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“Hey, Abe? I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.”

There was a short silence, then he laughed, sounding incredulous.

“I didn’t think you’d actually say it. Whatever, man. You’ve always been an idiot but I’m stuck with you anyway.”

I probably should have felt even a little offended, but I was just glad he wasn’t going to punch me over this. Or maybe he was just high on drugs so he was calm and more forgivi


Before either of us could think to add more to the conversation, the door opened. I couldn’t see who it was clearly, but Abe, his side being closer to the door, must have. I saw her for a moment when she walked inside before the curtain blocked her.

“Oh, I can see you’re awake. How do you feel?”

“Doing somewhat okay, considering the circumstances. Could I ask for a favor? Can you pull back the curtain?”

“Well… it was put in place for privacy—”

“My brother is on the other side of that curtain. I’d rather look at him than the floral print, honestly.”

There was a short silence, and then her head appeared around the offending cloth.

“Oh, I see you’re awake, too. Would you like the curtain drawn back as well?”


It was just a mutter, but she heard me. She pulled the curtain back, and I was relieved to see Abe, not just hear him. He was in a bed like mine, only his upper body was slightly elevated, and I could see the bulk of his arm in the cast, held against his chest by a sling.

“All right. If you’re both comfortable.” She waited until we both nodded. “Good. Now, the two of you have been out for quite some time. You were brought in yesterday. You’re both lucky you aren’t hurt too badly from that accident, you’re expected to make full recovery.”

“Um,” Abe cut in before she could go on. “Where are we?”

“Oh, right! You’re at Central General Hospital.”

My twin and I met eyes, and right then, I could almost swear I could read his mind. He must have been thinking exactly what I was.

“We’d like to see Emma Davis.”

I couldn’t say who spoke first, or maybe we said it at the same time. The nurse was surprised, but neither of us paid any attention to it.

Chapter Fourteen


Both boys were having their checkups.

Because I was technically still an intern, when the boys had their checkups, a nurse had to go in with me. If the place wasn’t so busy, I wouldn’t have been assigned to them at all no matter their insistence, not without a senior doctor to oversee it. I managed to get a senior nurse, instead.

I probably shouldn’t have been assigned to them, though. I didn’t just know them, I was emotionally invested. I might have argued if the senior doctor in the department had refused to let me take the job since I wouldn’t be allowed to see them or know what was happening with them, without that authority.

I went through their charts as the nurse looked them over after I was done, just to be sure I didn’t miss anything. I’d gone through the pages several times, even added something to them once I was officially assigned to work with the twins. I practically had all the information memorized, but I kept reading it, worried something else might crop up.

Human life was a fragile thing, I knew that better than a lot of people. One second, someone could be fine, and the next their condition has jumped to critical. But they’d gone through all the checks that put them out of danger. Still, I checked again.

So far, everything seemed to be in order. Apart from the fact that Carl seemed to have broken his leg, whereas Abe had a fractured arm. But no one got concussed or had internal bleeding. Their limbs weren’t technically even broken, just bruised at the bone, a couple of hairline fractures that would heal on their own and the casts would come off in a couple of weeks or so. They had a few cuts, and that was about it.

I was stuck between being horrified at the extent of the damage and relieved that it wasn’t worse.

“Doctor Davis?”

I looked up from rereading Abe’s chart and looked at the nurse.


“These boys are going to be needing some more medication soon.”

I checked both charts again just to be sure. “Could you please handle that for me?”

“Of course.”

She pulled Carl’s blanket over his chest, smiled at me, and left the room. Once we were alone, I went back to looking at the charts, only this time I wasn’t seeing anything on them. I was trying to avoid looking at the guys, feeling nervous for a different reason now that I was truly alone with them in the room.

They’d been here a few days already. The crash happened on Saturday, but I wasn’t called in until Monday because they weren’t exactly in danger, though they’d been up on Sunday. It was only Tuesday, barely four days since that night we spent together. The call had confused me at first and then scared me when I thought of them being in a car accident. What happened wasn’t as bad as it could have been, and I was grateful for that.

I still didn’t like seeing them laying there, Carl’s leg in a cast, Abe’s arm in the same state. Finally deciding I’d looked at the charts long enough, I put them back where I found them, hung on the foot of their beds. Then I faced them both with my arms crossed.

“You guys are going to be here for a couple more nights before you get discharged.”

