautiful, insolent mouth.

“I know,” she spoke to the crowd through the mic. “I’m not what you were expecting, right?” The crowd answered with a resounding no before chanting our name again.

Unable to help myself, I pushed through the curtain but made sure to stay hidden behind the equipment. It wouldn’t be the first time someone rushed the stage. I could feel Houston and Rich flanking me but paid them no mind.

I was too fascinated by her.

“Recently, I made some new friends. I think you know who I mean.” I was at the perfect angle to see Braxton’s conspiratorial wink. Slowly, the crowd grew silent as confusion and curiosity rippled through them.


She had their attention. I didn’t know how to feel about that.

“They’re watching right now.” Without warning, she began with a novice pattern of chords. My mind tracked them even as I held onto every word she spoke.

“They want to know what I’m made of.” She peeked over her shoulder, and I held my breath until I realized her attention was on her bassist and drummer. It was my first time even noticing them. I wondered if they knew she was ours now.

Evil intent spread through me, but just as quickly, it was vanquished by the unexpected might of Braxton’s voice.Open your lips

Say you want me

I won’t ask you if you’re sure (God ends here)You came alive; then you set me on fire

I’m burning, burning within

Insatiable, undeniable, you have no idea what’s in store

Strip me, fill me, and then kill me

I’ll never not want more

I’m a slave to the mania; you’re the truth I can’t denyUntil then, I’ll hide in plain sight

Until then, I’ll die a little inside

Until then, I’ll drown in this endless, black tideMy heart is a well

Watch me fill it with pain

My body is a garden (I’m Eden)

Watch them pillage and plunder

Watch me sate the hunger

There’s no sleep for the wicked

There’s no saving the damned

There’s no prayer to be had

You’re already ensnared, my little lambsOpen your eyes

Look deep inside

I’ll ask you what you see (God ends here)Find what you love and let it kill you

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