Page 118 of Lilac

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After checking the bathroom for Braxton, I hurried to the front of the bus where I could have sworn I heard two voices speaking. I couldn’t think of any reason someone would bother us this early, but nevertheless, I smelled trouble.

When I made it to the front, that’s exactly what I found, but it was the last person I expected to see.

Braxton was sitting at the table with Oni fucking Sridhar.

“What the hell are you doing?” I immediately barked. She was a long way from Los Angeles, and her presence didn’t make any sense. Nor was it welcome. Braxton gave me a look that said she disapproved of my rudeness, and I found myself dialing it back.

Day one, and she already owned me.

Oni, however, castrated me with her gaze as she looked me over. Ever the professional, she wore a tailored, navy blue suit, nude heels on her feet, and dark hair falling in waves down her back. She was beautiful, but a viper, nonetheless. “Carl sent me to check on things.”

“I don’t remember that being a part of your job description.”

“It’s not.”

At the moment, I was regretting making Loren stick to our pact. I could really use a drink, and it was only seven in the morning.

“Now it’s my turn to ask the questions. I checked the bunks when I arrived and didn’t see anyone.” Her manicured finger waved back and forth between Braxton and me. “What’s going on here?”

“None of your business.”

I sat down at the table next to my girl, and because I felt like being a dick, I pulled her into my lap. Braxton didn’t fight me or pull away, but I could tell she was uncomfortable. There was nothing I was willing to do about that, though, since I refused to hide her in private. There was nothing we could do to prevent the backlash, but as soon as we found a suitable way to announce our relationship, I wouldn’t be denying her in public either.

Loren and Houston felt the same.

“I see,” Oni said in response to my claim. I noticed how her gaze immediately shifted to meet Braxton’s.

I didn’t get the chance to decipher that look because the bunk door had slid open, and Houston walked through. He noticed Oni immediately but didn’t react. As if she weren’t even there, he walked over to the table and took his time kissing Braxton good morning.

“Sridhar,” he finally acknowledged before moving over to the couch.

“Morrow,” she returned as the wheels in her mind turned.

I didn’t want to care what Oni was thinking, but I would if it in any way altered the decision Braxton had made last night. I knew not everyone would accept or understand the unconventional aspect of our relationship, but my ability to care only extended as far as how it would affect Braxton. The rest of the world could eat itself.

Sitting down, Houston grabbed the pad and pen he used to jot down lyrics from the ottoman we used as a table. He’d been writing last night while Braxton was in the shower and didn’t get to finish before we decided to corner her.

Thank God it worked. Braxton saying yes was the only reason I was in the mood to deal with Oni’s shit right now.

“So will you be joining us for the rest of the tour?” Braxton inquired with a deep frown on her face. I don’t think she was opposed to the possibility like I was—just confused.

I prayed Oni said no.

“Thankfully, no,” she said, answering my prayers. “I’m only here to see the show tonight, and then I’m on a red-eye back to Los Angeles.”

The troubled look didn’t leave Braxton’s eyes, and I cursed Calvin and Oni both for putting this shit on her shoulders when she was already dealing with enough. Mainly us. “Why would Carl choose me to replace Calvin if he didn’t think I could handle it?”

“He didn’t choose you,” Oni reminded her. “I did.”

For some reason, she gave me a pointed look at that last part. Was I supposed to be thanking her or something?

Yeah, without Oni, we would never have found Braxton, but it’s not like she knew what would happen. She didn’t know we’d fall for our rebel, and I doubt she’d have chosen Braxton if she had known. Oni had a lot of reasons to feel guilty, but she never showed it. Not even once. Why would she care to right her wrongs now?

I glanced over my shoulder at Houston, who was pretending he wasn’t listening to every word as he continued to scribble new lyrics. He’d tweak it again later once he was ready to establish a melody. I wondered if he’d let Braxton help since I knew he had her to thank for the inspiration. Yes, I’d sneaked a peek at some of the lyrics.

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