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“We have a room at the hotel.” She’d know which one. Libreville only had the one. “Spend the night with us, Emma.”

It was blunt, but I’d never been good at sweet-talking like Carl, and if I let him, it would take too long. Neither of us had approached a woman like Emma Davis before; a bombshell but shy and completely unaware of just how attractive she was, at least to us. Even back in high school, she was the one girl he had trouble approaching; the guy that had three dates to the prom, somehow juggled all three without someone getting hurt, and then spent the night, and several more, with all three girls.

Emma wasn’t the kind of girl he could sweet talk, but she would probably appreciate directness. There was a difference between appreciating it and being okay with it, though. She didn’t look up, and even though my chest burned with anticipation, I didn’t think she’d really agree to it.

Because I had said ‘us’ very clearly, she would know what I—we—were offering. I included Carl automatically since I was sure he’d try to run me over with his bike if I took the girl we’d both mooned over a little in high school out from under him. We didn’t fight over much, but I wasn’t in the mood to just roll over and let him have his way, either. It was something different for us, but if it was the only way either of us got to have her, I thought Carl would be game with the idea. Still, I was awfully sure he didn’t have any more hope than I did.

Emma shocked the both of us, though.


I blinked, wondering if I was hearing things now. It was a surprise that she would be party to the idea. But the word was low, the voice feminine, and I heard it. Carl obviously had the same idea, because when I turned to him, he was turning my way, and our eyes met, the surprise in mine mirrored in his. We both looked back at Emma.

“Could you repeat that,” Carl said slowly, both of us leaning closer.

She never raised her head, not entirely. Just enough so she could look at us from under her eyelashes. Her face was pink, and she was biting her full lower lip. I wondered if she knew just how that look affected us, because Carl was feeling it, a low sound escaping him as he shifted in his seat.

She said it again, a little louder and harder to mistake. “Yes.”

She said yes. Shy, straight-laced Emma Davis. I curled my hands into fists, wanting to reach out to her, touch her. Now that she’d say yes, I didn’t want her to change her mind. My body went from cold to hot in sixty seconds, I felt like I needed to pause for my head to catch up.

“Are you sure?” I said slowly, wanting to hit myself as soon as the words were out. I didn’t want her to change her mind.

She took a deep breath that raised her chest up, and I was distracted for a second as my eyes dropped. The dress was thin, and either she wasn’t wearing a bra or it was thin, too, because I could see her nipples outlined perfectly by the fabric.

My jeans tightened as I thought about how I was going to get to play with them very soon. But I forced my mind back on track, looking up at her face, waiting for her final word.

“Yes, I want to spend the night with you,” she answered, voice still low, probably for the sake of privacy even though the place was practically empty. “Both of you,” she added, and it sounded like a question.

“Hell, yes.”

We spoke at the same time, but she didn’t even seem surprised. I thought she might have been amused.

Her mouth parted as she took a deep breath, and my mind got distracted again.

“But we need to be discreet about the whole thing. This town isn’t that big, and it doesn’t seem to have changed much in the past eight years.”

I doubted it, which was the only reason I was still across from her and not reaching out no matter how much I wanted to. If anyone saw us all stumbling together into a hotel room, there would be talk, and it would spread.

My brother and I didn’t make the habit of sharing women. Even though we were twins, we both had very different tastes in women. Emma was pretty much the only girl we both found ourselves interested in. I didn’t particularly care what people said, as we’d both be gone very soon anyway, but it could cause problems for Emma if word made it to her strict mother.

One of us would have to go with her. She’d never be allowed past the lobby otherwise. Carl and I shared another look, on the same wavelength as we usually were. Then we turned back to her and Carl opened his mouth to talk.

“I can go to the hotel with Abe,” she rushed out before he could speak, and he snapped his mouth shut.

She was still giving us that coy, under-her-lashes look, and I had a feeling we’d both be okay with whatever she wanted so long as she kept looking at us like that.

