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“I thought you were a bad boy,” I coo, thankful my low-cut top is doing most of the work for me. The man is entranced.

In a different life, one that wasn’t ruled entirely by a man I’m never supposed to have, this guy would be perfect for me. He’s handsome, and before the last couple of shots he tossed back in rapid succession, he actually sounded halfway intelligent. Normal is a fantasy though. It’s not something I’ll ever be allowed. Normal is for suburbanites, not for the only daughter of a notorious biker. As a Princess born into a one-percenter biker club, I’ll never know normal. I accepted it a long time ago, but there are men in my life that would happily see me end up a virgin cat lady. That shit isn’t going to fly if I have anything to do with it.

“I said I was told not to, not that I was going to listen.” He gives me a mega-watt smile, and I sort of feel guilty that he may be missing a few of those perfect, white teeth before he makes it home tonight.

Does that make me evil? Uncivilized? Maybe, but things are different for us at the Ravens Ruin clubhouse. We don’t follow social norms. In fact, we shun most of them, living by the if it feels good, do it mentality. Well, everybody else does. I’m treated like a ten year old. I’m surprised I’m even allowed in the clubhouse when there’s a party going on.

“I like a man who knows what he wants.” I run my finger over his lip while biting mine for effect. “Why don’t you meet me in room three? Down the hallway to the left.”

The speed in which he sucks down the remainder of his beer, heading in that direction is damn near comical. I look around, blatantly suspicious, and all the while not making eye contact with Briar, before turning around and heading in that direction as well.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

Briar’s grip on my arm is firm but not painful. He caught up faster than I’d anticipated, having reached me just a few feet down the back hallway that leads to the entertainment rooms.

I grin before rolling my lips between my teeth and turning to face him.

“Having a little fun,” I tell him with an air of nonchalance. “Now if you’ll let me go, I have someone waiting for me.”

“Like hell you do,” he spits.

In my dreams and fantasies, this is where he’d shove me against the wall and claim me. He’d tell me he’s the only man who can touch my lips or see my body. He’s the one who will take my virginity and only when I’m ready. This is where he’d confess his love for me and vow to cherish me for the rest of his life. We’d face my brother together, a united force that couldn’t be separated by the force of my family.

He releases my arm, and I know instantly that tonight won’t go the way I have dreamed.

“Okay, Molly.” He runs a rough hand over the top of his dark hair. “You win. We can’t protect you forever.”


He’s referencing himself, and my brothers Lynch and TJ, like I’m a baby that needs constant supervision.

My heart implodes with each inch he steps away from me.

“If that guy is who you want—” His throat works on a thick swallow. “Then all I can say is use protection. Be safe.”

He’s either calling my bluff, or he really doesn’t care that another man is waiting for me down the hallway.

Neither one of the scenarios are ones I’ve considered. I don’t have a contingency plan for this. In each one of my mental schemes, he’s reacted in a possessive way. Fantasy Briar would never walk away and let me join some horny guy alone in a room only used for sex. He would never tell me to be safe knowing I was about to give away something that belonged only to him.

Tears sting the backs of my eyes as doubt settles in my gut. Have I been reading him wrong since I got home? Have I misinterpreted the way his eyes follow me? Is he only keeping an eye on me because of an order he’s following from his president?

“That’s it?” I spit. It’s true what they say about the thin line between love and hate. I just jumped over the damn thing with both feet. “Be safe?”

He nods but refuses to look me in the eye.

“Any pointers?” I snip. “Anything I need to tell him? Or do you think he knows how to pop my cherry without hurting me?”

His jaw tenses, but still, he remains silent.

“I hope he makes me come first. I hear that helps with the pain.”

“Molly,” he warns.

“I don’t think I’ll even tell him,” I continue. “He won’t think I’m a virgin. No one else in the clubhouse is.”
