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“Yes, that’s – that’s correct,” he said into the phone. I looked at him from beneath my lashes. My hands skated up his muscular thighs until one landed on his crotch. He shifted when I felt the hardening length of him through his pants.

His hand dove into my hair and pulled my head back so I was forced to look at him. I bit down on my lip, and he smirked at me.

“That will be presented at the afternoon meeting,” he continued, staring at me as I blindly undid his fly. “I have to call you back.” The phone was down before he’d even finished the sentence. He grasped my waist with two large hands and hoisted me up onto his desk.

“Wait,” I protested.

“Lie back.”

“But I want – ”

“Lie back,” he growled. I complied.

He pulled my hips so I was hanging off the edge and pushed my skirt up impatiently. My panties ripped loudly a second before his fingers were in me.

My eyes fluttered closed. “Oh, God,” I moaned.

“Mouth shut, eyes open,” he whispered, glancing at the door. “Christ, you’re wet. You been like this all day?” he asked, his fingers slowing as they leisurely explored me.

I nodded emphatically, pleading with my eyes for him to fuck me, but he shook his head slowly.

“Can you keep quiet?” he asked, and I nodded again.

He crouched down, and I rested my legs on his shoulders as his tongue landed directly on my clit. He was so domineering, telling me what to do, commanding me in his businessman David way that I easily melted into the sensations. My orgasm was already within reach because it’d been nearby all morning. My thighs shook as he lapped at me, hard and then soft until my eyes were crossed with need for release. I strained to keep quiet, suppressing my groans behind airtight lips. My climax churned through me, wave after wave as his tongue prolonged it.

When it ended, I exhaled audibly and dropped my feet, slumping on his desk. I was spent but riveted by the lusty look on his face. He looked powerful and out of control as he dropped his pants and took my thighs in each of his hands. He squeezed them and licked his lips. “Your pussy’s far too sweet not to have it every day.”

I whimpered as he positioned himself against me and pulled my hips into his first thrust. Even through his shirt, I saw his arms flex as he urged me deeper onto him. Strong fingers spread my legs, so each time he pulled out and slid back in, I had no choice but to feel all of him. I reached behind me to grip the lip of the desk, pushing back against him, clenching around his cock, watching his jaw tighten and release as his drives came faster.

He pinned my thighs to the desk and dropped forward to lock me in a furious kiss. I could taste his desire, and that alone catapulted me into a raw and throbbing orgasm that had me crying his name into his mouth.

He detached from me and ripped open my blouse. His mouth dropped to my chest, sucking and nipping the skin between my breasts so I yelped. His fingers dug into my hips as he came with a gush of hot fluid, groaning against my collarbone as he emptied himself in me, gliding in and out until he was completely finished.

“Jesus,” he said into the curve of my neck. He released my hips and dropped back into his leather chair. “You’ll be the death of me if we keep this up.” He paused a moment, looking thoughtful. “Fucking you’d be the sweetest way to go, though.”

I slid off the desk, and he caught me as my legs threatened to give out. I steadied myself against his shoulders and went to pull down my skirt when he stopped me. He groaned from his chest and ran a finger up the semen dripping down my thigh. He held it up and our gazes locked as I licked it off.

“There’s an image that’ll have me walking funny the rest of the day,” he said.

I laughed and followed him into his bathroom where he boosted me onto the counter. He ran water over a hand towel, opened my red and raw legs and wiped me down with quiet determination.

After rinsing the towel, he pulled me close for a series of gentle pecks. His eyes traveled down my neck and stopped.

“My blouse,” I said, following his gaze.

But he was focused on my chest. There was a red mark from his mouth, and he ran his fingers around it. “Did that hurt?”


He searched my eyes for a moment and dropped his hand. “What are we going to do about this?” he asked, pulling my ruined, button-less top closed.

“Do you have a sewing kit?” I asked.

“Do I look like an eighty-year-old woman?”

I pursed my lips. “Well, what do you suggest?”

“Mmm.” He wrapped his arms around me and kissed his way down my neck. “I keep you in here, make love to you again every hour for the rest of the day,” he said against my skin.

“I don’t know if I would call what we just did ‘making love,’” I teased.

His head jerked back, and his brow furrowed. “It’s all love, every touch, every kiss. Even when it comes like that. You know that, right?”

I put my hand on his jaw. “Yes.”

“We might be fucking like rabbits, but it’s all love.”

I broke into a grin. “You really have a way with words.”

He laughed until his face fell. “Seriously, though. We need to get you a shirt, and I need food.”

I hopped off the counter and grabbed the food from his desk to unpack it on his coffee table.

“This is David Dylan,” I heard. I looked up to see him leaning over his desk, the phone to his ear. “I have – yes, hello. I’m sending my girlfriend over in a few minutes, and I’d like you to put whatever she picks out on my account. That’s fine, thanks.”

He hung up, immediately came to the couch and tore into a burrito. “I’m starving,” he muttered with another enormous bite.

“Um, who was that?” I asked after I’d swallowed.

“There’s a shop around the corner. Go get a new blouse.” He glanced from his food to my skirt and then back. “Underwear too.”

I stared at him. “You’ve spent enough money on me. I can just wear my coat at work.”

“Do it, don’t argue,” he said. “We’ve got other things to discuss. Have you changed your mind about this evening?”

“No,” I bristled.

“Then we’re at an impasse.”

“Not exactly. I’m going, you’re not . . . and that’s where we are.”

He glared at me as he took another bite, chewing slowly. He swallowed and sighed. “Look, I’m uncomfortable with you being alone with him. He put his hands on you once, he could do it again.”

“I get that, but it was out of character for Bill. I’ve been involved with this man for years. Never a problem.”

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