Page 122 of Lilac

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“Does anyone mind if I use the shower first?” she asked once she was down to her thong. I was caught between being jealous of that little piece of string between her ass and wishing the broom closet we called a shower was spacious enough to do what was on my mind.

The three of us mumbled our agreement, and she smiled before disappearing inside the bedroom. Once she was done, Rich was next to shower, and then Houston took his turn. We had an unspoken agreement that I shower last since I liked to take my time and didn’t feel like hearing anyone bitch about it. No one gets to look this hot cutting corners.

An hour later, as I was wrapping a towel around my waist, I heard the sound of something crashing and rushed from the bedroom to investigate.

My steps slowed when I reached the front of the bus and found Braxton on her back, legs spread, and getting her pussy pummeled by Houston. Head thrown back, her arms were stretched above her head while her hands gripped the edge of the table like she was holding on for dear life.

It looked like they’d been getting ready to eat the dinner our chefs had prepared since the porcelain plates and food that used to be on them lay broken and splattered all over the goddamn floor.

I searched the room for Jericho only to see that he’d disappeared. One look through the window, however, showed him outside taking a call. I knew what it had to be about if he’d felt the need to take it out of earshot while Houston worked to keep Braxton distracted.

Chicken Alfredo was his favorite meal.

He wouldn’t waste the chance to enjoy it without a damn good reason.

Then again, fucking Braxton was reason enough.

Ignoring my best friend and our girl still going at it like I wasn’t even standing here, I returned to the bedroom. It was hard keeping my focus just from the noise they made as I found a pair of sweats, socks, and shoes.

Dressed, I joined Rich outside just as he ended the call.

“Any luck?” I hadn’t bothered giving him time to notice my presence before making it known.

“No,” he mumbled.

At least he hadn’t run off this time with divorce papers in hand just to hit another dead end. In the beginning, Braxton had been curious about his sudden disappearances, but we’d always blown her off whenever she allowed herself to ask. I knew we wouldn’t be able to pull that shit now. At least not without serious repercussions.

“So maybe you should just tell Braxton about Emily now instead of waiting until you’re both old and gray.” He’d have one foot in the grave, but Braxton would still send him to it early if he waited that long to tell her about his wife.

“She’s not my wife,” Rich claimed like he was still in denial after all this time.

“Technically, she is. How you feel about it doesn’t matter. Only the facts do, and the fact is you married her, you’re still married to her, and your girlfriend doesn’t know about it.”

“Why do you care so much?” he snapped after rounding on me. He knew there was nothing else he could say. I was right, per-fucking-usual. It was always my delivery that people hated.

“I care because Houston’s in there fucking the shit out of Braxton, and while I’m sure he’s having a jolly good time, I’m also positive that it’s for your benefit. That makes him an accomplice. I am too since I knew about Emily and chose not to say shit…for you. That means when this blows up in your face, it blows up in all our faces, and I’m not letting you fuck this up for me.”

Braxton was my first and only girlfriend. If she broke up with me, mark my words, I would never have another.

I could still see the stubbornness and reluctance in his silver eyes and sighed. “You said it yourself, man. If one of us doesn’t deserve her, none of us do. Houston and I risk losing her too because we don’t want to do this without you.” Eyeing Rich suspiciously, I added, “It’s starting to feel awfully one-sided.”

My gaze began to narrow when he stayed silent for too damn long. I knew he was considering my point, but I needed him to see the light this century.

“A few more weeks,” he eventually begged me. “I’ll find Emily, get her to sign the papers, and then I’ll tell Braxton.”

“Why wait?” I snapped. “It’s not like you need her consent. Just get the damn divorce.” I wanted to grab him by his collar, march his secretive ass inside that bus, and force him to come clean. I only cared about him doing the right thing for Braxton. Emily could go jump off a cliff.

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