“I’ll go to the hotel alone with Abe, and Carl can join us later.”

Emma bit her lip again, then made herself stop and raised her head so we could see her properly. She was trying to look like she wasn’t bothered, but her cheeks were still pink and her eyes were worried. Did she still think we were joking, and she was waiting for the punch line?

Carl reached across the table. I thought he was going to touch her, he must have been dying to just like I was, but instead he took her beer bottle. It was still maybe half full, and she had her eyes on his as he brought it carefully to his mouth, taking a mouthful and swallowing it down. He might have licked the rim of the bottle, I didn’t look away from her to check, but he did something that made her turn just a little pinker and the breath stutter in her throat.

“I’ll pay for your drink.”

I stood up and slid out of the booth, then waited. Emma’s eyes tracked my movement from her periphery, and she looked up at me for a moment before doing the same. Even without a word to my brother, I knew he was okay with the plan, or he would have tried to argue. He might be annoyed that I got to be alone with her first, and I wanted to gloat, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

She took her coat and purse from the seat beside her, pulling the coat on and throwing the strap of her purse over her shoulder. She met my eyes for a second, before ducking her head again and walking forward. I followed right beside her.

Out in the cold, I tucked both hands inside my jacket, though what I really wanted was to wrap one of my arms around her shoulders and hold her body close. Even with the coat, she had her arms wrapped around herself and I thought she was trembling slightly. Was it from the cold?

Or was she excited?


She looked up at me, and for a second I forgot why I said her name. I wanted to find the nearest horizontal surface so I could push her into it and kiss her. More than almost anything, I wanted to kiss her; her mouth looked like it was made for it. A little wide for her face, pink and plump lips. She had a habit of biting her bottom lip that went way back, and when she stopped, her lower lip would be slightly puffed, a darker shade of pink, almost red.

I wondered whether her mouth would turn red if it was bruised from kisses. The breath shuddered in my chest, coming out of me in a gust.

She made an inquisitive sound that brought me back to myself. I frowned a little at how out of control I was. I hadn’t been like that since my high school days, and even then, it hadn’t been this bad. Unlike my brother, I had some control. Enough to wait for privacy before starting anything.

I realized as I fisted my hands in my pockets, that Emma just really got to me.

r />   So, I asked her, one more time: “Are you sure?”

It was her last chance to back out. Libreville was small enough that you could pretty much walk everywhere unless you were lazy. The hotel was maybe five minutes from the bar, ten if you were taking a leisurely stroll, but we would get there quickly. I had a feeling I’d want to jump her as soon as we got there, and I wanted her to be positive this was what she wanted, or I was going to be truly disappointed.

She surprised me again, at the same time lighting me up with her response:

“I have never been surer of anything in my life.”

Chapter Five


What the hell am I doing?

After my bold declaration, merely a moment ago, I felt like I would shake right out of my four-inch heels. I’d never been to the hotel, there wasn’t really much reason why I would go there. Even though prom was held there, I skipped out on it that night, so not even then. I could see it up ahead from a distance, and my heart wanted to beat out of my chest.

I was scared and excited at the same time. The idea of having two men on the same night thrilled me like nothing ever had, even though I’d previously thought of myself as someone into plain vanilla sex. It wasn’t just vanilla when there were more than two, right? I didn’t even know, but I wanted it badly, now that I knew I could have it.

A touch on my hand made me start, and turn to the man to my left. He was touching my right hand from where it was hidden with my arms crossed over my chest. My breath caught in my throat, because if he shifted his fingers just a bit higher, he would be touching the side of my breast.

I looked up to see the hotel was nearby. It was less than a minute away, and I slowed. Abe didn’t say anything, just stopped with me. He wouldn’t push, wouldn’t try to talk me into anything if he thought I was having second thoughts, not like Carl might have. It only made my decision firmer, though there had been no option for me refusing before.

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