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“Yes, it definitely will be, but I want you there. I think you understand how important Mack is to me, how important Davena was. They’ve always been like godparents.”

“Then I’d be honored to meet him. What time should I pick you up here?”

“Dinner’s at seven, and it’s close to the apartment.”

He nodded. Jerry alerted us that he was finished, so I walked them back to the lobby. As we zigzagged through the office, I grasped David’s hand and after a look of surprise, I was rewarded with his wonderfully perfect boyish grin that I decided was one of my favorite things in the world.

At the elevator bank, Jerry averted his eyes as David swooped in for one last kiss. “See you tonight,” he said.

I left them at the elevator and returned to the lobby, where Serena and Jenny blockaded me from passing.

“We need details,” Jenny demanded.

“Like, now,” Serena added.

I sighed heavily. “You two are incurable gossips.”

“Is that how the story starts?” Jenny chided. “I didn’t think so. Spill.”

“As you may have figured out, Bill and I are getting a divorce.” I gestured over my shoulder. “And I’m dating David.”

“Get out!”

“Shut up!”

“Well, which is it?” I teased. Finally I allowed my smile to break through, and they started jumping up and down.

“How did this happen?” Jenny squealed.

“It’s a long story.”

“He is the most beautiful man in Chicago,” Serena gushed.

“Who is?”

We looked over at Lisa, who had appeared and was leaning against Jenny’s desk.

“Liv’s boyfriend.”

“Uh, Bill?” she asked.

“No,” Jenny said, rolling her eyes. “She’s getting a divorce. We’re talking about her boyfriend.”

“And that would be . . . ?”

“David Dylan,” I said, perhaps a little too proudly.

Her mouth fell slightly. “David Dylan? From Most Eligible?”

I nodded.

“Yeah fucking right . . . David Dylan and you?” Her back straightened, and she avoided my glare by looking behind me.

I was irritated by Lisa’s comment, so I decided to brag. “Yep,” I said loudly so she would hear. “Me and David Dylan, who is, as Serena said, the hottest guy in Chicago. But, believe it or not, he’s also sweet and romantic and . . .” I sighed happily. “Seriously amazing.”


I paled and turned around slowly. David was behind me, staring at us. Jenny and Serena gasped. Lisa snickered. David was grinning – big. “Jerry took your pen. Asked me to return it.” He held it out.

I took the pen, thinking it was the absolute most ridiculous reason ever to get caught gushing about your boyfriend. I mumbled a ‘thanks’ and turned, but he grabbed my arm and spun me around into his body.

He held me firmly and planted a sweet kiss on my lips. “You are seriously amazing,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “And I love you.”

The two wilting sighs behind me harmonized with my own. He released me and winked before shooting Lisa an especially chilling glance that made even my heart stutter. When I turned back they appeared about to explode.

“He loves you?” Jenny exclaimed. “You are so goddamn lucky!”

“I am,” I agreed.

“You aren’t lucky, Liv. You deserve it,” Serena said as if it were obvious. “He’s the one who’s lucky.”

I searched her face and found only sincerity. “Thank you, Serena. That’s really sweet.”

She smiled, and we giggled conspiratorially when we noticed Lisa had slunk away.


“Should I be worried about this Mack?” David joked, looking me up and down.

I wore a shimmery pink, long-sleeved shift dress with lace overlay. I tightened my side ponytail. “Why, is it too sexy?”

“It’s perfect sexy . . . as long as I’m with you at all times.”

I laughed. “Then my plan is working.”

“It’s almost seven. You ready?”

“Yes, sir,” I said, placing my hand in the crook of his arm. I followed him to the elevator and once inside, I rested my head against his shoulder.

“Jerry advised me to lose Arnaud,” David said as we descended. “He thinks he’s full of shit and a liability.”

I stilled and looked at the floor. “What did you say?”

“I said no. It’s a bogus allegation. That’s not a reason to fire someone who’s at the top of his field. I believe him when he says he didn’t do it. Anyway, it did remind me that you said you didn’t like him a while back.”

I pursed my lips and tilted my head up to watch the floors count down.

“So?” he prompted.

“So what, baby?”

“What made you say that?”

“I really don’t want to get in the middle. He’s your friend, it’s not my business.”

The elevator pinged, and he guided me through the hotel lobby. “He’s not my friend; he’s my associate. And the people in my life affect you.”

“Well, since you asked, I’ll be honest. He makes me very uncomfortable. When he looks at me, it’s like he’s undressing me with his eyes.”

His arm flexed under my hand. “I would guess a lot of men look at you that way,” he muttered.

“It’s different. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to take advantage of Clare.”

“He’s intense, and sometimes people don’t get his humor because he’s not from here. That’s why I handle client relations.”

I shrugged. “Again, I don’t really want to get in the middle, David. Did I mention that I love my new earrings?” He was about to tell me not to change the subject, I knew, so I cut him off. “And that later, I intend to show you how much?”

That got me a grin. “With a blowjob?”

I laughed. “If that’s what you want, then yes.”

We continued walking, and I felt the moment his good mood slipped. “What?” I asked.

He hesitated. “Cooper called me up today.”

“Cooper? The detective who helped us with the Mark Alvarez attack?”


“Oh, no,” I said, suddenly nervous.

“Don’t worry. Alvarez is still locked up, and he’s not going anywhere. But Cooper took a special interest in the case because Mark said something to us about having deals with the cops.”

I nodded. “I remember.”

“He found some shit that he’s taking care of, but he also found out something about Bill.”

“Bill? What about him?”

“He heard, but doesn’t have proof, that Bill withheld evidence during the trial of Mark’s brother, Lou. Bill was the prosecutor in the trial, as you know. Coop suspects it might’ve been the difference between a two-year and a twelve-year sentence for Lou.”

I squeezed David’s arm. “Bill isn’t like that,” I said. “He’s extremely careful when it comes to work.”

“Cooper said the same thing. Says he’s a respectable lawyer, but he seems to think there’s truth behind it.”

“Bill could get fired for that, couldn’t he?”

“Withholding evidence? It happens, but yeah. Luckily, Coop doesn’t want to see either Alvarez back on the streets, so he doesn’t intend to pursue it. He and I go way back; we were on the swim team together in high school. He told me as a friend, not a cop.”

“Wow,” I murmured, recalling my encounter with Cooper. There was definitely something trustworthy about him, and if he believed it to be true, it might be.

“Yeah. Anyway.” David stopped to face me as we approached the restaurant. “I think I should give you and Mack a chance to talk first. I’ll wait at the bar until you’re ready. And if you change your mind about us meeting, I’ll be there when you finish.”

I sighed. “Thank you, honey.” I lifted my chin, and he kissed me qui


Mack took the news well. He said he’d suspected that I was unhappy with Bill after our last conversation, where I’d broken down in tears in his arms. I explained that in addition to my despair over Davena, I’d spent the months after her funeral trying to convince myself I wasn’t in love with another man.

“I can tell that you are much lighter, Olivia. Much, much lighter. The difference is appalling actually. You’re glowing.”

“I’m happy, Mack. And in love, real love – I’d like to think maybe even the way you loved Davena.”

He looked taken aback. “This is a side of you I’ve never seen. I should like to meet the man who’s brought this out in you.”

“He’s here. He wants to meet you, but we weren’t sure how you’d react.”

“He’s here now?”

“Yes, at the bar.”

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