“Then it’s not bad?” Carl said, trying to smile.

I scowled at him. “It could have been worse. You two could have seriously gotten hurt.”

I’d heard he was the one behind the wheel, and I wanted to rant at him, demand to know what exactly he was thinking, being so reckless. But we’d spent a night together a few days ago, that didn’t mean I had the right to scream at him, no matter how badly I wanted to.

I couldn’t keep up the tough stance for long, though, sighing, my shoulders slumping as I dropped my arms. I was grateful they were okay. I knew they could have been a lot unluckier, not walked away from the accident at all, even though in Carl’s case he would technically be limping. I’d seen worse.

“What are you guys even doing here? And not at the hospital, but here. I know Libreville isn’t home for you guys any more than it is me, but I’m pretty sure you don’t live around here, either.”

They were famous back home. International Motorcyclist Champions wasn’t the kind of name you could just go out and get for yourself and it wouldn’t spread in a town that small, even if their dad didn’t occasionally brag about it in public. I didn’t know where they lived, exactly, but someone would have known if it was the city a few hours away from home.

“We came to see you.” Abe smiled, a little rueful, as I turned to him. “I swear this wasn’t our original plan, though. We heard from your mother that you worked here so we were going to come look for you here first.”

“I’m only an intern, though. Not an actual doctor just yet.” I still had a few tests to go through, but so long as I passed and got my license to practice, I was golden. I sighed. “It was sweet of you guys to come see me, though. Still, you should have been driving carefully.”

I directed that last bit to Carl, and for a second I thought he looked guilty. But then it was gone, and I wondered if I hadn’t imagined it.

I glanced back at the door. The nurse had left it wide open. I couldn’t lock it, she was supposed to be back soon, and it would be too suspicious. Besides, I wasn’t sure if these doors even could lock from the inside. But I walked over to it and shut it, quietly. I took a moment to breathe, and then I turned around and slowly walked so I was standing in the middle of the space between their beds, at the foot.

“Why would you guys even come looking for me?” I frowned at them, glancing at one, then the other. But I couldn’t hold their gazes, they were too intense, and I ended up looking around the room. “We had a night, it was amazing. But you guys have lives to get to, and I have mine.”

“You can’t think it’s that simple, Emma,” Abe said slowly. “I know we didn’t do a lot of talking that night, but we probably should have.”

“It wouldn’t have changed reality.”

Carl snorted. “Screw reality. We had a great night together, and you disappeared.” I would have said something in protest, but then he went serious for the first time that I could remember seeing. “Do you think it’s par for the course for us? We found a girl we like, so le

t’s share? We never do that.”

My eyes snapped to his, then momentarily to his brother’s, wide in my surprise. I hadn’t thought about whether they’d done that before, slept with other women together, I didn’t really want to think about it. Why would they do it with me, though? I wasn’t anything particularly special. Surely, they knew that.

I wanted to ask, I was really tempted to, but I refused to allow myself to let the words out. I couldn’t. I was supposed to forget, move on; not reopen the chapter any time I felt like it.

“Look, as interesting as that is, I don’t exactly do threesomes myself, like ever. I can’t even remember the face of the last guy I was with. The one night we had… was great.” I met Abe’s eyes before mine skittered away. “But all that aside, what happened before should be forgotten.”

“I don’t think so,” Carl said casually.

“I’m with my idiot brother.” We both ignored him when he growled at that. “We want more, Emma. We wouldn’t be here, tracking you down, if we weren’t interested.”

Yes, but interested in what? More sex? I wanted it too, but how long would it last, how long until it wasn’t enough for me? I was finishing up with school, with work at the hospital, but after that, I would be busy looking for a job, and who knew where I would get one. I didn’t want to set myself up for heartbreak.

“Emma,” he murmured, and it was completely unfair how just him saying my name had my body tightening, growing hot. “We came because we want you. For more than just one more night. We were great together. We could be even better. You want us, too, don’t you?”

I did. Hell, did I ever. Suddenly, I felt exposed, like they could see something I sort of wanted to stay a secret.

How was I supposed to forget about them, move on with my life, when already they had such an effect on me? They were irresistible. And as I looked at both their determined faces, I realized, with a sinking heart, that they intended to get what they wanted.

Thing was, I was pretty sure, if they pushed the right button, I would give in. Gladly.

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